Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 406: Enhancing Gut Health and Performance: The Ultimate Supplement Stack

June 28, 202420 min read

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;13;11


If you are not eating a diverse array of animal protein, like if you're just eating chicken all day for every meal we need to switch out of your body needs sufficient amino acids.

00;00;13;11 - 00;00;31;10


And this has nothing to do with the macro. It has everything to do with the micro. If you eat one source of protein all day every day, or just two sources of protein all day everyday like chicken and eggs, you're missing the mark on a lot of amino acids is going to make you deficient in those and it's probably going to lead to dysfunction of some sort.

00;00;31;10 - 00;00;53;08


Somewhere in your body, you're going to grow worse, you're going to maintain muscle, want to prep worse, could have worse digestion because you're not going to be as resilient. From a gut lining standpoint. I mean, who doesn't want to build more muscle, have better digestion and be able to keep more muscle during a contest prep? I can't think of anybody, but if that's your cup of tea, don't use organic beef bone broth.

00;00;53;08 - 00;01;21;06


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00;01;21;08 - 00;01;28;26


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00;01;28;26 - 00;01;49;06


You guys see me posting about my digestion stack that my clients are doing first thing in the morning. If you are a client of mine, you know this stack already. Let's get into the nuts and bolts of what's going on. First thing in the morning, we need to address a few things. Stomach acid, stomach acid and microbiome respond to everything we're doing throughout the day.

00;01;49;09 - 00;02;10;02


When you're stressed, which training puts you in a stress state? Cardio can put you in a stress state. We live in a stressful life because of social media, because of stressors, because of whatever it is going on. Adding more stomach acid is almost never going to be a bad thing. Of course, within reason, if you chug a gallon of apple cider vinegar any day is probably not going to be the best thing for you.

00;02;10;02 - 00;02;37;16


It might even burn your esophagus. Would not recommend. We also need to address gut permeability. We need to address mucosa which lines the gut. We need to address the motility. The stomach and the intestines should be clear every single day. And if they're not, over time, you're going to see bacteria build up, which then start fermenting as they grow more and more and colonize and feed on the nutrients that you're taking in, which also forms biofilms.

00;02;37;22 - 00;02;55;02


If things get nasty at that point, you have SIBO or you're on your way to having SIBO and then we have to do a whole fix, we can prevent that. We have primed the GI tract for a day of breaking down the field to our life. This is more than muscle building or fat loss. There's a fuel to our life and effort, efficient and micronutrients.

00;02;55;02 - 00;03;22;13


But we have this flourishing diet. It's probably because stomach acid is too low to break everything down. So I want you to think from your saliva in your mouth all the way through your anus for a politically correct term while I'm going through this apple cider vinegar. Can I have cider vinegar? Really help you lose body fat? Apple cider vinegar does not induce lipolysis directly.

00;03;22;15 - 00;03;53;27


Instead, what apple cider vinegar does, it can be very useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome, as indicated by the Journal of Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry in 2009. And this has not been overruled since then. So this is pretty concrete at this point. The weight loss that you can see from apple cider vinegar, it starts to be influenced by the acetic acid, which is believed to suppress appetite, increase metabolism, as well as reduce water retention.

00;03;53;29 - 00;04;18;24


I mean, that is so important for every goal that you guys have Who's listening to this right now. There's also the theory is apple cider vinegar interferes with your body's digestion of starch, resulting in fewer calories entering your bloodstream. So it also lowers blood glucose. Thus, again, lower blood glucose means that we have greater ability to mobilize triglycerides into fatty acids to be used as fuel in the body.

00;04;18;27 - 00;04;38;12


Apple cider vinegar has a piece similar to stomach acid, so you can pretty much ensure your son is going to have sufficient amounts of acid to promote proper digestion. You prevent heartburn and acid reflux if you have enough acid in the stomach. And if you don't, the sphincter underneath your esophagus is not going to close all the way.

00;04;38;12 - 00;04;56;19


It's going to stay somewhat open and that is going to cause stomach acid to enter your throat. And that's what causes, quote unquote, heartburn. It's not due loss on the gas. They're not high. Some gases due to low stomach acid. If you're a doctor and they give you antacid medications, it's going to get worse by the first side of a cold sinus infection.

00;04;56;20 - 00;05;15;02


Allergies, apple cider vinegar can be great because it's going to reduce congestion than mucus. I actually have a cheat code for you. You feel one of these things coming on, you're going to get one of those nasal decongestant things that shoots the saline water up your nose and comes out. The other side is super nasty. You're in mix a little bit like three or four grams of I'm cider vinegar in there.

00;05;15;05 - 00;05;37;05


This sounds way less pleasant than it actually is promising. Really Feel anything? Shut that up there. Let it come out and it's going to get so much more gunk, if you will, out of your nose, ear be feeling way better. You're also going to heal much faster is all those germs and inflammation inducing thing from your sinuses are all going to be flushed out.

00;05;37;07 - 00;06;06;23


That's exactly what you need to do to combat allergies, cold, whatever the case may be. Outside of vinegar can help relieve an upset stomach because the enzymes produced during the fermentation process support proper digestion by contributing to the breakdown and assimilation of foods. As we discuss with having a flourishing diet that you still might be micronutrient deficient by not bringing everything down so that your body can maintain a proper age, which ACV helps you do, you're going to have greater mineral processing.

00;06;06;26 - 00;06;28;18


You're the acetic acid is going to provide relief from bloating and gas. If you're bloated, if you're actually gassy, take some SUV. It's going to help your body absorb the minerals, digest protein, mobilize calcium, which for women is extremely important. For men, it is as well. Men seem to have better calcium levels than women, likely because of the way that men eat more true dairy.

00;06;28;19 - 00;07;03;17


The women do malic acid. There's also an apple cider vinegar has antibacterial antifungal antiviral properties, so helps your body address bowel irregularities, pectin and unprocessed apple cider vinegar soothes intestinal spasms. So it's going to relax your intestine so our things to greater pass through really no reason not be using apple cider vinegar kimchi. If you give a client kimchi and they feel more bloated after having a kimchi than before, this is telltale sign of SIBO.

00;07;03;20 - 00;07;31;17


Kimchi is a fermented food. If you have small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, you already have fermentation happening your gut. Now we just put more things in there that are fermented, making them feel more bloated, more gassy. This happens is a really cheap SIBO test and I highly recommend this if this happens, you simply pull it out and you just start the gut dysfunction protocol that I teach about in-depth in my mentorship to fix the SIBO.

00;07;31;19 - 00;07;53;12


Within eight weeks it'll be healed up and ready to go. Some people say 1216 we have it pretty much down to an eight week size at this point. It's pretty fantastic. Fermented foods are packed with beneficial microorganisms that most people, especially in the United States, do not get elsewhere. I mean, 85% of your immune system is in your gut.

00;07;53;14 - 00;08;27;17


So if you're chronically sick, you have gut dysfunction. Fermented foods can greatly help that there are over 100 trillion bacteria that live in your gut. They stimulate Secretary IGA, which is a direct indication of how healthful your immune response is going to be. Which GI tract is not properly balanced. A wide range of health problems going to beer allergies, autoimmune diseases over the past three years, research has revealed that microbes of all kind viruses, fungi, bacteria, they play instrumental roles in functioning your body.

00;08;27;19 - 00;08;54;09


Not all of them are bad. A lot of them are good. So actually I really want to focus on good and bad because we need a proper ratio of all these things to simply optimize our health. So with kimchi, we can counteract inflammation, we can produce vitamins, we can produce protein precursors which help you greater using amino acids you take in.

00;08;54;11 - 00;09;19;29


We can absorb minerals, we can eliminate toxins. It helps your liver do such. We can control asthma. There is the risk of allergies, which I find fascinating. Benefit your mood Mental health impacts your weight positively. Kimchi in particular is very rich in vitamin C due to its fermentation process. It also has lactobacilli bacteria, which is extremely beneficial and most people are deficient in.

00;09;20;02 - 00;09;42;09


People get a GI mab that usually comes back that they're low in it and then we have to take a probiotic, so on, so forth, we could assist fermented foods. I think they work way better than probiotics to potency Antioxidative very strong immune stimulating anti-obesity effects. Kimchi has anti-microbial properties that are going to be effective against pathogenic bacteria.

00;09;42;12 - 00;10;05;17


The lactic acid bacteria formed during the fermentation process is going to help your body break down. Pesticides like nasty glyphosate and things like that get into your body that you don't really want to be there. Help. Like I said, if you're treating someone with bacterial growth, don't use kimchi until the overgrowth is killed off by. But one way to get that overgrowth killed off is by utilizing broken attics.

00;10;05;20 - 00;10;34;10


My preferred go to is ginger tea, first and foremost, and then I'm going to cover some more after this. Ginger tea is as effective as ibuprofen in relieving pain from menstrual cramps in women. It's antibacterial is the antiviral antioxidant is anti parasitic. It contains many antioxidants like ginger oils, zinc loans, showgirls. I made it pronounce that last one wrong, but if you have indigestion, it's not just going to relieve pain.

00;10;34;10 - 00;11;10;00


It's going to stimulate the engine of your stomach without any negative effects. So this is why it's so beneficial for your intestinal track, is every time you use ginger tea, it's going to promote motility. Ginger does inhibit H. Pylori as well. How many people struggle with pain? Just awful effects from age pylori. We can literally inhibit this by using ginger tea, help prevent ulcers, protects gastric mucosa, which most people are very low in is this protects the gut lining from being attacked.

00;11;10;03 - 00;11;34;28


But speaking of the gut lining, it's mostly made of four different things zinc, glutamine, collagen glycine. Let's talk about glycine and collagen organic beef, bone broth. You guys have all seen that together. McGrath is using organic beef bone broth college in accounts for 30% of the total protein in your body. Collagen supplements are not near as good as organic beef bone broth.

00;11;35;00 - 00;12;04;09


They're also way cheaper. I mean, collagen is going to provide structural support to tissues, skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage. They can stretch and maintain tissue integrity. So, yeah, you can prevent injury by being sufficient in collagen, which organic beef overall has. So why would you not be using that? It's crucial for repairing soft tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue.

00;12;04;11 - 00;12;37;20


And especially as you get older and older, you're college and levels drop so we can do simply increases. Subodh glycine makes up nearly one third of the amino acids in college and college is very high and many building blocks of amino acids. That is kind of the base foundation matrix of connective tissue. So if you're injured, adding a lot of organic beef bone broth, I mean, again, it's not really something you can overeat, there's only protein and there's decently high sodium in some.

00;12;37;23 - 00;13;03;09


I personally just like the I like the H-E-B, I like to Trader Joe's when I think they're fantastic, I highly recommend those. But you could also just make it yourself. So if you are not eating a diverse array of animal protein, like if you're just eating chicken all day for every meal we need to switch out of your body needs sufficient amino acids.

00;13;03;09 - 00;13;21;08


And this has nothing to do with the macro. It has everything to do with the micro. If you eat one source of protein all day every day, or just two sources of protein all day everyday like chicken and eggs, you're missing the mark on a lot of amino acids is going to make you deficient in those and it's probably going to lead to dysfunction of some sort.

00;13;21;08 - 00;13;44;01


Somewhere in your body, you're going to grow worse, you're going to maintain muscle, want to prep worse, could have worse digestion because you're not going to be as resilient. From a gut lining standpoint. I mean, who doesn't want to build more muscle, have better digestion and be able to keep more muscle during a contest prep? I can't think of anybody, but if that's your cup of tea, don't use organic beef bone broth.

00;13;44;04 - 00;14;12;11


Collagen contains high levels of amino acids with anti-inflammatory and longevity promoting properties. So I'm trying to look for cons of organic beef bone broth. I haven't found any glutamine. Every 3 to 7 days you get a new gut lining. Your stomach is continually repairing itself only if you provide the foundational principles it needs to repair itself. So this, because you have a certain food intolerance now, does not mean you have to have it forever.

00;14;12;11 - 00;14;41;11


Every gut related issue can be fixed collagen, gelatin, glutamine, zinc, kind of build an unshakable foundation for a healthy gut. It's important to as good to me daily because you're something exciting to be able to repair itself on its own. And if it's starting behind the eight ball already and we have toxins leaking into your bloodstream called leaky gut, then we should really take a lot of glutamine and peak week, for example, with my athletes.

00;14;41;11 - 00;15;03;20


I'll take that good me up to 30 grams. 40. You're not going to possibly have like way too much glutamine unless your stools become very loose and like, painful loose stools here. And there's normal rigor. Honestly, if you have three bowel movements a day, which probably should be at least two three. Yeah, one of those might be a little bit loose, but not uncomfortable.

00;15;03;20 - 00;15;32;28


That's that's okay. That's kind of normal. So glutamine can help sustain the balance of gut microbiome. It increases the expression of tight junction proteins. So if your stomach is like this and there's ability for things to pass through, glutamine helps it to this incompletely tighten itself up. So nothing can pass through, helps minimize inflammatory response situations of gut mucosal irritation, which most people have, especially on high protein diets.

00;15;33;00 - 00;15;54;13


So similar to bone broth. I'm trying to look for downsides. I'm not find any aloe vera juice because it's so high in vitamin C, it prevents stomach ulcers, so high magnesium treats constipation with really no downsides. How many times do you cut yourself? And your grandma is like, less sauce and aloe vera on it, and you cut this stem of the aloe vera, You put it on your skin.

00;15;54;13 - 00;16;14;16


It's getting better. Yeah, imagine that. Your gut looks pretty good. I would highly recommend that I like four ounces a day. I think it can be very beneficial for us. It can also help treat acne psoriasis as 19 of the 20 required amino acids in seven of the eight that are considered essential. Now you're going to grow muscle because of all of the No.

00;16;14;23 - 00;16;39;27


But having this building block matrix only continues to enhance your ability to build more muscle. Speaking of vitamin C, lemon juice, Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, a lot of flavonoids, and it's probably going to be pretty beneficial for helping just about every single nasty illness you can come across, like heart disease, cancer, inflammation, all of those things.

00;16;39;29 - 00;17;12;16


So several degenerative diseases and brain diseases can be traced back to seen citrus flavonoids like lemon lime, potentially oranges to an extent to help combat them with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon is also both anti bacterial. And while I already said anti-inflammatory, and if you have a sore throat that's even more beneficial. I have a client right now who runs a pretty big company here in Austin.

00;17;12;19 - 00;17;35;03


She's had fro issues as long as she can remember. We've been here 13 weeks now, all sun. She has no third issues. She turns 50 at the end of July and she can't remember adult life without it. She attributes me to fixing that. I attribute it to lemon juice. It's that beneficial. And it also has a lot of potassium.

00;17;35;06 - 00;17;53;07


I've talked at length before by people who are heavily involved in fitness and wanting to build muscle. You have to have adequate amounts of potassium in your diet. And we have this massive focus on the macronutrient of protein and we have this massive those on sodium, but we're not talking about potassium much. And Larry helps you build more muscle.

00;17;53;09 - 00;18;24;24


Potassium brings fluid and nutrients into the muscle. So lemon juice gives you a lot of it. Back to the broken addicts, Triphala or magnesium citrate can help manage gut health because they simulate the passage of foods through the intestine because the nervous system is going to is going to calm the intestines and increase smooth muscle contractions. It may decrease transit time as well, but we're not trying to use these is like a full blown laxative.

00;18;24;25 - 00;18;55;18


We just want to use them to be able to promote motility. So pro kinetics, we're on the other G.I. Track. They're very helpful. Where motility is ineffective, things are stagnating. So if you're going through gut health protocol, you're still just feeling really backed up and constipated. Bringing these in can only help like 500 milligrams of triphala we can do it more, even three grams is usually a good to us for magnesium citrate because magnesium can cause some really loose bowels that some people are a little hesitant about.

00;18;55;18 - 00;19;37;06


But really that's just the waist has been building up in your body finally passing through. So Triphala you might not heard of this. An Indian herb made up of 3 to 4 foods, fruits. It is antibacterial antiviral antioxidant antitumor has adaptogenic properties. So there's really no downside in taking this. Now magnesium. When we're treating biofilms like anyone with SIBO, we're going want to pull that out along with zinc as well because those biofilms are going to feed on that magnesium and zinc that we're bringing in and it's going to help them have a more rigid integrity and they will continue to attack your immune system, your gut lining, making it worse and worse.

00;19;37;08 - 00;20;08;07


So you think you're doing something good for yourself. But the reality is the biofilms are just eating away at it. So poor magnesium pulls zinc and we're reduce we're going to bring in something has ac, e, c, g, c in it. This will help attack and weaken those biofilms. And then about 30 minutes after that, we're into this whole gut health attack and take the SGC one to bring in sale on cinnamon, about three grams Berberine HCA about 500 milligrams 2000 milligrams is somebody's stomach can handle it.

00;20;08;09 - 00;20;33;19


The arrows are attacking those biofilms with those antimicrobials like the C on cinnamon, the berberine. And you're seeing a really positive effect over time if you're attacking biofilms. One thing to keep in mind is you might start feeling old, nauseous and sick at first. This is normal. Those biofilms are weakening, they're getting eradicated and we kind of have to push through this to be able to get to the other side.

00;20;33;21 - 00;21;00;25


So my final thoughts on broken addicts, that's just simply promoting motility. If we're making a slow progress through GI issues, let's think about broken addicts and the migraine emoticon complex. We shouldn't be eating entire food all day throughout the day. If we're treating gut this process, pull meals down to a complete minimum one or two meals a day, Can we fast for a day and really crush this digest stack and really get a lot of far ahead?

00;21;00;28 - 00;21;28;20


If you have true GI dysfunction, then you're probably not very hungry anyway, so I don't think there would be much negative that happens for that when you're migrating motor complexes, then able to move food and remove waste bacteria will overgrow. So take your pro kinetics in the morning. But I do recommend taking a bigger dosage before bed so that we can be in a controlled environment if a ball movement does very quickly, we need to run to the bathroom.

00;21;28;22 - 00;21;49;14


A slow migrating motor complex is usually due to methane SIBO while a rapid migrating motor complex is going to be more affiliated with hydrogen SIBO. So keep that in mind as you turn your people or if you're treating yourself, if you need help with this, contact me for my mentorship or contact any other more fitness coaches. We are very good to handle this.

00;21;49;20 - 00;21;51;02


Hope this helps.

00;21;51;02 - 00;21;53;15

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Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 406: Enhancing Gut Health and Performance: The Ultimate Supplement Stack

June 28, 202420 min read

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;13;11


If you are not eating a diverse array of animal protein, like if you're just eating chicken all day for every meal we need to switch out of your body needs sufficient amino acids.

00;00;13;11 - 00;00;31;10


And this has nothing to do with the macro. It has everything to do with the micro. If you eat one source of protein all day every day, or just two sources of protein all day everyday like chicken and eggs, you're missing the mark on a lot of amino acids is going to make you deficient in those and it's probably going to lead to dysfunction of some sort.

00;00;31;10 - 00;00;53;08


Somewhere in your body, you're going to grow worse, you're going to maintain muscle, want to prep worse, could have worse digestion because you're not going to be as resilient. From a gut lining standpoint. I mean, who doesn't want to build more muscle, have better digestion and be able to keep more muscle during a contest prep? I can't think of anybody, but if that's your cup of tea, don't use organic beef bone broth.

00;00;53;08 - 00;01;21;06


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00;01;21;08 - 00;01;28;26


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00;01;28;26 - 00;01;49;06


You guys see me posting about my digestion stack that my clients are doing first thing in the morning. If you are a client of mine, you know this stack already. Let's get into the nuts and bolts of what's going on. First thing in the morning, we need to address a few things. Stomach acid, stomach acid and microbiome respond to everything we're doing throughout the day.

00;01;49;09 - 00;02;10;02


When you're stressed, which training puts you in a stress state? Cardio can put you in a stress state. We live in a stressful life because of social media, because of stressors, because of whatever it is going on. Adding more stomach acid is almost never going to be a bad thing. Of course, within reason, if you chug a gallon of apple cider vinegar any day is probably not going to be the best thing for you.

00;02;10;02 - 00;02;37;16


It might even burn your esophagus. Would not recommend. We also need to address gut permeability. We need to address mucosa which lines the gut. We need to address the motility. The stomach and the intestines should be clear every single day. And if they're not, over time, you're going to see bacteria build up, which then start fermenting as they grow more and more and colonize and feed on the nutrients that you're taking in, which also forms biofilms.

00;02;37;22 - 00;02;55;02


If things get nasty at that point, you have SIBO or you're on your way to having SIBO and then we have to do a whole fix, we can prevent that. We have primed the GI tract for a day of breaking down the field to our life. This is more than muscle building or fat loss. There's a fuel to our life and effort, efficient and micronutrients.

00;02;55;02 - 00;03;22;13


But we have this flourishing diet. It's probably because stomach acid is too low to break everything down. So I want you to think from your saliva in your mouth all the way through your anus for a politically correct term while I'm going through this apple cider vinegar. Can I have cider vinegar? Really help you lose body fat? Apple cider vinegar does not induce lipolysis directly.

00;03;22;15 - 00;03;53;27


Instead, what apple cider vinegar does, it can be very useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome, as indicated by the Journal of Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry in 2009. And this has not been overruled since then. So this is pretty concrete at this point. The weight loss that you can see from apple cider vinegar, it starts to be influenced by the acetic acid, which is believed to suppress appetite, increase metabolism, as well as reduce water retention.

00;03;53;29 - 00;04;18;24


I mean, that is so important for every goal that you guys have Who's listening to this right now. There's also the theory is apple cider vinegar interferes with your body's digestion of starch, resulting in fewer calories entering your bloodstream. So it also lowers blood glucose. Thus, again, lower blood glucose means that we have greater ability to mobilize triglycerides into fatty acids to be used as fuel in the body.

00;04;18;27 - 00;04;38;12


Apple cider vinegar has a piece similar to stomach acid, so you can pretty much ensure your son is going to have sufficient amounts of acid to promote proper digestion. You prevent heartburn and acid reflux if you have enough acid in the stomach. And if you don't, the sphincter underneath your esophagus is not going to close all the way.

00;04;38;12 - 00;04;56;19


It's going to stay somewhat open and that is going to cause stomach acid to enter your throat. And that's what causes, quote unquote, heartburn. It's not due loss on the gas. They're not high. Some gases due to low stomach acid. If you're a doctor and they give you antacid medications, it's going to get worse by the first side of a cold sinus infection.

00;04;56;20 - 00;05;15;02


Allergies, apple cider vinegar can be great because it's going to reduce congestion than mucus. I actually have a cheat code for you. You feel one of these things coming on, you're going to get one of those nasal decongestant things that shoots the saline water up your nose and comes out. The other side is super nasty. You're in mix a little bit like three or four grams of I'm cider vinegar in there.

00;05;15;05 - 00;05;37;05


This sounds way less pleasant than it actually is promising. Really Feel anything? Shut that up there. Let it come out and it's going to get so much more gunk, if you will, out of your nose, ear be feeling way better. You're also going to heal much faster is all those germs and inflammation inducing thing from your sinuses are all going to be flushed out.

00;05;37;07 - 00;06;06;23


That's exactly what you need to do to combat allergies, cold, whatever the case may be. Outside of vinegar can help relieve an upset stomach because the enzymes produced during the fermentation process support proper digestion by contributing to the breakdown and assimilation of foods. As we discuss with having a flourishing diet that you still might be micronutrient deficient by not bringing everything down so that your body can maintain a proper age, which ACV helps you do, you're going to have greater mineral processing.

00;06;06;26 - 00;06;28;18


You're the acetic acid is going to provide relief from bloating and gas. If you're bloated, if you're actually gassy, take some SUV. It's going to help your body absorb the minerals, digest protein, mobilize calcium, which for women is extremely important. For men, it is as well. Men seem to have better calcium levels than women, likely because of the way that men eat more true dairy.

00;06;28;19 - 00;07;03;17


The women do malic acid. There's also an apple cider vinegar has antibacterial antifungal antiviral properties, so helps your body address bowel irregularities, pectin and unprocessed apple cider vinegar soothes intestinal spasms. So it's going to relax your intestine so our things to greater pass through really no reason not be using apple cider vinegar kimchi. If you give a client kimchi and they feel more bloated after having a kimchi than before, this is telltale sign of SIBO.

00;07;03;20 - 00;07;31;17


Kimchi is a fermented food. If you have small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, you already have fermentation happening your gut. Now we just put more things in there that are fermented, making them feel more bloated, more gassy. This happens is a really cheap SIBO test and I highly recommend this if this happens, you simply pull it out and you just start the gut dysfunction protocol that I teach about in-depth in my mentorship to fix the SIBO.

00;07;31;19 - 00;07;53;12


Within eight weeks it'll be healed up and ready to go. Some people say 1216 we have it pretty much down to an eight week size at this point. It's pretty fantastic. Fermented foods are packed with beneficial microorganisms that most people, especially in the United States, do not get elsewhere. I mean, 85% of your immune system is in your gut.

00;07;53;14 - 00;08;27;17


So if you're chronically sick, you have gut dysfunction. Fermented foods can greatly help that there are over 100 trillion bacteria that live in your gut. They stimulate Secretary IGA, which is a direct indication of how healthful your immune response is going to be. Which GI tract is not properly balanced. A wide range of health problems going to beer allergies, autoimmune diseases over the past three years, research has revealed that microbes of all kind viruses, fungi, bacteria, they play instrumental roles in functioning your body.

00;08;27;19 - 00;08;54;09


Not all of them are bad. A lot of them are good. So actually I really want to focus on good and bad because we need a proper ratio of all these things to simply optimize our health. So with kimchi, we can counteract inflammation, we can produce vitamins, we can produce protein precursors which help you greater using amino acids you take in.

00;08;54;11 - 00;09;19;29


We can absorb minerals, we can eliminate toxins. It helps your liver do such. We can control asthma. There is the risk of allergies, which I find fascinating. Benefit your mood Mental health impacts your weight positively. Kimchi in particular is very rich in vitamin C due to its fermentation process. It also has lactobacilli bacteria, which is extremely beneficial and most people are deficient in.

00;09;20;02 - 00;09;42;09


People get a GI mab that usually comes back that they're low in it and then we have to take a probiotic, so on, so forth, we could assist fermented foods. I think they work way better than probiotics to potency Antioxidative very strong immune stimulating anti-obesity effects. Kimchi has anti-microbial properties that are going to be effective against pathogenic bacteria.

00;09;42;12 - 00;10;05;17


The lactic acid bacteria formed during the fermentation process is going to help your body break down. Pesticides like nasty glyphosate and things like that get into your body that you don't really want to be there. Help. Like I said, if you're treating someone with bacterial growth, don't use kimchi until the overgrowth is killed off by. But one way to get that overgrowth killed off is by utilizing broken attics.

00;10;05;20 - 00;10;34;10


My preferred go to is ginger tea, first and foremost, and then I'm going to cover some more after this. Ginger tea is as effective as ibuprofen in relieving pain from menstrual cramps in women. It's antibacterial is the antiviral antioxidant is anti parasitic. It contains many antioxidants like ginger oils, zinc loans, showgirls. I made it pronounce that last one wrong, but if you have indigestion, it's not just going to relieve pain.

00;10;34;10 - 00;11;10;00


It's going to stimulate the engine of your stomach without any negative effects. So this is why it's so beneficial for your intestinal track, is every time you use ginger tea, it's going to promote motility. Ginger does inhibit H. Pylori as well. How many people struggle with pain? Just awful effects from age pylori. We can literally inhibit this by using ginger tea, help prevent ulcers, protects gastric mucosa, which most people are very low in is this protects the gut lining from being attacked.

00;11;10;03 - 00;11;34;28


But speaking of the gut lining, it's mostly made of four different things zinc, glutamine, collagen glycine. Let's talk about glycine and collagen organic beef, bone broth. You guys have all seen that together. McGrath is using organic beef bone broth college in accounts for 30% of the total protein in your body. Collagen supplements are not near as good as organic beef bone broth.

00;11;35;00 - 00;12;04;09


They're also way cheaper. I mean, collagen is going to provide structural support to tissues, skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage. They can stretch and maintain tissue integrity. So, yeah, you can prevent injury by being sufficient in collagen, which organic beef overall has. So why would you not be using that? It's crucial for repairing soft tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue.

00;12;04;11 - 00;12;37;20


And especially as you get older and older, you're college and levels drop so we can do simply increases. Subodh glycine makes up nearly one third of the amino acids in college and college is very high and many building blocks of amino acids. That is kind of the base foundation matrix of connective tissue. So if you're injured, adding a lot of organic beef bone broth, I mean, again, it's not really something you can overeat, there's only protein and there's decently high sodium in some.

00;12;37;23 - 00;13;03;09


I personally just like the I like the H-E-B, I like to Trader Joe's when I think they're fantastic, I highly recommend those. But you could also just make it yourself. So if you are not eating a diverse array of animal protein, like if you're just eating chicken all day for every meal we need to switch out of your body needs sufficient amino acids.

00;13;03;09 - 00;13;21;08


And this has nothing to do with the macro. It has everything to do with the micro. If you eat one source of protein all day every day, or just two sources of protein all day everyday like chicken and eggs, you're missing the mark on a lot of amino acids is going to make you deficient in those and it's probably going to lead to dysfunction of some sort.

00;13;21;08 - 00;13;44;01


Somewhere in your body, you're going to grow worse, you're going to maintain muscle, want to prep worse, could have worse digestion because you're not going to be as resilient. From a gut lining standpoint. I mean, who doesn't want to build more muscle, have better digestion and be able to keep more muscle during a contest prep? I can't think of anybody, but if that's your cup of tea, don't use organic beef bone broth.

00;13;44;04 - 00;14;12;11


Collagen contains high levels of amino acids with anti-inflammatory and longevity promoting properties. So I'm trying to look for cons of organic beef bone broth. I haven't found any glutamine. Every 3 to 7 days you get a new gut lining. Your stomach is continually repairing itself only if you provide the foundational principles it needs to repair itself. So this, because you have a certain food intolerance now, does not mean you have to have it forever.

00;14;12;11 - 00;14;41;11


Every gut related issue can be fixed collagen, gelatin, glutamine, zinc, kind of build an unshakable foundation for a healthy gut. It's important to as good to me daily because you're something exciting to be able to repair itself on its own. And if it's starting behind the eight ball already and we have toxins leaking into your bloodstream called leaky gut, then we should really take a lot of glutamine and peak week, for example, with my athletes.

00;14;41;11 - 00;15;03;20


I'll take that good me up to 30 grams. 40. You're not going to possibly have like way too much glutamine unless your stools become very loose and like, painful loose stools here. And there's normal rigor. Honestly, if you have three bowel movements a day, which probably should be at least two three. Yeah, one of those might be a little bit loose, but not uncomfortable.

00;15;03;20 - 00;15;32;28


That's that's okay. That's kind of normal. So glutamine can help sustain the balance of gut microbiome. It increases the expression of tight junction proteins. So if your stomach is like this and there's ability for things to pass through, glutamine helps it to this incompletely tighten itself up. So nothing can pass through, helps minimize inflammatory response situations of gut mucosal irritation, which most people have, especially on high protein diets.

00;15;33;00 - 00;15;54;13


So similar to bone broth. I'm trying to look for downsides. I'm not find any aloe vera juice because it's so high in vitamin C, it prevents stomach ulcers, so high magnesium treats constipation with really no downsides. How many times do you cut yourself? And your grandma is like, less sauce and aloe vera on it, and you cut this stem of the aloe vera, You put it on your skin.

00;15;54;13 - 00;16;14;16


It's getting better. Yeah, imagine that. Your gut looks pretty good. I would highly recommend that I like four ounces a day. I think it can be very beneficial for us. It can also help treat acne psoriasis as 19 of the 20 required amino acids in seven of the eight that are considered essential. Now you're going to grow muscle because of all of the No.

00;16;14;23 - 00;16;39;27


But having this building block matrix only continues to enhance your ability to build more muscle. Speaking of vitamin C, lemon juice, Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, a lot of flavonoids, and it's probably going to be pretty beneficial for helping just about every single nasty illness you can come across, like heart disease, cancer, inflammation, all of those things.

00;16;39;29 - 00;17;12;16


So several degenerative diseases and brain diseases can be traced back to seen citrus flavonoids like lemon lime, potentially oranges to an extent to help combat them with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon is also both anti bacterial. And while I already said anti-inflammatory, and if you have a sore throat that's even more beneficial. I have a client right now who runs a pretty big company here in Austin.

00;17;12;19 - 00;17;35;03


She's had fro issues as long as she can remember. We've been here 13 weeks now, all sun. She has no third issues. She turns 50 at the end of July and she can't remember adult life without it. She attributes me to fixing that. I attribute it to lemon juice. It's that beneficial. And it also has a lot of potassium.

00;17;35;06 - 00;17;53;07


I've talked at length before by people who are heavily involved in fitness and wanting to build muscle. You have to have adequate amounts of potassium in your diet. And we have this massive focus on the macronutrient of protein and we have this massive those on sodium, but we're not talking about potassium much. And Larry helps you build more muscle.

00;17;53;09 - 00;18;24;24


Potassium brings fluid and nutrients into the muscle. So lemon juice gives you a lot of it. Back to the broken addicts, Triphala or magnesium citrate can help manage gut health because they simulate the passage of foods through the intestine because the nervous system is going to is going to calm the intestines and increase smooth muscle contractions. It may decrease transit time as well, but we're not trying to use these is like a full blown laxative.

00;18;24;25 - 00;18;55;18


We just want to use them to be able to promote motility. So pro kinetics, we're on the other G.I. Track. They're very helpful. Where motility is ineffective, things are stagnating. So if you're going through gut health protocol, you're still just feeling really backed up and constipated. Bringing these in can only help like 500 milligrams of triphala we can do it more, even three grams is usually a good to us for magnesium citrate because magnesium can cause some really loose bowels that some people are a little hesitant about.

00;18;55;18 - 00;19;37;06


But really that's just the waist has been building up in your body finally passing through. So Triphala you might not heard of this. An Indian herb made up of 3 to 4 foods, fruits. It is antibacterial antiviral antioxidant antitumor has adaptogenic properties. So there's really no downside in taking this. Now magnesium. When we're treating biofilms like anyone with SIBO, we're going want to pull that out along with zinc as well because those biofilms are going to feed on that magnesium and zinc that we're bringing in and it's going to help them have a more rigid integrity and they will continue to attack your immune system, your gut lining, making it worse and worse.

00;19;37;08 - 00;20;08;07


So you think you're doing something good for yourself. But the reality is the biofilms are just eating away at it. So poor magnesium pulls zinc and we're reduce we're going to bring in something has ac, e, c, g, c in it. This will help attack and weaken those biofilms. And then about 30 minutes after that, we're into this whole gut health attack and take the SGC one to bring in sale on cinnamon, about three grams Berberine HCA about 500 milligrams 2000 milligrams is somebody's stomach can handle it.

00;20;08;09 - 00;20;33;19


The arrows are attacking those biofilms with those antimicrobials like the C on cinnamon, the berberine. And you're seeing a really positive effect over time if you're attacking biofilms. One thing to keep in mind is you might start feeling old, nauseous and sick at first. This is normal. Those biofilms are weakening, they're getting eradicated and we kind of have to push through this to be able to get to the other side.

00;20;33;21 - 00;21;00;25


So my final thoughts on broken addicts, that's just simply promoting motility. If we're making a slow progress through GI issues, let's think about broken addicts and the migraine emoticon complex. We shouldn't be eating entire food all day throughout the day. If we're treating gut this process, pull meals down to a complete minimum one or two meals a day, Can we fast for a day and really crush this digest stack and really get a lot of far ahead?

00;21;00;28 - 00;21;28;20


If you have true GI dysfunction, then you're probably not very hungry anyway, so I don't think there would be much negative that happens for that when you're migrating motor complexes, then able to move food and remove waste bacteria will overgrow. So take your pro kinetics in the morning. But I do recommend taking a bigger dosage before bed so that we can be in a controlled environment if a ball movement does very quickly, we need to run to the bathroom.

00;21;28;22 - 00;21;49;14


A slow migrating motor complex is usually due to methane SIBO while a rapid migrating motor complex is going to be more affiliated with hydrogen SIBO. So keep that in mind as you turn your people or if you're treating yourself, if you need help with this, contact me for my mentorship or contact any other more fitness coaches. We are very good to handle this.

00;21;49;20 - 00;21;51;02


Hope this helps.

00;21;51;02 - 00;21;53;15

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