Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 407: 5 Facts You Need To Know For Optimal Health

July 05, 202411 min read

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:30:21


The whole world demonized butter, eggs and other sources of saturated fat, but if we get curious, understand why cholesterol tends to be high and we understand that cholesterol's main use in the body is being converted to sex hormones and we understand that thyroid hormone is needed to convert that cholesterol, which is the main hormonal building block into testosterone, progesterone, pregnenalone, vitamin D, DHEA.

00:00:31:00 - 00:01:04:01


Then we understand if thyroid hormones low, a person can be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time. And they're also going to have low vitamin D because the body will fail to synthesize vitamin D out of cholesterol, cholesterols high in the blood. It means that it's not being converted into other hormones. So this reductionist medical model that views problems from the perspective of, well, if high cholesterol causes heart disease and eat less cholesterol, it's not a fix.

00:01:04:03 - 00:01:31:15


Cholesterol is not some bad thing. Cholesterol is not being used for its natural role in the body is a bad thing. So let's get to the root. What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us before the show begins.

00:01:31:19 - 00:01:59:19


If you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously. Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside. Five facts you need to know and number five is probably going to blow your mind and fix so many issues that you've thought you've had to this point.

00:01:59:21 - 00:02:24:14


Number one, activated charcoal is an absolute cheat code. When you are in a health phase or any sort of gut disposes phase and you are going to have to have a meal out way from protocol. I mean, charcoal has been historically and scientifically recognized for its ability to absorb endotoxin that contribute to GI issues and also eliminate toxins from process and low quality foods.

00:02:24:15 - 00:02:46:10


So as a result, charcoal is recommended as a supplement when you're dining out at restaurants or interacting with ingestible things that are going to negatively interact with your gut, especially when you're working on fix your microbiome. Now is not absorbed by your body, so it's free to carry service bound toxins from your body, dispose of them through bowel movements.

00:02:46:10 - 00:03:17:23


But it does not discriminate and what it binds up is why you want to take it while you are having that meal that might not sit well. And the one that never quite digests very well is sets you back. But your family really wanted to go and now you get to take part with it. Now see what dose 50 to 100 grams activated charcoal and take taken within 5 minutes of ingestion may reduce absorption in adults by 74%.

00:03:18:01 - 00:03:47:00


This means you take this with let's be honest, a crap meal. 74% of that toxin load that is in that meal is not going to be absorbed and it's going to be all to pass right through activated charcoal. Absolutely. And get this, you can buy clothing that contains activated charcoal or charcoal pads that you can place inside of your underwear that can absorb foul smelling gas released there in flatulence.

00:03:47:00 - 00:04:09:04


And I had no idea about that. I was recently educating one of my mentees on how to use activated charcoal for a client that they have who has tons and tons and tons of workshops and business meetings that has SIBO and how we can best counteract that. And I just found that absolutely hilarious. So if your gas stinks, just put an activated

00:04:09:04 - 00:04:35:11


Charcoal pad back there and apparently it's not going to smell at all anymore. Number two, there's few markers of metabolic health that are going to be true for anyone who is truly metabolically healthy. We live in this upbeat, fast paced world, full of stressors, full of adrenal drive and quite frankly, almost everyone is running off catecholamines and cortisol rather than actual thyroid.

00:04:35:13 - 00:04:54:14


Your labs are not going to paint the full picture. That's why I came up with the body temperature pulse rate method that I've shared many times. I share on a thyroid podcast. I talk about it in depth in my mentorship. I've shared in the broadcast show on Instagram and I have a Substack article coming on it as well.

00:04:54:16 - 00:05:22:21


So keep your eyes tuned for that. We should have a waking core temperature of 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit opposed to breakfast, temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. We want to have a pulse of 65 to 75 beats per minute. We want to have daily well-formed bowel movements multiple times per day. We won't be sleeping all through the night. We don't want to wake up at least 78 hours of sleep per night.

00:05:22:23 - 00:06:08:16


Really ideal, no digestive issues, bloating, cramping, gas, demoralization or brain fog after meals. We should have any of that. Everything you take in your body should be able to use for what it is nutrition, fuel for women. A monthly ovulation with very minimal PMS. That would be a sign of good metabolic health if you don't have the easiest time looking to the thyroid connection and see where we may be lagging, your bloodwork might tell you that TSC 23 and T4 are all stellar and they might be, but it's going to be skewed based off of your catecholamines, your adrenals, your cortisol being what actually is running your metabolism.

00:06:08:18 - 00:06:38:13


So it's just like NMR and majority of doctors nowadays are senior TSH just calling people hypothyroid or hypothyroid based off of whether it's inches. But your TSH signals when the body needs more T3 to be made. So TSA age cynosure thyroid that T4 needs to be made for is basically a pro hormone for T3, but the T4 cannot get transcribed into T3 if we have liver and backlog.

00:06:38:15 - 00:07:05:11


So if this happens, which as you guys now know, most people have some sort of dysbiosis, then your adrenals are going to overproduce, make cortisol high, make other catecholamines high and those are going to burn energy. If you guys are interested in an adrenal podcast, let me know. I love to make one for you. I have some really cool adrenal health stuff in my mentorships.

00:07:05:13 - 00:07:53:07


I might open some of that up and share with you guys sticking with a thyroid. If you get labs backing out of high cholesterol, then you're probably low thyroid. The whole association of high cholesterol causes heart disease. Now the whole world demonized butter, eggs and other sources of saturated fat. But if we get curious, understand why cholesterol tends to be high and we understand that cholesterol's main use in the body is being converted to sex hormones and we understand that thyroid hormone is needed to convert that cholesterol, which is the main hormonal building block into testosterone, progesterone, pregnant, alone, vitamin D, DHEA.

00:07:53:09 - 00:08:26:11


Then we understand if thyroid hormones low, a person can be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time. And they're so going to have low vitamin D because the body will fail to synthesize vitamin D out of cholesterol, flesh falls high in the blood. It means that it's not being converted into other hormones. So this reduction is medical model that views problems from the perspective of, well, if high cholesterol causes heart disease and eat less cholesterol, it's not a fix.

00:08:26:13 - 00:08:50:17


Cholesterol is not some bad thing. Cholesterol is not being used for its natural role in the body is a bad thing. So let's get to the group. What's become curious as to why cholesterol high in the first place? Medicine today just lacks curiosity and many other pillars of modern society do too. But interestingly enough, curiosity actually requires high metabolic functions.

00:08:50:17 - 00:09:16:22


So it's no wonder that a hypothyroid world lacks curiosity. Ever look at children who are very high thyroid function. You see how highly curious they are to maybe we should start living more like that. Fix the thyroid, fix the adrenals, fix the gut. If you need help with this, you know who to contact. And we love to help you out.

00:09:17:00 - 00:09:42:17


Contrary to women, this is number four men recirculate the iron they just for food. That's a little known fact. Iron for men just recirculate in their body. So you can find researchers who do believe that iron intake could be hazardous to men because iron is not bound to protein in the blood is unstable and prone to oxidation, which causes more stress, more formation.

00:09:42:17 - 00:10:11:02


The body There is a link to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, other cardiovascular disease. Because of the excess oxidation, the high circulating Iowa was cause so many purchase elements that are iron free. Just be safe. Women cycle through iron much faster than men do due to bleeding from menstrual cycles in their body. Just does not recirculate iron in the same fashion the Mrs. so women will commonly have downstream of anemia that's not even focused on iron.

00:10:11:02 - 00:10:36:13


There's so many other vitamins at play leading to anemia, vitamin A, which everyone's deficient in vitamin C, which are when is sufficient. Vitamin D has an interplay, magnesium has an interplay, and women are just simply getting less micronutrients because they're typically eating less variety of animal meat than men are. So if we get to the root yet again, we fix the root, then we're not going to have near as many anemic people.

00:10:36:13 - 00:11:01:19


But you don't really know many men who are anemic, right? Just because men recirculate iron in their blood. Therefore, Mindy, submit with much iron. I would not recommend it unless your blood work actually comes back in some there's low. But then I would look into other minerals and vitamins that were taken in or missing out as well. Here's number five for the people who think that their body doesn't tell tolerate carbs or fat very well.

00:11:01:21 - 00:11:26:07


If you don't tolerate carbs very well, you are a thiamin or vitamin B one, same thing deficient. If you just don't handle fat well at all. And every time you take fat and you feel terrible, the riboflavin or vitamin B2 deficient. So if you don't do well with these things in your diet, I'd be one for carbs, I'd be two for fats.

00:11:26:09 - 00:11:50:02


And they both support methylation. And you're going to notice that, all the sudden I don't feel bad anymore. I feel great. And I actually do use these things well. I was just deficient in micronutrients. Folate or vitamin B9 is like a mental health vitamin. It clears histamine, synthesizes choline and creatine contributes to DNA synthesis, has a positive effect on OCD anxiety, depression.

00:11:50:04 - 00:12:19:16


So when you look in anyone who has some sort of mental downstream happening, they're going to have some sort of vitamin D deficiency. They're going to have high glutamate, and we can very easily fix these things by simply using a methylated b-complex multiple times a day as in and anywhere that things don't get fixed. Add more. I have an amazing micronutrient handbook that's going to be uploaded to my substack by the time this podcast drops.

00:12:19:18 - 00:12:40:19


Of course it is going to be behind a paywall. A ridiculous amount of work went out thing, but man, you can really solve a majority of your issues by accessing that book. So I hope that you do B12 protects your brain from degeneration and quite frankly, B vitamins make our life better in every single way. I had this chat with a mentee earlier today.

00:12:40:21 - 00:13:03:05


If you add methylated B vitamins into your life, your life will not get worse. It'll be impossible. It'll only get better and everyone can take them. I really like the pure encapsulation methylated b-complex. This is about $50 a month, but that's way cheaper than the long term effects of being B vitamin deficient. These are five I think you need to know. As I always have, this helps.

00:13:03:07 - 00:13:07:04


I'll see you guys next time.

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Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 407: 5 Facts You Need To Know For Optimal Health

July 05, 202411 min read

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:30:21


The whole world demonized butter, eggs and other sources of saturated fat, but if we get curious, understand why cholesterol tends to be high and we understand that cholesterol's main use in the body is being converted to sex hormones and we understand that thyroid hormone is needed to convert that cholesterol, which is the main hormonal building block into testosterone, progesterone, pregnenalone, vitamin D, DHEA.

00:00:31:00 - 00:01:04:01


Then we understand if thyroid hormones low, a person can be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time. And they're also going to have low vitamin D because the body will fail to synthesize vitamin D out of cholesterol, cholesterols high in the blood. It means that it's not being converted into other hormones. So this reductionist medical model that views problems from the perspective of, well, if high cholesterol causes heart disease and eat less cholesterol, it's not a fix.

00:01:04:03 - 00:01:31:15


Cholesterol is not some bad thing. Cholesterol is not being used for its natural role in the body is a bad thing. So let's get to the root. What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us before the show begins.

00:01:31:19 - 00:01:59:19


If you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously. Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside. Five facts you need to know and number five is probably going to blow your mind and fix so many issues that you've thought you've had to this point.

00:01:59:21 - 00:02:24:14


Number one, activated charcoal is an absolute cheat code. When you are in a health phase or any sort of gut disposes phase and you are going to have to have a meal out way from protocol. I mean, charcoal has been historically and scientifically recognized for its ability to absorb endotoxin that contribute to GI issues and also eliminate toxins from process and low quality foods.

00:02:24:15 - 00:02:46:10


So as a result, charcoal is recommended as a supplement when you're dining out at restaurants or interacting with ingestible things that are going to negatively interact with your gut, especially when you're working on fix your microbiome. Now is not absorbed by your body, so it's free to carry service bound toxins from your body, dispose of them through bowel movements.

00:02:46:10 - 00:03:17:23


But it does not discriminate and what it binds up is why you want to take it while you are having that meal that might not sit well. And the one that never quite digests very well is sets you back. But your family really wanted to go and now you get to take part with it. Now see what dose 50 to 100 grams activated charcoal and take taken within 5 minutes of ingestion may reduce absorption in adults by 74%.

00:03:18:01 - 00:03:47:00


This means you take this with let's be honest, a crap meal. 74% of that toxin load that is in that meal is not going to be absorbed and it's going to be all to pass right through activated charcoal. Absolutely. And get this, you can buy clothing that contains activated charcoal or charcoal pads that you can place inside of your underwear that can absorb foul smelling gas released there in flatulence.

00:03:47:00 - 00:04:09:04


And I had no idea about that. I was recently educating one of my mentees on how to use activated charcoal for a client that they have who has tons and tons and tons of workshops and business meetings that has SIBO and how we can best counteract that. And I just found that absolutely hilarious. So if your gas stinks, just put an activated

00:04:09:04 - 00:04:35:11


Charcoal pad back there and apparently it's not going to smell at all anymore. Number two, there's few markers of metabolic health that are going to be true for anyone who is truly metabolically healthy. We live in this upbeat, fast paced world, full of stressors, full of adrenal drive and quite frankly, almost everyone is running off catecholamines and cortisol rather than actual thyroid.

00:04:35:13 - 00:04:54:14


Your labs are not going to paint the full picture. That's why I came up with the body temperature pulse rate method that I've shared many times. I share on a thyroid podcast. I talk about it in depth in my mentorship. I've shared in the broadcast show on Instagram and I have a Substack article coming on it as well.

00:04:54:16 - 00:05:22:21


So keep your eyes tuned for that. We should have a waking core temperature of 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit opposed to breakfast, temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. We want to have a pulse of 65 to 75 beats per minute. We want to have daily well-formed bowel movements multiple times per day. We won't be sleeping all through the night. We don't want to wake up at least 78 hours of sleep per night.

00:05:22:23 - 00:06:08:16


Really ideal, no digestive issues, bloating, cramping, gas, demoralization or brain fog after meals. We should have any of that. Everything you take in your body should be able to use for what it is nutrition, fuel for women. A monthly ovulation with very minimal PMS. That would be a sign of good metabolic health if you don't have the easiest time looking to the thyroid connection and see where we may be lagging, your bloodwork might tell you that TSC 23 and T4 are all stellar and they might be, but it's going to be skewed based off of your catecholamines, your adrenals, your cortisol being what actually is running your metabolism.

00:06:08:18 - 00:06:38:13


So it's just like NMR and majority of doctors nowadays are senior TSH just calling people hypothyroid or hypothyroid based off of whether it's inches. But your TSH signals when the body needs more T3 to be made. So TSA age cynosure thyroid that T4 needs to be made for is basically a pro hormone for T3, but the T4 cannot get transcribed into T3 if we have liver and backlog.

00:06:38:15 - 00:07:05:11


So if this happens, which as you guys now know, most people have some sort of dysbiosis, then your adrenals are going to overproduce, make cortisol high, make other catecholamines high and those are going to burn energy. If you guys are interested in an adrenal podcast, let me know. I love to make one for you. I have some really cool adrenal health stuff in my mentorships.

00:07:05:13 - 00:07:53:07


I might open some of that up and share with you guys sticking with a thyroid. If you get labs backing out of high cholesterol, then you're probably low thyroid. The whole association of high cholesterol causes heart disease. Now the whole world demonized butter, eggs and other sources of saturated fat. But if we get curious, understand why cholesterol tends to be high and we understand that cholesterol's main use in the body is being converted to sex hormones and we understand that thyroid hormone is needed to convert that cholesterol, which is the main hormonal building block into testosterone, progesterone, pregnant, alone, vitamin D, DHEA.

00:07:53:09 - 00:08:26:11


Then we understand if thyroid hormones low, a person can be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time. And they're so going to have low vitamin D because the body will fail to synthesize vitamin D out of cholesterol, flesh falls high in the blood. It means that it's not being converted into other hormones. So this reduction is medical model that views problems from the perspective of, well, if high cholesterol causes heart disease and eat less cholesterol, it's not a fix.

00:08:26:13 - 00:08:50:17


Cholesterol is not some bad thing. Cholesterol is not being used for its natural role in the body is a bad thing. So let's get to the group. What's become curious as to why cholesterol high in the first place? Medicine today just lacks curiosity and many other pillars of modern society do too. But interestingly enough, curiosity actually requires high metabolic functions.

00:08:50:17 - 00:09:16:22


So it's no wonder that a hypothyroid world lacks curiosity. Ever look at children who are very high thyroid function. You see how highly curious they are to maybe we should start living more like that. Fix the thyroid, fix the adrenals, fix the gut. If you need help with this, you know who to contact. And we love to help you out.

00:09:17:00 - 00:09:42:17


Contrary to women, this is number four men recirculate the iron they just for food. That's a little known fact. Iron for men just recirculate in their body. So you can find researchers who do believe that iron intake could be hazardous to men because iron is not bound to protein in the blood is unstable and prone to oxidation, which causes more stress, more formation.

00:09:42:17 - 00:10:11:02


The body There is a link to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, other cardiovascular disease. Because of the excess oxidation, the high circulating Iowa was cause so many purchase elements that are iron free. Just be safe. Women cycle through iron much faster than men do due to bleeding from menstrual cycles in their body. Just does not recirculate iron in the same fashion the Mrs. so women will commonly have downstream of anemia that's not even focused on iron.

00:10:11:02 - 00:10:36:13


There's so many other vitamins at play leading to anemia, vitamin A, which everyone's deficient in vitamin C, which are when is sufficient. Vitamin D has an interplay, magnesium has an interplay, and women are just simply getting less micronutrients because they're typically eating less variety of animal meat than men are. So if we get to the root yet again, we fix the root, then we're not going to have near as many anemic people.

00:10:36:13 - 00:11:01:19


But you don't really know many men who are anemic, right? Just because men recirculate iron in their blood. Therefore, Mindy, submit with much iron. I would not recommend it unless your blood work actually comes back in some there's low. But then I would look into other minerals and vitamins that were taken in or missing out as well. Here's number five for the people who think that their body doesn't tell tolerate carbs or fat very well.

00:11:01:21 - 00:11:26:07


If you don't tolerate carbs very well, you are a thiamin or vitamin B one, same thing deficient. If you just don't handle fat well at all. And every time you take fat and you feel terrible, the riboflavin or vitamin B2 deficient. So if you don't do well with these things in your diet, I'd be one for carbs, I'd be two for fats.

00:11:26:09 - 00:11:50:02


And they both support methylation. And you're going to notice that, all the sudden I don't feel bad anymore. I feel great. And I actually do use these things well. I was just deficient in micronutrients. Folate or vitamin B9 is like a mental health vitamin. It clears histamine, synthesizes choline and creatine contributes to DNA synthesis, has a positive effect on OCD anxiety, depression.

00:11:50:04 - 00:12:19:16


So when you look in anyone who has some sort of mental downstream happening, they're going to have some sort of vitamin D deficiency. They're going to have high glutamate, and we can very easily fix these things by simply using a methylated b-complex multiple times a day as in and anywhere that things don't get fixed. Add more. I have an amazing micronutrient handbook that's going to be uploaded to my substack by the time this podcast drops.

00:12:19:18 - 00:12:40:19


Of course it is going to be behind a paywall. A ridiculous amount of work went out thing, but man, you can really solve a majority of your issues by accessing that book. So I hope that you do B12 protects your brain from degeneration and quite frankly, B vitamins make our life better in every single way. I had this chat with a mentee earlier today.

00:12:40:21 - 00:13:03:05


If you add methylated B vitamins into your life, your life will not get worse. It'll be impossible. It'll only get better and everyone can take them. I really like the pure encapsulation methylated b-complex. This is about $50 a month, but that's way cheaper than the long term effects of being B vitamin deficient. These are five I think you need to know. As I always have, this helps.

00:13:03:07 - 00:13:07:04


I'll see you guys next time.

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