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Grow or Die Podcast

EP 408: Lucas Aoun: Unlocking Biohacking Secrets

July 15, 202463 min read

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:32:21


So what happens is and this is probably one of the reasons why a number of guys feel so good after a cold shower or after, you know, a cold plunge. They feel like jacked up and and energized a lot of that. Definitely like no epinephrine, dopamine that's activated. But then also, the reality is that most guys have their testes too warm every single day because they're wearing like really tight underwear or they're sitting with their laptop on their on they're going to crotch area or they're just like driving in the car all day.

00:00:32:23 - 00:01:02:01


And so the test is is getting too warm Any time the like the balls overheat, that literally shuts down spermatogenesis and also massively affects testosterone production. So it sort of makes sense like, you know, the caveman days why, you know, they they weren't wearing tight underwear. They were actually allowing their testes to breathe because they actually need to be kept two degrees cooler than the core body temperature.

00:01:02:03 - 00:01:30:00


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die"podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button, share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00:01:30:02 - 00:01:37:16


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00:01:37:16 - 00:02:00:12


Lucas Aoun, straight in from Australia. It's like really early in the morning over there. What? It's 7 a.m. there. It's coming up on 4 p.m. Central Time here. So dude, thanks for rolling out of bed, getting with me early this morning. How we doing, man? Yeah, do dull moment. I'm excited to chat here today and I am pretty used to waking up early on on a weekday, so it's completely fun.

00:02:00:14 - 00:02:32:01


Lucas, chat with me about some things you're working on right now that you're pretty excited about. Before we dive into the biohacking work that you do. Yeah, I was just sort of mentioning to you earlier that one of my one of my mentors is Shaun Wells, who's like considered the world's greatest supplement formulator, and he actually took me under his wing because he sees, like the younger version of himself in me as like the the little nerdy scientist loving, loving, like the geeking out on ingredients and stuff.

00:02:32:01 - 00:02:54:21


So, yeah, I've been I've been experimenting and trialing new compounds for, you know, energy focused motivation, enhancing VO2 max. So, yeah, I've had some pretty, pretty wild experiments recently. So I've been asked the question that I want to leave open ended for you to respond to first and I'll respond to second. I have a lot of history in track and field.

00:02:54:21 - 00:03:19:15


Our interaction in college, obviously the Olympics are coming up right around the corner. So a very common question my friends will ask is what kind of enhancements do people in track and field use to achieve their best? Well, I think one thing to note there is they are very much open minded to experimenting with pretty much anything. This is it's just commonly it's common practice now.

00:03:19:16 - 00:03:47:03


I mean, there's ways to avoid, you know, doping detection, there's tricks. And if you're working with a person who understands pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and metabolism and things like that, there are ways to to overcome that. But I think a range of different compounds really, we're seeing a number of athletes getting busted for, you know, using like SOMS, like derivatives of Sams as well, like certain pro hormones.

00:03:47:03 - 00:04:18:00


They're using growth hormone releasing agents, all of which I study extensively. And I'm actually pretty excited for the enhanced games. Have you seen that competition? That's going to be amazing. Yeah. Yeah, that's going to be. That's how sport exotic. Yeah, 100%. Absolutely. I remember when I was growing up some 31 and I grew up watching Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa hit fricken 500 foot homeruns off of 100 mile an hour fastball every night.

00:04:18:00 - 00:04:47:00


And man, baseball just definitely is not cool at all anymore without that something that I chat about to track athletes is obviously the the Olympic drug testing situation is intense. It is very intense. It's as far as I last knew, which I guess was about eight years ago. It was pretty world class in the cold, difficult to get around.

00:04:47:00 - 00:05:14:10


But now there's so many more people who are more familiar with other modalities than just antibiotics, steroids to improve performance. And, you know, really, as I've gotten more, I don't call myself a biohacker. I just think there's an answer for everything. And I think the earth gives us unbelievable tools to use to leverage our best performance. And I know that you discuss TR quite often.

00:05:14:10 - 00:05:40:00


I know that you say to many times you've never done TRT. I think for myself and like always having the desire to have a lot of muscle tissue while performing my best to everywhere like testosterone is one of the greatest codes given to mankind. You clearly are in fantastic shape doing a great job without it. So props to you for not falling into the never ending siphon of starting to take testosterone.

00:05:40:00 - 00:06:07:07


Then you just can't get enough of it. But something that you're big on that I've recently started experimenting with is dyslexia. I wrote this nootropic literally rewire Here's your brain. It's relatively new drug for treatment of Alzheimer's cognitive impairment. But it does not only impede the progression of diseases like Alzheimer's actually can repair the damage in the snaps between the neurons.

00:06:07:09 - 00:06:48:09


Chat with you about what you're liking with day access. I think this is something that is just fascinating know. So door access is a very unique compound. This quite a lot of literature analyzing its effects on stimulating growth factors in the brain specifically like looking at its effects on body. And you know we're seeing that Hexa has some pretty robust effects there and most people know about BD and F in the in the context of, you know, maybe like blueberry consumption or jumping into the sauna or going for a run, like all of these things actually increase body and in production.

00:06:48:10 - 00:07:39:02


So what's really interesting about DI Hexa is that it's actually an endogenous XA peptide that's part of the angiotensin for pathway and what they say about exercise that it's a one of the first orally active penetration or blood brain barrier penetration compounds and a lot of the initial research was focused on its effects on Alzheimer's. So if you think of some of the other neuroprotective agents, things like, you know, omega threes, creatine, which you started to to gain a lot of attention for brain health, we're seeing that this DI hexa does have the ability to RB consumed early and it actually does pass the blood brain barrier to exert many of its beneficial effects.

00:07:39:04 - 00:08:10:10


Yet that note of crossing the blood brain barrier I think is commonly misunderstood in terms of something like magnesium supplementation where people think all magnesium is magnesium, but three and eight and glycine eight obviously cross the blood brain barrier. Others don't. When you're looking at tryptophan levels in the brain, serotonin levels in the brain and things like that, there's some cool modulations you can do to kind of increase or I guess decrease as well, the effects of serotonin and what's going on in the brain.

00:08:10:10 - 00:08:36:16


But I want to read something by you. I haven't talked about this on the podcast much. I'm shy about this my friend group. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer, but there really seems to be. I mean, from Ray Pete's work back in maybe 2010, 2011, Charles and nine time rich man, he was really thinking that serotonin in the brain is, I think excess of anything is terrible.

00:08:36:19 - 00:09:09:04


He was kind of talking even just serotonin, period. It's really cause an issue for people. I understand. Well, it's effects in the gut, but I just want to know if you have any thoughts on that. I love this subject because it's probably the most confused element of, you know, neurology and neurotransmitters. Because when most people think of serotonin, Justin, they think of like, you know, the feel good neurotransmitter, the one that actually has the antidepressant effect.

00:09:09:06 - 00:09:58:17


But there's definitely a dark side to excess serotonin that I think a number of people really need to be aware of. And this is all a lot of this is credit to Doctor Ray Pete. I'm a big fan of his work. Basically what he taught me and this is what I also learned the hard way through sort of experimenting with different supplements was that when someone boosts serotonin production, whether that's through taking five ATP or tryptophan or ashwagandha curcumin, if a guy's goal is to maximize productivity and become like a, you know, socially just a dominant alpha male, to like, get shit done, you know, always on the move, always looking to create and achieved

00:09:58:17 - 00:10:25:20


new goals, then dopamine is actually the neurotransmitter we want to be optimizing, not serotonin. In fact, if we deliberately jack up and increase serotonin, that can actually have an inhibitory effect on dopamine production. So when you hear about guys saying, you know, they're lacking motivation, they're lacking drive or they're lacking discipline, a lot of that can actually be due to the fact that they've actually got excess levels of serotonin.

00:10:25:22 - 00:10:56:08


And that's where my passion for optimizing testosterone came in was because all the strategies and methods to boost testosterone levels as high as possible naturally actually came back to well, first of all, boost dopamine and lower serotonin, because if you boost dopamine, that actually enhances testosterone production and also growth hormone production. And then testosterone being boosted in turn will continue feeding cycle of enhancing.

00:10:56:14 - 00:11:18:03


I mean, it's so cool. So dog meet up testosterone, but testosterone of dopamine, also of the glutamate. Two gaba conversion in the brain is something that I absolutely love. I shot it with Dr. Alison Burger on the podcast. She is fascinating if you're not familiar with her, a love for you too, to be able to have a child when they got to love her.

00:11:18:03 - 00:11:39:17


You guys have both you on the podcast, same time. She's nuts. And we had a clip go Mega viral taken out of Context by Layne Norton, who I don't think understood the glutamate GABA situation going on in the brain. And I think Lane's done great work, but he's just trying to be negative and sort of apart on this one.

00:11:39:19 - 00:12:05:12


This is a MO, but the glutamate situation is interesting for me. I work with a little bit more men than women nowadays because my male clients seem to be more long term guys. Female clients come in, we get a health fix, they come in with this issue, we fix them. I typically will pair them with a female coach on my staff thereafter, but I'm seeing this downstream that I want to play with.

00:12:05:12 - 00:12:27:07


And you you talked about the serotonin going to high. It makes a more passive, makes a little smaller, makes you feel it. It just kind of diminishes your boisterous ness. I made up that word for sake of the conversation, but so read Women. We go at 14 when everyone's sad and depressed. Then we get put on SSRI and then you don't wanna get pregnant.

00:12:27:07 - 00:12:45:10


So you put on hormonal birth control. And women have, you know, these historically low iron levels. And I got into a conversation with a future doctor over the weekend about, you know, anemia is not just iron. Anemia is a whole vitamin deficiency inside of the body and your body's not going to hold on to this iron were deficient.

00:12:45:12 - 00:13:18:02


So many other things we can get into that conversation but so if SSRI in play that is hormonal birth control low in iron and now it's like, dude, where does your mental health I mean synthetic progestins are not progesterone. What's hoever? And there's no cognitive beneficial effect of them in the body. And it's I do like you 14 like you come to me at 25 ready to get off and like, you don't want to feel this way and where you won't do these things, but it just seems like this is American health.

00:13:18:02 - 00:13:40:05


Yeah, I'm not sure how it is in Australia. It just seems like they are so set up for health care to be anti-women, health whatsoever have these fertility issues because progesterone is at an all time crisis now, you might disagree with this, you might agree with this. I see these people advocating for like stop consuming vitamin A and shit like that.

00:13:40:05 - 00:14:00:18


And it's I do we're all already low progesterone. A vitamin A is a fucking precursor to I mean, it just seems like terrible advice to me. And these women have I mean, dude, no wonder you have all these miscarriage rates. No wonder you have babies being born with issues. So we don't have any progesterone during the pregnancy phase.

00:14:00:20 - 00:14:20:16


And I think this is a downstream to what's happening where women are young and clearly it's a passion. Mike, I'm sick of 25 year old women coming to me like, Yeah, I don't have sex. I can't have an orgasm, I have no emotional control. I'm having panic attacks all the time. Let's play with that. Well, what are your thoughts on what I propose?

00:14:20:18 - 00:14:45:03


Yeah, definitely. Definitely on the same side as you are with that, like the way in which Western medicine. And we're pretty much the exact same here in Australia, like the way in which we, you know, openly prescribe some of these medications, particularly for things like endometriosis, PCOS, the way in which they just popping pills like candy and just recommending them without actually diving deep into the underlying root cause.

00:14:45:06 - 00:15:07:22


Like it's where we're literally masking the problem. Yet another scenario with Western medicine and again, I'm as a naturopath, I mean, of course I it's a bit ironic because, you know, my dad's a pharmacist and I used to work in my dad's pharmacy. And so I'm sort of like, you know, torn between the two. But I definitely believe that, you know, there's a time and place for Western medicine.

00:15:07:22 - 00:15:36:11


There's definitely, you know, I fully resonate with some of the treatment modalities that they leverage, but I'm really very much about the root cause, like trying to understand, you know, where is this problem stemming from? Are there underlying MT polymorphisms or perhaps maybe there's even blood sugar instability that we just need a upregulate group for receptors or, you know, optimize insulin sensitivity and that sort of stuff.

00:15:36:11 - 00:15:58:03


So yeah, it's definitely an area of medicine that I think it needs to be sort of reassessed and reanalyzed for sure. Yeah. Speaking of another area of medicine, we're going to tie all this back to the brain. Once we were through a couple more things together, I taught in my mentorship this morning about cholesterol. Obviously, we all know that cholesterol is not the enemy.

00:15:58:03 - 00:16:17:16


Cholesterol is not bad for you. It's funny you've been told to I don't eat cheese and don't eat eggs. And it's I mean, a lot of cholesterol comes from these things, Like they're really beneficial for us. I guess I have a theory that the cholesterol issues are really a downstream effect of really poor thyroid health kind of going on everywhere.

00:16:17:18 - 00:16:38:23


I mean, you know, you wake up and even you and I do, we're real health conscious. We know what to do. We know what not to do. We still check our emails. I'm sitting in front of a gigantic blue light blasting blue light in my face right now for PM. I mean, for you it's great at 7 a.m., but like I shouldn't be having this right now.

00:16:39:01 - 00:17:04:12


It should be a little dimmer. We know what to do. And with that we still have to because of our lines of work, we have to be in front of these social media things all day. We have to do these interviews. We have to push, push, push, grind, achieve, conquer. And it drives us into these adrenal driven states to where, I mean, men like lab work back and your cortisol is a six.

00:17:04:14 - 00:17:30:20


All your thyroid self looks good, but your cortisol is a six and I do the body temp pulse rate check thing and it's just not checking out. And it's okay, we're in a adrenal driven state, so it's like, okay, we have all these downstream is going on in this adrenal driven state. And I think it's making people very I think that in itself is simply making people sleep poorly, overreact and have very low hormone production.

00:17:30:20 - 00:17:51:02


I mean, if you're in a adrenal driven state, then your cholesterol is not going to get synthesize into sex hormones anyways. So your going to be low DHEA, you're going to be low vitamin D, you're going to be obviously low sex hormone, you know, low pregnant, alone, low, low, pregnant, low, low progesterone is how the hell you calm down and then you wake up every single morning, never feeling refreshed.

00:17:51:04 - 00:18:17:22


So, Lucas, what the hell do we do? I mean, what what's your answer? Well, I think a lot of it actually is going to come back to, you know, guys like yourself and myself just sort of educating and and trying to spread, spread the message and just educating and trying to lay things out in simplified form so that people can sort of see like the step by step thing, the step by step process.

00:18:17:22 - 00:18:58:03


And one thing that I'm pretty well known for has been the like mechanism of action guy Like I love just sort of closing out on pathways and mechanisms. So I think, you know, when we're looking at these sort of implications, we need to be sort of understanding that a lot of these sort of issues have a have a root cause stemming point that can actually a lot of the times be fixed through either replenishing nutrients like proper nutrition, reducing toxins or eliminating heavy metals, you know, optimizing our environment and, you know, considering these factors as well.

00:18:58:03 - 00:19:22:00


So yeah, we're definitely in an era now with thanks to guys like Dr. Andrew Huberman that a lot of our work or our education is becoming more legit, you know, because five years ago when I was talking about wearing blue light, blocking glasses before bedtime, you know, I was considered the weirdo and the some strange biohacker that has red lights in his house.

00:19:22:00 - 00:19:52:17


Looks like a red light district. My house is full of red lights, too, everywhere. But listen, it kind of sets a sexy mood for me and the missus every night, so. Yeah, Yeah, it's definitely. There's definitely an endogenous boost that's associated with the red lights. Has to be. She walks in and the red lights are often say, Well, yeah, I've seen this in a movie before.

00:19:52:19 - 00:20:26:09


Detox Detoxing toxins. I love that you brought that up. Raw carrots and cooked mushrooms. Absolutely love doing that. That's stemming from repeat as well. I love using Dim and I work with I mean, almost every client I work with. I only work for 43 clients now, which is really nice, but I think every single one of them has had synthetic hormone in their body, whether it be bodybuilding competitors, whether it be on hormonal birth control.

00:20:26:10 - 00:20:49:18


I, I don't think I have a single client right now that has never had synthetic hormone in the body. Do you like those things? Do you like the raw carrots? Do you like the gym to help the liver detoxify the estrogen? Do you like the cooked white mushrooms? What are you liking for this detoxification? Yeah, that's an important subject.

00:20:49:20 - 00:21:15:13


And I'm a big, big fan of the raw carrot salad to reduce endotoxin and promote estrogen clearance from the liver. There's a range of different supplements that I leverage quite a lot for that accelerating detox pathway. One of them that I'm a big fan of is Calcium D Gluconate. You may be familiar with that particular ingredient as like a Zener estrogen clearance activator.

00:21:15:13 - 00:21:46:10


So that's I mean, there's no doubt that we're all soaked in microbe plastics, and these are considered a form of Zener estrogens. But then also, you know, there's other is other forms of Zener estrogens that we haven't even really properly identified or understood yet. So I think doing something at least semi frequently like whether that be using a sauna, leveraging calcium d gluconate leveraging like glutathione supplementation.

00:21:46:10 - 00:22:18:13


Liposomal Gwithian one particular herb that I'm a, I'm a big fan of and I've been probably supplementing with for 3 to 4 years almost straight was actually two that I sort of stuck together that work really well. Number one is Tucker you'd be probably also familiar to otherwise known as Tucker, which is like a specific bile acid that can literally reverse liver damage in less than six weeks and also help to regenerate liver cells.

00:22:18:13 - 00:22:49:13


And then the second one is actually artichoke extract. And if you look at is I was such a geek back in the day, I would go down to this traditional Chinese medicine store in the city and I would literally just spend hours and hours and hours reading these different like, you know, botanical reference materials and material medicus And every time I read about artichoke extracts, it always popped up as like the number one liver protective herb with zero side effects.

00:22:49:15 - 00:23:13:20


And I was like, So I can prescribe this to literally anyone is like, Yeah, they're in that. Incredible. The Asian cultures seem to really have some fascinating health stuff figured out. It's like I have sour soap at the house. Well, now the feds will come knocking because that's highly illegal to have in America. It's too healthy, too health.

00:23:13:20 - 00:23:33:18


You don't need big pharm with it. No. And I'm not sure if you're very familiar with our SOP, but our SOP is fascinating, dude. Every time because I'm one of those adrenal driven entrepreneurs that tells everyone else how to fix it, but I'll have to fix it for myself later on. So I got goals to accomplish. So. So you just get a little sick sometimes.

00:23:33:20 - 00:23:51:13


Every time. Lucas I feel something coming. Not at all. I put two droppers of sour salve under my tongue and I just let it go and let it do its thing. And the next morning I wake up feeling perfectly good too. I'm not kidding. Every single time. Which as maybe even two or three times this year, I don't get sick often.

00:23:51:15 - 00:24:25:02


But that is just absolutely fascinating to me. It's also fascinating how legal it is. It is not that bad. That thing is perfect. Okay. The microplastics in the testes, did you see that? The like ivory. That's a it's do that's terrifying. How do you detox your testicles? It's a it's a bloody good question, man, because, you know, it's inevitable that a lot of guys are having these, you know, microplastics accumulate in the testes.

00:24:25:02 - 00:24:52:04


And the fact that it's now been well-established means that men should pay a lot more attention to what can they do. I guess like the number one thing is minimize exposure like upfront. That's obviously going to be difficult because a number of guys have probably been drinking from plastic bottles for years or, you know, microwaved their food in plastic or maybe even use a plastic chopping board and then, you know, cutting up the the actual chopping board.

00:24:52:09 - 00:25:32:08


So small amounts of plastic are seeping into the food. But I'm actually part of my like one of my missions, Justin, is to release like really cutting edge formulations, hence why I'm being sort of mentored by Sean Wells and one of the products that I'm pioneering is actually going to be a like a a plastic detox formulation to accelerate these plastic interactions and excretion because from what I can see and even with the younger generation, like they don't understand this, so they're just going to continue, you know, eating out of plastic.

00:25:32:08 - 00:25:53:03


So by the time they hit 30 when it's actually time for them to care about this sort of stuff, that's when I think they're going to really, really be paying attention to this. Yeah, You bring up a really good point there. I didn't care much about this stuff. I was about 28, 29, and the next phase of my life started seeping in of, Hey, you know what?

00:25:53:03 - 00:26:13:04


Like, I want to get married. I do want to settle down. I want to have kids. I want to raise my kids a certain way. I want to be the man that my kids look up to be being. And then in the in the quest of kind of fixing some internal things, which I'm still in the process of in this quest is really when I fell down this shoot body.

00:26:13:05 - 00:26:30:11


But it's done a lot of damage to me. But it's not the sport, it's the way I was bodybuilding and social media and a lot of damage to me. It's not social me as elsewhere, I'm using social media. Some people disagree with that that I've had on the show and I love hearing their thoughts about social media and, you know, all of that.

00:26:30:11 - 00:26:51:02


But the reality is companies are going to companies that are worth billions and billions and billions and trillions of dollars. They're going to manipulate you in whatever way they can. We still have autonomy over the way we use this. We're making active choices or the way we use this. But I wish I would have cared about this when I was 20, which we care about it.

00:26:51:03 - 00:27:12:18


19. And it's better late than never. Right. But I think you bring up a good point there. Again, a lot of people will come to me and women mainly, and with my messaging now, it doesn't happen as much. But when I was this hardcore bodybuilder doing it ever takes the wind die for this is like they're 20 deciding, I'm never going to have kids.

00:27:12:18 - 00:27:37:06


You're 20. Of course you're saying you're never going to have kids. You're 20 years old and you can do things at 20 that are just for a female, especially a males body bounces back so easy. But at 20, you can do things that can inhibit your ability to have children potentially forever. And just got a new client last week.

00:27:37:08 - 00:28:13:23


She's a great friend of some clients on my team, so I knew that it was going to be a great fit. And she hasn't had natural testosterone production be high whatsoever. So at 26 they just start up HRT. Like, how about we get luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone and really high? How about we look into what's going on with your cholesterol and if the thyroid is even able to convert your cholesterol in the sex hormone, how about we bring in some pregnant load and progesterone and just at least try to bolster this process to see if naturally we can get your testosterone back.

00:28:14:01 - 00:28:54:22


But you are much more adept at raising people, says officer, naturally, I think, than than I am. So I would love to chat with you about what do you do specifically, not just from a supplemental approach. Is there any dieting modalities? I mean, I pulled training out, put back significantly. We really focus on sleep. You know, we're definitely focusing on more monounsaturated fats, kind of limiting any sort of polyunsaturated fatty oils, things like pull down protein, a good have a good diversity of amino acids like raising carbohydrates up because we need to fuel this thyroid to be working.

00:28:55:00 - 00:29:16:12


What are some things you're doing that you see really work well for raising natural testosterone? Yeah, So that's probably one of the things that I'm pretty well-known for is natural testosterone optimization. And I tend to work with a lot of guys that are like on the verge of going on to TRT, but they sort of want to do it without needing to to jump on it.

00:29:16:14 - 00:29:42:11


Hence why I sort of developed TRT for Ecom, which was like my fall protocol to sort of outline, you know, how to optimize testosterone. But if you look at some of the key points here, Justin, I mean you've definitely nailed it, focusing on mono unsaturated fats, saturated fats. Yes, avoiding canola oil, soybean oil, all the vegetable oils. I'm sure your audience is pretty well versed across that sort of stuff.

00:29:42:13 - 00:30:12:12


I've just talked about a lot of pushback to different and so definitely, definitely focusing on those. What you mentioned before around the carbohydrate intake fueling the thyroid to then accelerate the conversion of cholesterol into pregnant. Lauren is absolutely true. I just had my thyroid panel back two days ago and my free T3 is at an all time high.

00:30:12:14 - 00:30:48:14


It's 6.4, which is like I'm basically maxed out the free T3 portion, my TSA, which is like 0.74, which is pretty damn low. So I'm so I'm pretty like metabolically stimulated right now. And that's not without and that's completely without, you know, thorough exogenous thyroid supplementation. That's all done through, you know, certain vitamins, minerals, certain herbs and also certain amino acids like, you know, I've been loading fennel alanine for quite some time and I know that can get converted into tyrosine and tar.

00:30:48:14 - 00:31:23:20


So you can have some pro thyroid effects as well. But I think from a from a like immediate takeaway for any guy listening to this podcast right now, I think the number one strategy, if a guy's completely nutty and he's looking to optimize testosterone levels as high as possible, then definitely icing the testes. That's that is definitely. Dude, I heard I saw you talk about this on Instagram and so you're so you're going to put your balls and I sub water.

00:31:23:22 - 00:32:01:19


Tell me more. Yes. The premise the activity there is so what happens is and this is probably one of the reasons why a number of guys feel so good after a cold shower or after, you know, a cold plunge. They feel like jacked up and and energized a lot of that. Definitely like no epinephrine, dopamine that's activated. But then also, the reality is that most guys have their testes too warm every single day because they're wearing like really tight underwear or they're sitting with their laptop on their on they're going to crotch area or they're just like driving in the car all day.

00:32:01:21 - 00:32:30:23


And so the test is is getting too warm Any time the like the balls overheat, that literally shuts down spermatogenesis and also massively affects testosterone production. So it sort of makes sense like, you know, the caveman days why, you know, they they weren't wearing tight underwear. They were actually allowing their testes to breathe because they actually need to be kept two degrees cooler than the core body temperature.

00:32:31:01 - 00:33:09:15


Okay. This makes a lot of sense. And I'm a big proponent of not the cell phone not being in the pocket. And I wear a fanny pack all day every day. And I put it over to the side. I had this thing where like a fanny, how little can your as a man, a female, probably too. But speaking men's specifically, how little can your reproductive area be stimulated throughout the day without it like being sex like a fanny pack just when it's straight up with your phone in it?

00:33:09:15 - 00:33:29:11


The phone is still on top of and it's probably hitting as you walk. And I just I have this weird thing about like, I want to keep it as unstimulated as possible outside the bedroom. I have no idea if there's any merit to it, but sex life is good. So I guess we're just going to keep rolling with and hoping that it works.

00:33:29:13 - 00:33:52:00


You bring up a fascinating point that I've never once thought of about women with his podcast. You know, just spread this on to your man is this won't apply much to you Maybe it does we'll see. Bought by a partner or an icepack. Yeah. And they can walk around with it. But man like like if you just put your hand like, down, down around that region, they there's heat.

00:33:52:00 - 00:34:21:20


You can feel heat coming from that area. I recently bought these new boxer briefs I've been wearing. I have like no plastic or no, not what's called nylon and polyester. Polyester, like none of that stuff. It's just cotton. And I find them to be extremely comfy. Do you think that actually makes a difference in the follow up question is going to be well for female I mean, all female underwear is made out of polyester and stuff like that too.

00:34:21:20 - 00:34:50:20


And I feel like that is just wildly detrimental for females because like men, we have like skin, We have we have a there's a little tiny hole that things can actually get inside of there. But for women, it's like an actual opening. So that has to make some sort of a difference. No. absolutely. Yeah. So there's actually really, really strong evidence that polyester underwear men wear polyester like frequently that can actually lead to complete infertility.

00:34:50:22 - 00:35:15:06


Because what happens is it's actually ridiculous. You know, that affects, you know, when you're wearing clothing and sometimes when you take it off, there's that static charge to it, like sort of zaps you as you as you pull it off if you're wearing like polyester underwear, the friction rubbing up against your your testes every all day, what happens is it actually builds up mock amounts of static shock.

00:35:15:06 - 00:35:43:07


So every day you're actually like creating heat. It's called heat shock, which can actually really dramatically lower fertility and also testosterone production. So best to use exactly what you're doing, cotton or bamboo, These are the best materials to utilize and make sure that they're not super tight fitting as well. So I think the same for bed sheets. I use bamboo bed sheets.

00:35:43:07 - 00:36:06:22


They're so comfortable. But I think that's probably mover is. I mean you spend what, eight or 9 hours a day in bed and if you're rubbing up against the polyester or whatever, the cheaper stuff is made out of, a lot of people might be lazy. And this gets me like this all like really worth it. And I'm going to tell I'm about two years deep into this whole more holistic biohacking wellness journey.

00:36:06:22 - 00:36:29:23


And I mean, I'm a way different dude now than I was two years ago. I mean, obviously you find it to be worth it as well. But what do you say to somebody who's like, I just I just can't all that. Yeah. So I'd say to them is like, these are these are macro changes that you make to your daily lifestyle that shouldn't be too difficult to sort implement that.

00:36:29:23 - 00:36:52:00


The whole point is like biggest bang for buck, you know, smallest input for the greatest output. Yeah. And a lot of these things, like for high performers like yourself or for people who are like wanting to be at the top of their game, you know, hyper productive, hyper focused. These are those little sort of tips and tricks. Second, just add 1 to 2% to your daily performance.

00:36:52:00 - 00:37:16:10


And if you keep stacking these on top of one another, then like if you were to look back, you know, look at look back at how you were to 2 to 3 years ago now understanding all of this biological hacking, which is just basically just optimizing your biology like, you know, if you look back at that, that guy that you were three years ago to how you are now, I'm sure you you're much happier with where you're at today.

00:37:16:12 - 00:37:39:19


God, way out here. You know, crazy too. I talk I alluded this for on the podcast, too. If I look at my facial structure over the past two or three years, it has changed. So significantly. I mean, you can see the drop in like quite literally inflammation. Like you can see a I look way different, like almost like a completely different human being.

00:37:39:21 - 00:38:05:14


And I would attribute a lot of that is stuff like this. A lot of it is alleviating emotional baggage and working through emotional stressors and trauma things and like which groundedness helps me tremendously with ketamine. Therapy has helped me tremendously with as well. I've said those are two things that I don't talk about the ketamine stuff so much on the show because I definitely know people who misuse it, you know, quite poorly.

00:38:05:16 - 00:38:31:20


You know, I have strict limitations on things like nicotine, which I think is an amazing brain enhancement drug. Ketamine, I think can be an amazing brain enhancement drug. I have switched my view rather recently. I think we're going to disagree on this. I almost hope that we do. I think alcohol does have a time and a place. It does not have a single positive effect on your body.

00:38:31:20 - 00:39:01:05


I understand that there's something about sometimes just having a whiskey with the boys that just seems to have a positive stress. Emotional effect on me, and I'm not sure. I mean, what do you think about that? A red wine with my girl, a whiskey with the boys. I can't really be all that bad. Look, I think there's definitely a time and place.

00:39:01:05 - 00:39:25:19


I mean, you hear about different health educators saying there's no no amount of alcohol is safe for human consumption. If we look at the the actual way in which alcohol is metabolized, first of all, I think we need to define the alcohol source. Like if you're having a good quality red wine versus like really, really high estrogenic beer, like there's going to be a different biological effects.

00:39:25:19 - 00:39:59:05


Like not all coffee is created equal. That's different types of coffee, different types tea. But funnily enough, there is a study that I think gets swept under the rug and it's actually that really, really small amounts of alcohol, like a really, really small, small amount, can actually acutely increase testosterone levels in men, whereas obviously very high quantities. So it has like a bit of a U-shaped sort of U-shaped curve to that, which is pretty interesting sort of looking at that.

00:39:59:05 - 00:40:22:09


But I guess looking at the other benefits associated with like if you're drinking, you know, good quality, what red wine, you are going to get some some flavonoids, not just resveratrol. You know, obviously there's there's other there's other polyphenols that are present in that. But, you know, if you're healthy, if you're a guy that's like training frequently, you're doing a lot of the right things 80 to 80% of the time.

00:40:22:12 - 00:40:44:13


And then you have a little bit of alcohol every now and then, like maybe once a month or something. And I'm talking like two glasses of wine. I don't foresee that as like it's going to completely strip away your longevity, Like it's not going to destroy you. If you got good liver function as well, then I don't think it's a huge issue.

00:40:44:15 - 00:41:00:09


Yeah, I like that. I think that's a really good point to make. If everything is good so your gut is good. Let's say your thyroid is good. Let's say your sex hormones are going to say your liver is good, which honestly, most of people are going to listen to you and I talk probably do fall into that category.

00:41:00:11 - 00:41:35:02


Unfortunately, our message probably isn't going to get picked up by a million people who really need to hear it. Maybe it will, let's hope. Planted a seed. It'll still sprout one day. So yeah, I like that a lot. Do you have any thoughts on ketamine Microdosing and ketamine therapy? Have you done any work in that field? So I actually interviewed Dr. Michael Milicic on my podcast to talk about, you know, ketamine therapy and sort of psychedelic assisted therapy.

00:41:35:04 - 00:42:05:04


I do think that this is going to be a booming industry. I guess like more and more people are going to be more like open minded to these modalities. I've personally had some pretty profound perspective alterations through some of these compounds and they just need to be used with care because obviously if they're put into the wrong hands and they're they're abused, then they're definitely going to be actually very detrimental.

00:42:05:04 - 00:42:44:13


For example, like if you look at some of the rat studies, they literally give rats ketamine to cause schizophrenia. Like they'll literally give it to a rat to make it schizophrenic. So obviously, like dosages come into play here. Genetic predisposition is important to factor in. Certain underlying health conditions also play a role. But I think what's going to happen is like even like today in 2024, if you search ketamine, brain PubMed 2024, like you'll see new articles learning that ketamine.

00:42:44:15 - 00:43:17:19


Ah, it also activates the opioid pathway. It also interferes with like glutamate or it also interferes with like. So we're just learning more and more about these compounds. And I think what's going to happen is for understanding these research molecules and understanding their mechanisms, we can then also start to build like or develop compounds that either mimic the effects, which is what I'm interested in, like how can we sort of activate the five page key to a receptor without needing LSD, for example?

00:43:17:19 - 00:43:55:01


And there's a way to do that through an AI presented in Amsterdam talking about this, which was there's a particular constituent that's found in copper, you've heard of the copper money area, which is like a never it's a breakup is used in like lots of nootropic formulas for brain health and it's from robotic medicine, like really, really well known that there's a constituent that's found in copper that actually can activate that 582 receptor without causing hallucinations or disruptions in sort of processing and things like that.

00:43:55:01 - 00:44:22:16


So it's a damn interesting space to look at, man. Like, I think there's there's going to be some really exciting research popping up in that space. Let me ask you, how much of this is your personal thoughts rather than maybe what's accepted by medical indoctrination, how much ketamine utilization would be too much ketamine utilization through your lens. I say three or four days a week in like a micros manner.

00:44:22:16 - 00:45:00:21


Over a couple hours can be okay. What do you think? I I'd say I actually would advise to sort of work closely with a I mean, I personally don't prescribe it, obviously, you know, and so it's like not something that I can work with. But so you're saying like 3 to 4 days a week, you democratize. What's the market for small micro this I mean, like if you're taking it like an a bump form, like a little tiny little bump, but there's a lot of sprays going around and like one sprays, consider micros.

00:45:00:23 - 00:45:24:17


So one spray, the seal lasts what you can get the effects lasting like 30, 45. It's like literally like two sprays three or four times a day, three or four times a week, because then you're not really reliant on it. I feel like the issue becomes the dosage can be whatever, but is this something that like, are you doing this every day?

00:45:24:19 - 00:45:46:09


You like feeding without it? Then they were probably going too much where we probably need to just take time off and detoxify for lack of better words. But I've seen it literally change people's personal. I've seen it like change who they are on a visceral level, not in a positive way. But I've also seen it change people in a positive way too.

00:45:46:11 - 00:46:09:09


So it's like, where is that line? And I guess I guess I just think that the line for anything, I mean, it's the same as caffeine is the same as working out, it's the same as dieting. Like if you get to a place where your identity gets warped into, when can I get this and I have to have this today, then I think that's a huge issue.

00:46:09:11 - 00:46:55:09


And I think that we need to kind of chill out at that point. I guess that's what I would consider to be abuse. Yeah, there's definitely there's another molecule that's similar to ketamine, but it's actually like over the counter that has like pretty powerful NMDA antagonist effects. If you take a pretty high dose and that's actually activating. yeah, ag ag maintaining high doses for some of the clients that I've worked with, what I've done is I prescribe if they want to like reduce their, their dosage on like Ritalin or Adderall of like, well, while the E-tron or any of the any of the like powerful dopaminergic drugs, if you take two out of 2

00:46:55:09 - 00:47:18:10


to 3 grams of AG Mateen before bed. What that does is it actually can help to raise sensitized sensitivity to stimulants. So then the next day when you actually take the stimulant, you're actually hypersensitive to that. So you don't need to keep like bumping up the dosage to receive the same effect. That is absolutely fascinating. It's sad that that's not more well known.

00:47:18:10 - 00:47:45:18


I didn't know that either. That's. Yeah, that's fast. That's great information. I want to run through a mental health supplement stock that I have and I want to hear your thoughts on it. And then we're going to go back into the brain performance a little bit more. The methylated b-complex, maybe everyone's B vitamin deficient light. People come in, they're like, well, you know, I can't they they come for this fix.

00:47:45:18 - 00:48:00:10


I talk about the fire at a time or whatever. Well, I can't eat large carbohydrate meals like they made me feel terrible and as there you're probably vitamin B one deficient, then you put in vitamin B one, all the sudden it's like, wow, I feel great on carbohydrates. You're like, you're for fat people who to feel terrible on fat.

00:48:00:10 - 00:48:20:20


So you're probably be five deficient people who have really low mental health or who have been on things like SSRI or hormonal birth control, probably B12 deficient. And anyone has this gut dysbiosis where you're going to have low stomach acid. If you have low thyroid output, you have got this versus you have something going on in your liver, you have low stomach acid.

00:48:20:22 - 00:48:47:06


So you're probably not even breaking down the B vitamins that you're bringing in with food to be able to use anyways. And especially not B12 is I mean, B12 just takes a host of tear down effects to actually break down and use in your body. Sabrina Methylated B-complex. I feel like it's just a really, really good thing for anyone to use new Papped I love selling krill oil.

00:48:47:07 - 00:49:25:03


I think krill oil is just I think it's a severe form of like omega three oils, fish, oils, big methylene, blue guy. I really love methylene blue and dye and l-theanine. What do you think about that? Yeah, it's a pretty, pretty powerful nootropic stock. I mean new, but itself is it's considered to be like a thousand times stronger than parasitism in terms like the OG Nootropic back in the day and then also some of the other compounds you've got in there would be really, really ramping up like neurogenesis.

00:49:25:03 - 00:49:56:00


So you're probably getting like a like a as powerful effect on that neurogenesis as what people who use psychedelics probably elicit. But without like the major hallucination effect, the methylated B vitamins is an important one because again, like most products on the market, particularly like it different Whole Foods and different, you know, sort of supplement stores they don't actually understand how to dose the the vitamins.

00:49:56:00 - 00:50:27:22


The only one that I'm usually really conscious of is high doses of vitamin B6 that's got pretty well-established like toxicity that can occur pretty easily at like dosages of around 100 milligrams per day. But what I like to say to to people looking to get into nootropics and I'm sure you've been an avid experiment and you know, I said you're using methylene blue man, these compounds, they're they're really, really powerful if you know how to use them correctly.

00:50:27:22 - 00:50:49:21


And I think one thing for people who are like just on the verge of like maybe they want to sort of dabble or experiment is keep a running log. Like just actually just do a basic tracker in your notes app on your phone and just analyze how you're responding to things like is methylene blue for me at least.

00:50:49:21 - 00:51:12:11


Like whenever I use methylene blue, my comprehension speed in my working memory is definitely enhanced. Like that is without a doubt. Luckily, I'm, you know, I finished my university degree, so I don't need to keep taking that. But it helped me achieve, you know, dux of my level. So I pretty much got the highest scores of my assessments.

00:51:12:13 - 00:51:35:05


But yeah, and look, I'm not going to not going to be shy and, you know, sort of deny the fact that I was leveraging all of these compounds, man. Like I needed things that would help me sort of enhance working memory, improve confidence, you know, help with reducing anxiety. And obviously you've got heaps of other modalities that can help with that.

00:51:35:05 - 00:52:04:19


But if you understand how to use these compounds correctly, like taurine magnesium, then first of all, they're very, very safe so like you're actually probably going to extend your life by using these compounds because, you know, taurine has great protective anti-aging properties. Magnesium just happens to, you know, quench anxiety but also replenish a deficiency. So yeah, not definitely.

00:52:04:21 - 00:52:33:12


I think an important message for those that are listening would be like if you want to experiment with these compounds, go ahead. Just sort of like keep a running log to sort of track and monitor how you're responding. Yeah, I love the idea of running long because it does take a while to get very in sync and in tune with what you are actually experiencing and feeling as you're going through any sort of protocol really.

00:52:33:14 - 00:53:01:08


You know, if you're if you're taking a sleep sack, then you know it's working. And if you wake up in the morning feeling a little bit more refreshed for taking a brain stack, if you can solve problems faster and kind of keep up with the speed of life a little bit better, then it's probably doing okay. But I think a lot of people just blindly take things because someone like you or I tell them to and they don't really pay a lot of attention to it, necessarily mean that it's working.

00:53:01:10 - 00:53:28:02


I also think there's great education, empowerment. I mean, if you know what you are going to get when let's say you bring in methylene blue and you were told that it could increase working memory and it can maybe problem solve a little better. Now you kind of know what to look out for as well. But along with that, you're probably going to be searching for confirmation bias to make yourself think that it's actually working and you are problem solving better.

00:53:28:02 - 00:53:53:07


You are doing these things. Lucas, a question for you that I saw on your YouTube that I really want to work through your Mr. Happy stock. I would love for you to run through your Mr. Happy Sack with us. Mr. Happy Stock is, is one that's performed very, very well for people who have like a low baseline mood or they just feel like they're struggling with like motivation.

00:53:53:09 - 00:54:28:20


So the premise behind the stock man is pretty is pretty simple. I'd say they will go through the three core pillars of the formula of the of the stock itself. So number one is an ingredient called your dean. So you're at a monophosphate, which is a really, really powerful and effective ingredient to upregulate dopamine D2 receptors. So that's like most people are just like deficient in dopamine because they're just taking it through social media pornography.

00:54:28:21 - 00:55:09:06


You've probably covered that many, many times on podcasts. And then if you stocked that with omega threes, so very, very high dose of DHEA, EPA, and then you also adding B vitamins that synergistic combination there with the you're they they it threes and the B vitamins if you're a complete like noob or like a complete beginner to nootropics if you just try that stock I can almost guarantee you that you'll notice you feel like your brain has like woken up and you feel like you're the lights are just switched on in your head and you just want to get shit done.

00:55:09:08 - 00:55:40:02


Like that is the most noticeable effect is like your feeling on and it would be a waste to not leverage that mental capacity like we you actually feel like you can, you know, take on tasks and just crush it. Like when I was using that stuff back at university, what would happen is like every time I'd finish a task, I would just be super hungry to like, tackle the next one and just like, go, go and just just tick off.

00:55:40:02 - 00:56:06:22


And that feeling of like ticking off a task felt so good. And that's probably because it's sort of increasing neurogenesis, increasing domain data receptors and it can also potentiate the effects of caffeine as well. So if you're adding like coffee to the mix or any sort of caffeine source, you are going to get an amazing effect on like motivation drive and, you know, focus.

00:56:07:00 - 00:56:31:19


I love that stack. There's something I want to add to it that I learned about on your Instagram. It's this new form of creatine that also has like a creatine precursor or something of the like going on with it. I had never heard of that before. You talked about that. Would that be something suitable to bring in for a mental health performance boosting sort of modality?

00:56:31:21 - 00:57:13:11


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that post, you know, completely went viral because I guess there's obviously a lot of people who are defensive and saying, you know, creatine monohydrate is the one and only form of creating and that's I am advocating that. But I'm also saying if we add Gaya, so guano adenoma, acetic acid, which is the precursor of creatine in the body, if we start creating monohydrate with this Gia, then what happens is we're actually enhancing muscle creatine saturation and also penetration across the blood brain barrier more effectively than creatine monohydrate by itself.

00:57:13:12 - 00:57:37:03


So it's like, hang on a sec, If you do some research on this DEA, a research, a creatine on PubMed, again, you'll see heaps of different studies outlining the benefits of J and a lot of that research was back in the 1980s, 1990s, and then all of a sudden it just sort of dropped off and like all the focus was just on creatine monohydrate.

00:57:37:05 - 00:58:12:12


But this new form of creatine is definitely worthwhile considering if you if you respond well to creating monohydrate, then there's a pretty good chance you'll love this new form of crazy. So is this going to be kind of the same effects that creatine monohydrate already has? But just amplified? Yeah, yeah. That's based upon the the mechanisms and looking at how it saturates, you know, different cell types, it's just probably going to yield more favorable effects for individuals.

00:58:12:14 - 00:58:41:19


Lucas As I'm talking to you, I'm well, there's always a million things going on in my brain. Some of them are good, some of them are completely knockout. But that's okay. I'm thinking the more you can combine the precursor with the actual outcome, like the J in the creatine or I'm thinking even like the citrulline in the arginine, like I if I take certainly arginine for the gym, my pump is so far superior than just arginine itself.

00:58:41:19 - 00:59:10:14


Right? See if you can stack these precursors together. It just seems there's probably going to be a more desirable outcome. Would would you say that's likely true in most cases it's a good it's a really, really smart question. This is a good example of like like you just said, arginine and citrulline together give you a wicked pump. But if you do a if you do them separately, you probably don't notice the same effect.

00:59:10:16 - 00:59:33:15


And this is like because it's what's going to happen is like it's probably going to override one of the enzymes that, you know, acts like a precursor. So then if you stack it together, you're sort of overriding a particular enzyme and then all of a sudden your instead of getting 150% increase in nitric oxide, you're getting like a 250% sort of effect.

00:59:33:17 - 01:00:02:18


And this is where it goes back to like, you know, look at the research, understanding the mechanism. That's why I am the mechanism of action guy because I like to bring forward, like explaining how these things work and understand because let's be honest, like a lot of guys have that like engineer brain where they just want to like, they want to understand mechanism, they want to understand pathway and that's how they and that's how they comprehend pretty difficult subject matter.

01:00:02:20 - 01:00:37:06


But how you make a really good point, it's it's important to look at these like precursors as well in my little sex health stacks that I have for people, I actually have citrulline and arginine as a bigger mover in there than even something like Cialis was I. I find it to be very potent in terms of for full body pumps, full body nitric oxide improvement if you will, for all three legs.

01:00:37:06 - 01:01:16:17


Yeah. Well very low. All three legs I have a thought that I want to run by you. I'm coming off your Mr. Happy Sack menthol on anxiety. So glutamate would in simple terms, glutamate to me equals anxiety or as gaba to me equals more relaxation. So whenever we have anxiety going on, like when someone has a panic attack, there's extremely high levels of glutamate, energy drinks that aren't equipped with the same vitamins and minerals that normal caffeine is going to be can elevate.

01:01:16:17 - 01:01:44:15


Glutamate levels in the body. May feel anxious. If you're someone who's really anxious, can we not can we not just bring in some p5p, which is the obviously the active form of vitamin B6, which you touched on earlier. Can we not just bring in some p5p and hope some of that conversion, Can we not just bring in a high dose of DHEA EPA to help with some of that?

01:01:44:17 - 01:02:03:02


Can just bring in CNN to kind of help the brain calm down, magnesium three and hold the brain calm down. Can't we just go attack the root cause of what's making the anxiety happen and then like alleviate it? And then I say that out loud, Lucas, And it's like, I don't want that to come off insensitive to people with anxiety.

01:02:03:04 - 01:02:33:11


I'm trying to find an answer. What do you think about that? No, you're definitely spot on. I mean, if you're if you're addressing those pathways and you're literally providing the the body with the raw materials to, like, gently encourage the brain. Okay, let's accelerate the conversion of glutamate to GABA using things like B6 or some other maybe taurine or glycine or glutamate and things like that.

01:02:33:13 - 01:02:58:20


Then yeah, you're fair enough. It's insane that yeah, it may actually have a therapeutic effect in an individual where they're actually like all of a sudden now they're not ruminating as much or maybe they're just like less tense socially. And this is like, I have literally tested this out myself. I've played around with compounds that increase glutamate activity.

01:02:58:22 - 01:03:24:03


One of them is actually cordyceps, and I've noticed that my behavior when I am like high on Google, high on glutamate, you know, even if you've even if you like, you know, play around with like MSG and things like that, what I've notice is that I'm more stiff in conversation. And I mean, what I mean by that is like, I'm just I can't frickin relax, man.

01:03:24:04 - 01:03:49:02


Like, I'm just I'm too intense, and I just it actually hinders my ability to connect with people because I'm just too, like, to just calm down. Wow. Yeah, that's fascinating, So, like, someone who maybe has some social anxiety could really benefit from that before they're in a situation where their social skills are going to get tested. The public speaking hack.

01:03:49:04 - 01:04:14:17


This could be the public speaking Knack. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Came up with it live on the Go and I podcast how fast they look Guess what something that you're excited about right now that you're kind of playing around with in your own personal research, maybe on yourself or something that you've been researching. Ah, so definitely one that I'm absolutely loving and I'm really excited to share it and I haven't shared it on any other podcast at all.

01:04:14:19 - 01:05:02:23


And this is going to hopefully hit the heat, the yoga pretty hard. Yeah. Is actually a compound that is basically what I would call hyperbaric chamber in a pill and we're talking serious like ox hyper oxygenating the body and it's a compound called Myo Inositol trust Pyrophosphate it's a bit of a mouthful, but the shorthand is I tape to any athlete that is interested in boosting their VO2 max, like I'm talking serious increases in VO2 max endurance stamina, even for bodybuilders that are trying to recover between sets like not feeling out of breath.

01:05:03:01 - 01:05:30:17


ITP is some seriously powerful. Like it's very, very effective at increasing oxygenation in the body. And I've, I literally had some before this podcast I just put in 100 milligrams under my tongue and I was feeling pretty I was feeling initially a little bit tired before we started the interview. I had a little bit on my tongue and I'm like about 15 minutes after it, sort of let it that, let it sit subliminally.

01:05:30:17 - 01:05:52:13


Like I'm I feel like I've had like three cups of coffee in terms of like alertness and wakefulness, but with zero anxiety, zero like tension or anything like that. And to sort of explain it to your audience, what happens in the body is like normally everyone knows what a red blood cell is. Red blood cells carry oxygen, right?

01:05:52:14 - 01:06:23:07


And normally what happens is when when red blood cells go around their body, they usually release about 25% of their stored oxygen during each circuit around the body. What's unique about if you take it up, it increases that figure by about 35%. So you're basically accelerating the oxygen releasing capacity of red blood cells. So what does that mean for an individual?

01:06:23:07 - 01:06:54:10


It means that they're if you're doing a four kilometer time trial or like a beta test or a VO2 max test, you can you can catch your breath quicker. And I've literally been doing some tests on the the assault back, which is like, it's frickin brutal, man. You know, you know how difficult the assault boxes my time on that has been cut by about 15 seconds, which is very dramatic for the four mile time.

01:06:54:12 - 01:07:32:08


So I've been able to hit 9 minutes and 6 seconds for a four mile time trial on the assault block, using it up. Wow. That's very intense. What would be a potential downside of that if there's been any identified? The only major downside is I wouldn't say it's really a side effect because they're using it in literature, in clinical studies, they're literally using it to treat tumors like because it you've heard of, you know, Gary Brooke, he sort of says the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease.

01:07:32:08 - 01:07:54:19


Right. So it's like I'm going to sec where utilizing a compound that hyper oxygenates the body and what sort of side effects would we get. Some people might experience a little bit of like dizziness when they first dose up. When I first tried it, I did feel a bit of like a head pressure, like a little bit of head pressure.

01:07:54:19 - 01:08:27:22


But that's that went away after a couple of days. But it's it is powerful. It is worthwhile experimenting. And I'm interested in anything that's like sustainable, like in terms of like, can we take it regularly without it being problematic? And it turns out it doesn't really seem to be. They literally use this compound to treat patients post heart failure, so they give it to patients that have had like coronary blockages and things like that.

01:08:28:00 - 01:09:00:08


Because in the in the math studies in the in the in the mice that had heart failure versus normal mice, the mice that received ITP actually outperformed the, the masa had normal heart's insane. That's insane. Wow. So would this be like is that the same effect of blood? It's pretty much the the, the closest we can get to EPO.

01:09:00:08 - 01:09:22:01


That's not actually EPO. So for those not familiar with blood doping, that's what a lot of cyclists marathon runners have done to prepare for competition. That describes competition might have seen. They take a lot of red blood cells out and then your body creates a ton more red blood cells. So that's one more opportunity to be able to.

01:09:22:06 - 01:09:43:15


So they can continue delivering oxygen like what Lucas is explaining. But then they put all those red blood cells they took out and they put them back in the body. And so you have like one point, whatever ties more red blood cells in there for one point, whatever, times more availability to deliver oxygen to the muscles while you are performing the event.

01:09:43:17 - 01:10:13:19


Did I explain that right? Yeah. Yeah. No, that's correct. And then obviously your athletic performance is just going to be insane. Apparently, like this is huge in the cycling community. I'm assuming Lance Armstrong, during his unbelievable run, was probably doing this, but it's not cheating if everyone else is doing that. So, yeah, that's fascinating. I'm going to ask you off air if I can try some i.t p or ITP from some itp.

01:10:13:21 - 01:10:38:09


So it's really, really difficult to to source at the moment. I'm trying to tell some massive suppliers in the US to like hurry up and make compound before I put part of my supplement. Like eventually I'll be releasing all of these really powerful formulas in my own supplement range eventually because these are like this shit is cutting edge that no one knows about.

01:10:38:11 - 01:11:03:01


It's only like the really small percentage of like underground, like performance doping in hand, like enthusiasts or like underground bodybuilding forums where, like people talk about this stuff, but most people have no idea these even exist. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's fascinating to hear about Lucas. You have a ridiculous amount of information going through your brain. I've learned a lot from your channel, so I was really fired up.

01:11:03:02 - 01:11:22:00


We were able to get you on the podcast. I really, really encourage people using this to go give Lucas a follow and just watch some of his work. I think, you know, some of it will resonate deeply with you. It's just like anyone who's doing biohacking work, some of it's going to resonate with you. Some of it'll just be fun little seeds of information for you to have.

01:11:22:01 - 01:11:47:12


But What I always appreciate respect out of someone is curiosity and continuing to let curiosity kind of lead the way that we live. And that's where true innovation comes from. Obviously, you're very innovative person and Lucas also, I'm not sure if you know this, but you probably do. But curiosity and someone's curiosity actually has a pretty strong link to their thyroid health.

01:11:47:14 - 01:12:06:14


And so people who have poor thyroid health generally lack a lot of curiosity. When you look around the world and everyone is just like hiding behind these fucking blinders and you wonder why, it's like, well, go figure. So I'm going to give you an from the podcast that you just had your thyroid tests done, but your thyroid is really healthy.

01:12:06:14 - 01:12:29:19


Man Yeah. Did you know that? That's, you know, that's a great marker of thyroid health. That is so cool. Yeah. It's like, what is it? Thyroid hormone opens up curiosity and opens up like it opens up perception. It's it makes sense. Yeah, it actually makes sense in the wild. Yeah. It's so cool. Like, everything's really tied together. Yeah.

01:12:29:20 - 01:12:56:06


Look, it's absolutely fascinating. Before We leave. Tell us where we can support you outside. Just Instagram chat about your podcast and then people who are interested in kind of maybe further furthering, connecting and working with you, what would you recommend for them? Yeah, awesome. Now I appreciate the opportunity to chat. Justin I knew was going to be a lot of fun, but if people want to out a lot of my work, go to boost your biology on YouTube.

01:12:56:08 - 01:13:20:05


Just leave that link to the podcast show notes of. I spend a lot of time creating content for YouTube and I'm yeah, my goal is to to hit a million subs there so whatever help I could get there and there's just an enormous amount of free content for people to dive into so they can check that out. I boost your biology dude, you're the man I look forward to being able to connect again.

01:13:20:07 - 01:13:41:06


It'd be really cool to have you and Sean both on the podcast. That'd be dope. So yeah, amazing connecting. I know next year, in the following years, big years of travel for my, my, my girlfriend and I. So I know that all shows on our list So I know Melbourne specifically so I would love to connect with you went out there but yeah Lucas, you're the man.

01:13:41:06 - 01:13:50:01


Thank you so much for taking the time. Absolutely. Justin, It was a pleasure chatting. Awesome. Until next time "Grow or Die" fam, peace.

01:13:50:01 - 01:13:52:11

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Grow or Die Podcast

EP 408: Lucas Aoun: Unlocking Biohacking Secrets

July 15, 202463 min read

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:32:21


So what happens is and this is probably one of the reasons why a number of guys feel so good after a cold shower or after, you know, a cold plunge. They feel like jacked up and and energized a lot of that. Definitely like no epinephrine, dopamine that's activated. But then also, the reality is that most guys have their testes too warm every single day because they're wearing like really tight underwear or they're sitting with their laptop on their on they're going to crotch area or they're just like driving in the car all day.

00:00:32:23 - 00:01:02:01


And so the test is is getting too warm Any time the like the balls overheat, that literally shuts down spermatogenesis and also massively affects testosterone production. So it sort of makes sense like, you know, the caveman days why, you know, they they weren't wearing tight underwear. They were actually allowing their testes to breathe because they actually need to be kept two degrees cooler than the core body temperature.

00:01:02:03 - 00:01:30:00


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die"podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button, share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00:01:30:02 - 00:01:37:16


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00:01:37:16 - 00:02:00:12


Lucas Aoun, straight in from Australia. It's like really early in the morning over there. What? It's 7 a.m. there. It's coming up on 4 p.m. Central Time here. So dude, thanks for rolling out of bed, getting with me early this morning. How we doing, man? Yeah, do dull moment. I'm excited to chat here today and I am pretty used to waking up early on on a weekday, so it's completely fun.

00:02:00:14 - 00:02:32:01


Lucas, chat with me about some things you're working on right now that you're pretty excited about. Before we dive into the biohacking work that you do. Yeah, I was just sort of mentioning to you earlier that one of my one of my mentors is Shaun Wells, who's like considered the world's greatest supplement formulator, and he actually took me under his wing because he sees, like the younger version of himself in me as like the the little nerdy scientist loving, loving, like the geeking out on ingredients and stuff.

00:02:32:01 - 00:02:54:21


So, yeah, I've been I've been experimenting and trialing new compounds for, you know, energy focused motivation, enhancing VO2 max. So, yeah, I've had some pretty, pretty wild experiments recently. So I've been asked the question that I want to leave open ended for you to respond to first and I'll respond to second. I have a lot of history in track and field.

00:02:54:21 - 00:03:19:15


Our interaction in college, obviously the Olympics are coming up right around the corner. So a very common question my friends will ask is what kind of enhancements do people in track and field use to achieve their best? Well, I think one thing to note there is they are very much open minded to experimenting with pretty much anything. This is it's just commonly it's common practice now.

00:03:19:16 - 00:03:47:03


I mean, there's ways to avoid, you know, doping detection, there's tricks. And if you're working with a person who understands pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and metabolism and things like that, there are ways to to overcome that. But I think a range of different compounds really, we're seeing a number of athletes getting busted for, you know, using like SOMS, like derivatives of Sams as well, like certain pro hormones.

00:03:47:03 - 00:04:18:00


They're using growth hormone releasing agents, all of which I study extensively. And I'm actually pretty excited for the enhanced games. Have you seen that competition? That's going to be amazing. Yeah. Yeah, that's going to be. That's how sport exotic. Yeah, 100%. Absolutely. I remember when I was growing up some 31 and I grew up watching Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa hit fricken 500 foot homeruns off of 100 mile an hour fastball every night.

00:04:18:00 - 00:04:47:00


And man, baseball just definitely is not cool at all anymore without that something that I chat about to track athletes is obviously the the Olympic drug testing situation is intense. It is very intense. It's as far as I last knew, which I guess was about eight years ago. It was pretty world class in the cold, difficult to get around.

00:04:47:00 - 00:05:14:10


But now there's so many more people who are more familiar with other modalities than just antibiotics, steroids to improve performance. And, you know, really, as I've gotten more, I don't call myself a biohacker. I just think there's an answer for everything. And I think the earth gives us unbelievable tools to use to leverage our best performance. And I know that you discuss TR quite often.

00:05:14:10 - 00:05:40:00


I know that you say to many times you've never done TRT. I think for myself and like always having the desire to have a lot of muscle tissue while performing my best to everywhere like testosterone is one of the greatest codes given to mankind. You clearly are in fantastic shape doing a great job without it. So props to you for not falling into the never ending siphon of starting to take testosterone.

00:05:40:00 - 00:06:07:07


Then you just can't get enough of it. But something that you're big on that I've recently started experimenting with is dyslexia. I wrote this nootropic literally rewire Here's your brain. It's relatively new drug for treatment of Alzheimer's cognitive impairment. But it does not only impede the progression of diseases like Alzheimer's actually can repair the damage in the snaps between the neurons.

00:06:07:09 - 00:06:48:09


Chat with you about what you're liking with day access. I think this is something that is just fascinating know. So door access is a very unique compound. This quite a lot of literature analyzing its effects on stimulating growth factors in the brain specifically like looking at its effects on body. And you know we're seeing that Hexa has some pretty robust effects there and most people know about BD and F in the in the context of, you know, maybe like blueberry consumption or jumping into the sauna or going for a run, like all of these things actually increase body and in production.

00:06:48:10 - 00:07:39:02


So what's really interesting about DI Hexa is that it's actually an endogenous XA peptide that's part of the angiotensin for pathway and what they say about exercise that it's a one of the first orally active penetration or blood brain barrier penetration compounds and a lot of the initial research was focused on its effects on Alzheimer's. So if you think of some of the other neuroprotective agents, things like, you know, omega threes, creatine, which you started to to gain a lot of attention for brain health, we're seeing that this DI hexa does have the ability to RB consumed early and it actually does pass the blood brain barrier to exert many of its beneficial effects.

00:07:39:04 - 00:08:10:10


Yet that note of crossing the blood brain barrier I think is commonly misunderstood in terms of something like magnesium supplementation where people think all magnesium is magnesium, but three and eight and glycine eight obviously cross the blood brain barrier. Others don't. When you're looking at tryptophan levels in the brain, serotonin levels in the brain and things like that, there's some cool modulations you can do to kind of increase or I guess decrease as well, the effects of serotonin and what's going on in the brain.

00:08:10:10 - 00:08:36:16


But I want to read something by you. I haven't talked about this on the podcast much. I'm shy about this my friend group. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer, but there really seems to be. I mean, from Ray Pete's work back in maybe 2010, 2011, Charles and nine time rich man, he was really thinking that serotonin in the brain is, I think excess of anything is terrible.

00:08:36:19 - 00:09:09:04


He was kind of talking even just serotonin, period. It's really cause an issue for people. I understand. Well, it's effects in the gut, but I just want to know if you have any thoughts on that. I love this subject because it's probably the most confused element of, you know, neurology and neurotransmitters. Because when most people think of serotonin, Justin, they think of like, you know, the feel good neurotransmitter, the one that actually has the antidepressant effect.

00:09:09:06 - 00:09:58:17


But there's definitely a dark side to excess serotonin that I think a number of people really need to be aware of. And this is all a lot of this is credit to Doctor Ray Pete. I'm a big fan of his work. Basically what he taught me and this is what I also learned the hard way through sort of experimenting with different supplements was that when someone boosts serotonin production, whether that's through taking five ATP or tryptophan or ashwagandha curcumin, if a guy's goal is to maximize productivity and become like a, you know, socially just a dominant alpha male, to like, get shit done, you know, always on the move, always looking to create and achieved

00:09:58:17 - 00:10:25:20


new goals, then dopamine is actually the neurotransmitter we want to be optimizing, not serotonin. In fact, if we deliberately jack up and increase serotonin, that can actually have an inhibitory effect on dopamine production. So when you hear about guys saying, you know, they're lacking motivation, they're lacking drive or they're lacking discipline, a lot of that can actually be due to the fact that they've actually got excess levels of serotonin.

00:10:25:22 - 00:10:56:08


And that's where my passion for optimizing testosterone came in was because all the strategies and methods to boost testosterone levels as high as possible naturally actually came back to well, first of all, boost dopamine and lower serotonin, because if you boost dopamine, that actually enhances testosterone production and also growth hormone production. And then testosterone being boosted in turn will continue feeding cycle of enhancing.

00:10:56:14 - 00:11:18:03


I mean, it's so cool. So dog meet up testosterone, but testosterone of dopamine, also of the glutamate. Two gaba conversion in the brain is something that I absolutely love. I shot it with Dr. Alison Burger on the podcast. She is fascinating if you're not familiar with her, a love for you too, to be able to have a child when they got to love her.

00:11:18:03 - 00:11:39:17


You guys have both you on the podcast, same time. She's nuts. And we had a clip go Mega viral taken out of Context by Layne Norton, who I don't think understood the glutamate GABA situation going on in the brain. And I think Lane's done great work, but he's just trying to be negative and sort of apart on this one.

00:11:39:19 - 00:12:05:12


This is a MO, but the glutamate situation is interesting for me. I work with a little bit more men than women nowadays because my male clients seem to be more long term guys. Female clients come in, we get a health fix, they come in with this issue, we fix them. I typically will pair them with a female coach on my staff thereafter, but I'm seeing this downstream that I want to play with.

00:12:05:12 - 00:12:27:07


And you you talked about the serotonin going to high. It makes a more passive, makes a little smaller, makes you feel it. It just kind of diminishes your boisterous ness. I made up that word for sake of the conversation, but so read Women. We go at 14 when everyone's sad and depressed. Then we get put on SSRI and then you don't wanna get pregnant.

00:12:27:07 - 00:12:45:10


So you put on hormonal birth control. And women have, you know, these historically low iron levels. And I got into a conversation with a future doctor over the weekend about, you know, anemia is not just iron. Anemia is a whole vitamin deficiency inside of the body and your body's not going to hold on to this iron were deficient.

00:12:45:12 - 00:13:18:02


So many other things we can get into that conversation but so if SSRI in play that is hormonal birth control low in iron and now it's like, dude, where does your mental health I mean synthetic progestins are not progesterone. What's hoever? And there's no cognitive beneficial effect of them in the body. And it's I do like you 14 like you come to me at 25 ready to get off and like, you don't want to feel this way and where you won't do these things, but it just seems like this is American health.

00:13:18:02 - 00:13:40:05


Yeah, I'm not sure how it is in Australia. It just seems like they are so set up for health care to be anti-women, health whatsoever have these fertility issues because progesterone is at an all time crisis now, you might disagree with this, you might agree with this. I see these people advocating for like stop consuming vitamin A and shit like that.

00:13:40:05 - 00:14:00:18


And it's I do we're all already low progesterone. A vitamin A is a fucking precursor to I mean, it just seems like terrible advice to me. And these women have I mean, dude, no wonder you have all these miscarriage rates. No wonder you have babies being born with issues. So we don't have any progesterone during the pregnancy phase.

00:14:00:20 - 00:14:20:16


And I think this is a downstream to what's happening where women are young and clearly it's a passion. Mike, I'm sick of 25 year old women coming to me like, Yeah, I don't have sex. I can't have an orgasm, I have no emotional control. I'm having panic attacks all the time. Let's play with that. Well, what are your thoughts on what I propose?

00:14:20:18 - 00:14:45:03


Yeah, definitely. Definitely on the same side as you are with that, like the way in which Western medicine. And we're pretty much the exact same here in Australia, like the way in which we, you know, openly prescribe some of these medications, particularly for things like endometriosis, PCOS, the way in which they just popping pills like candy and just recommending them without actually diving deep into the underlying root cause.

00:14:45:06 - 00:15:07:22


Like it's where we're literally masking the problem. Yet another scenario with Western medicine and again, I'm as a naturopath, I mean, of course I it's a bit ironic because, you know, my dad's a pharmacist and I used to work in my dad's pharmacy. And so I'm sort of like, you know, torn between the two. But I definitely believe that, you know, there's a time and place for Western medicine.

00:15:07:22 - 00:15:36:11


There's definitely, you know, I fully resonate with some of the treatment modalities that they leverage, but I'm really very much about the root cause, like trying to understand, you know, where is this problem stemming from? Are there underlying MT polymorphisms or perhaps maybe there's even blood sugar instability that we just need a upregulate group for receptors or, you know, optimize insulin sensitivity and that sort of stuff.

00:15:36:11 - 00:15:58:03


So yeah, it's definitely an area of medicine that I think it needs to be sort of reassessed and reanalyzed for sure. Yeah. Speaking of another area of medicine, we're going to tie all this back to the brain. Once we were through a couple more things together, I taught in my mentorship this morning about cholesterol. Obviously, we all know that cholesterol is not the enemy.

00:15:58:03 - 00:16:17:16


Cholesterol is not bad for you. It's funny you've been told to I don't eat cheese and don't eat eggs. And it's I mean, a lot of cholesterol comes from these things, Like they're really beneficial for us. I guess I have a theory that the cholesterol issues are really a downstream effect of really poor thyroid health kind of going on everywhere.

00:16:17:18 - 00:16:38:23


I mean, you know, you wake up and even you and I do, we're real health conscious. We know what to do. We know what not to do. We still check our emails. I'm sitting in front of a gigantic blue light blasting blue light in my face right now for PM. I mean, for you it's great at 7 a.m., but like I shouldn't be having this right now.

00:16:39:01 - 00:17:04:12


It should be a little dimmer. We know what to do. And with that we still have to because of our lines of work, we have to be in front of these social media things all day. We have to do these interviews. We have to push, push, push, grind, achieve, conquer. And it drives us into these adrenal driven states to where, I mean, men like lab work back and your cortisol is a six.

00:17:04:14 - 00:17:30:20


All your thyroid self looks good, but your cortisol is a six and I do the body temp pulse rate check thing and it's just not checking out. And it's okay, we're in a adrenal driven state, so it's like, okay, we have all these downstream is going on in this adrenal driven state. And I think it's making people very I think that in itself is simply making people sleep poorly, overreact and have very low hormone production.

00:17:30:20 - 00:17:51:02


I mean, if you're in a adrenal driven state, then your cholesterol is not going to get synthesize into sex hormones anyways. So your going to be low DHEA, you're going to be low vitamin D, you're going to be obviously low sex hormone, you know, low pregnant, alone, low, low, pregnant, low, low progesterone is how the hell you calm down and then you wake up every single morning, never feeling refreshed.

00:17:51:04 - 00:18:17:22


So, Lucas, what the hell do we do? I mean, what what's your answer? Well, I think a lot of it actually is going to come back to, you know, guys like yourself and myself just sort of educating and and trying to spread, spread the message and just educating and trying to lay things out in simplified form so that people can sort of see like the step by step thing, the step by step process.

00:18:17:22 - 00:18:58:03


And one thing that I'm pretty well known for has been the like mechanism of action guy Like I love just sort of closing out on pathways and mechanisms. So I think, you know, when we're looking at these sort of implications, we need to be sort of understanding that a lot of these sort of issues have a have a root cause stemming point that can actually a lot of the times be fixed through either replenishing nutrients like proper nutrition, reducing toxins or eliminating heavy metals, you know, optimizing our environment and, you know, considering these factors as well.

00:18:58:03 - 00:19:22:00


So yeah, we're definitely in an era now with thanks to guys like Dr. Andrew Huberman that a lot of our work or our education is becoming more legit, you know, because five years ago when I was talking about wearing blue light, blocking glasses before bedtime, you know, I was considered the weirdo and the some strange biohacker that has red lights in his house.

00:19:22:00 - 00:19:52:17


Looks like a red light district. My house is full of red lights, too, everywhere. But listen, it kind of sets a sexy mood for me and the missus every night, so. Yeah, Yeah, it's definitely. There's definitely an endogenous boost that's associated with the red lights. Has to be. She walks in and the red lights are often say, Well, yeah, I've seen this in a movie before.

00:19:52:19 - 00:20:26:09


Detox Detoxing toxins. I love that you brought that up. Raw carrots and cooked mushrooms. Absolutely love doing that. That's stemming from repeat as well. I love using Dim and I work with I mean, almost every client I work with. I only work for 43 clients now, which is really nice, but I think every single one of them has had synthetic hormone in their body, whether it be bodybuilding competitors, whether it be on hormonal birth control.

00:20:26:10 - 00:20:49:18


I, I don't think I have a single client right now that has never had synthetic hormone in the body. Do you like those things? Do you like the raw carrots? Do you like the gym to help the liver detoxify the estrogen? Do you like the cooked white mushrooms? What are you liking for this detoxification? Yeah, that's an important subject.

00:20:49:20 - 00:21:15:13


And I'm a big, big fan of the raw carrot salad to reduce endotoxin and promote estrogen clearance from the liver. There's a range of different supplements that I leverage quite a lot for that accelerating detox pathway. One of them that I'm a big fan of is Calcium D Gluconate. You may be familiar with that particular ingredient as like a Zener estrogen clearance activator.

00:21:15:13 - 00:21:46:10


So that's I mean, there's no doubt that we're all soaked in microbe plastics, and these are considered a form of Zener estrogens. But then also, you know, there's other is other forms of Zener estrogens that we haven't even really properly identified or understood yet. So I think doing something at least semi frequently like whether that be using a sauna, leveraging calcium d gluconate leveraging like glutathione supplementation.

00:21:46:10 - 00:22:18:13


Liposomal Gwithian one particular herb that I'm a, I'm a big fan of and I've been probably supplementing with for 3 to 4 years almost straight was actually two that I sort of stuck together that work really well. Number one is Tucker you'd be probably also familiar to otherwise known as Tucker, which is like a specific bile acid that can literally reverse liver damage in less than six weeks and also help to regenerate liver cells.

00:22:18:13 - 00:22:49:13


And then the second one is actually artichoke extract. And if you look at is I was such a geek back in the day, I would go down to this traditional Chinese medicine store in the city and I would literally just spend hours and hours and hours reading these different like, you know, botanical reference materials and material medicus And every time I read about artichoke extracts, it always popped up as like the number one liver protective herb with zero side effects.

00:22:49:15 - 00:23:13:20


And I was like, So I can prescribe this to literally anyone is like, Yeah, they're in that. Incredible. The Asian cultures seem to really have some fascinating health stuff figured out. It's like I have sour soap at the house. Well, now the feds will come knocking because that's highly illegal to have in America. It's too healthy, too health.

00:23:13:20 - 00:23:33:18


You don't need big pharm with it. No. And I'm not sure if you're very familiar with our SOP, but our SOP is fascinating, dude. Every time because I'm one of those adrenal driven entrepreneurs that tells everyone else how to fix it, but I'll have to fix it for myself later on. So I got goals to accomplish. So. So you just get a little sick sometimes.

00:23:33:20 - 00:23:51:13


Every time. Lucas I feel something coming. Not at all. I put two droppers of sour salve under my tongue and I just let it go and let it do its thing. And the next morning I wake up feeling perfectly good too. I'm not kidding. Every single time. Which as maybe even two or three times this year, I don't get sick often.

00:23:51:15 - 00:24:25:02


But that is just absolutely fascinating to me. It's also fascinating how legal it is. It is not that bad. That thing is perfect. Okay. The microplastics in the testes, did you see that? The like ivory. That's a it's do that's terrifying. How do you detox your testicles? It's a it's a bloody good question, man, because, you know, it's inevitable that a lot of guys are having these, you know, microplastics accumulate in the testes.

00:24:25:02 - 00:24:52:04


And the fact that it's now been well-established means that men should pay a lot more attention to what can they do. I guess like the number one thing is minimize exposure like upfront. That's obviously going to be difficult because a number of guys have probably been drinking from plastic bottles for years or, you know, microwaved their food in plastic or maybe even use a plastic chopping board and then, you know, cutting up the the actual chopping board.

00:24:52:09 - 00:25:32:08


So small amounts of plastic are seeping into the food. But I'm actually part of my like one of my missions, Justin, is to release like really cutting edge formulations, hence why I'm being sort of mentored by Sean Wells and one of the products that I'm pioneering is actually going to be a like a a plastic detox formulation to accelerate these plastic interactions and excretion because from what I can see and even with the younger generation, like they don't understand this, so they're just going to continue, you know, eating out of plastic.

00:25:32:08 - 00:25:53:03


So by the time they hit 30 when it's actually time for them to care about this sort of stuff, that's when I think they're going to really, really be paying attention to this. Yeah, You bring up a really good point there. I didn't care much about this stuff. I was about 28, 29, and the next phase of my life started seeping in of, Hey, you know what?

00:25:53:03 - 00:26:13:04


Like, I want to get married. I do want to settle down. I want to have kids. I want to raise my kids a certain way. I want to be the man that my kids look up to be being. And then in the in the quest of kind of fixing some internal things, which I'm still in the process of in this quest is really when I fell down this shoot body.

00:26:13:05 - 00:26:30:11


But it's done a lot of damage to me. But it's not the sport, it's the way I was bodybuilding and social media and a lot of damage to me. It's not social me as elsewhere, I'm using social media. Some people disagree with that that I've had on the show and I love hearing their thoughts about social media and, you know, all of that.

00:26:30:11 - 00:26:51:02


But the reality is companies are going to companies that are worth billions and billions and billions and trillions of dollars. They're going to manipulate you in whatever way they can. We still have autonomy over the way we use this. We're making active choices or the way we use this. But I wish I would have cared about this when I was 20, which we care about it.

00:26:51:03 - 00:27:12:18


19. And it's better late than never. Right. But I think you bring up a good point there. Again, a lot of people will come to me and women mainly, and with my messaging now, it doesn't happen as much. But when I was this hardcore bodybuilder doing it ever takes the wind die for this is like they're 20 deciding, I'm never going to have kids.

00:27:12:18 - 00:27:37:06


You're 20. Of course you're saying you're never going to have kids. You're 20 years old and you can do things at 20 that are just for a female, especially a males body bounces back so easy. But at 20, you can do things that can inhibit your ability to have children potentially forever. And just got a new client last week.

00:27:37:08 - 00:28:13:23


She's a great friend of some clients on my team, so I knew that it was going to be a great fit. And she hasn't had natural testosterone production be high whatsoever. So at 26 they just start up HRT. Like, how about we get luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone and really high? How about we look into what's going on with your cholesterol and if the thyroid is even able to convert your cholesterol in the sex hormone, how about we bring in some pregnant load and progesterone and just at least try to bolster this process to see if naturally we can get your testosterone back.

00:28:14:01 - 00:28:54:22


But you are much more adept at raising people, says officer, naturally, I think, than than I am. So I would love to chat with you about what do you do specifically, not just from a supplemental approach. Is there any dieting modalities? I mean, I pulled training out, put back significantly. We really focus on sleep. You know, we're definitely focusing on more monounsaturated fats, kind of limiting any sort of polyunsaturated fatty oils, things like pull down protein, a good have a good diversity of amino acids like raising carbohydrates up because we need to fuel this thyroid to be working.

00:28:55:00 - 00:29:16:12


What are some things you're doing that you see really work well for raising natural testosterone? Yeah, So that's probably one of the things that I'm pretty well-known for is natural testosterone optimization. And I tend to work with a lot of guys that are like on the verge of going on to TRT, but they sort of want to do it without needing to to jump on it.

00:29:16:14 - 00:29:42:11


Hence why I sort of developed TRT for Ecom, which was like my fall protocol to sort of outline, you know, how to optimize testosterone. But if you look at some of the key points here, Justin, I mean you've definitely nailed it, focusing on mono unsaturated fats, saturated fats. Yes, avoiding canola oil, soybean oil, all the vegetable oils. I'm sure your audience is pretty well versed across that sort of stuff.

00:29:42:13 - 00:30:12:12


I've just talked about a lot of pushback to different and so definitely, definitely focusing on those. What you mentioned before around the carbohydrate intake fueling the thyroid to then accelerate the conversion of cholesterol into pregnant. Lauren is absolutely true. I just had my thyroid panel back two days ago and my free T3 is at an all time high.

00:30:12:14 - 00:30:48:14


It's 6.4, which is like I'm basically maxed out the free T3 portion, my TSA, which is like 0.74, which is pretty damn low. So I'm so I'm pretty like metabolically stimulated right now. And that's not without and that's completely without, you know, thorough exogenous thyroid supplementation. That's all done through, you know, certain vitamins, minerals, certain herbs and also certain amino acids like, you know, I've been loading fennel alanine for quite some time and I know that can get converted into tyrosine and tar.

00:30:48:14 - 00:31:23:20


So you can have some pro thyroid effects as well. But I think from a from a like immediate takeaway for any guy listening to this podcast right now, I think the number one strategy, if a guy's completely nutty and he's looking to optimize testosterone levels as high as possible, then definitely icing the testes. That's that is definitely. Dude, I heard I saw you talk about this on Instagram and so you're so you're going to put your balls and I sub water.

00:31:23:22 - 00:32:01:19


Tell me more. Yes. The premise the activity there is so what happens is and this is probably one of the reasons why a number of guys feel so good after a cold shower or after, you know, a cold plunge. They feel like jacked up and and energized a lot of that. Definitely like no epinephrine, dopamine that's activated. But then also, the reality is that most guys have their testes too warm every single day because they're wearing like really tight underwear or they're sitting with their laptop on their on they're going to crotch area or they're just like driving in the car all day.

00:32:01:21 - 00:32:30:23


And so the test is is getting too warm Any time the like the balls overheat, that literally shuts down spermatogenesis and also massively affects testosterone production. So it sort of makes sense like, you know, the caveman days why, you know, they they weren't wearing tight underwear. They were actually allowing their testes to breathe because they actually need to be kept two degrees cooler than the core body temperature.

00:32:31:01 - 00:33:09:15


Okay. This makes a lot of sense. And I'm a big proponent of not the cell phone not being in the pocket. And I wear a fanny pack all day every day. And I put it over to the side. I had this thing where like a fanny, how little can your as a man, a female, probably too. But speaking men's specifically, how little can your reproductive area be stimulated throughout the day without it like being sex like a fanny pack just when it's straight up with your phone in it?

00:33:09:15 - 00:33:29:11


The phone is still on top of and it's probably hitting as you walk. And I just I have this weird thing about like, I want to keep it as unstimulated as possible outside the bedroom. I have no idea if there's any merit to it, but sex life is good. So I guess we're just going to keep rolling with and hoping that it works.

00:33:29:13 - 00:33:52:00


You bring up a fascinating point that I've never once thought of about women with his podcast. You know, just spread this on to your man is this won't apply much to you Maybe it does we'll see. Bought by a partner or an icepack. Yeah. And they can walk around with it. But man like like if you just put your hand like, down, down around that region, they there's heat.

00:33:52:00 - 00:34:21:20


You can feel heat coming from that area. I recently bought these new boxer briefs I've been wearing. I have like no plastic or no, not what's called nylon and polyester. Polyester, like none of that stuff. It's just cotton. And I find them to be extremely comfy. Do you think that actually makes a difference in the follow up question is going to be well for female I mean, all female underwear is made out of polyester and stuff like that too.

00:34:21:20 - 00:34:50:20


And I feel like that is just wildly detrimental for females because like men, we have like skin, We have we have a there's a little tiny hole that things can actually get inside of there. But for women, it's like an actual opening. So that has to make some sort of a difference. No. absolutely. Yeah. So there's actually really, really strong evidence that polyester underwear men wear polyester like frequently that can actually lead to complete infertility.

00:34:50:22 - 00:35:15:06


Because what happens is it's actually ridiculous. You know, that affects, you know, when you're wearing clothing and sometimes when you take it off, there's that static charge to it, like sort of zaps you as you as you pull it off if you're wearing like polyester underwear, the friction rubbing up against your your testes every all day, what happens is it actually builds up mock amounts of static shock.

00:35:15:06 - 00:35:43:07


So every day you're actually like creating heat. It's called heat shock, which can actually really dramatically lower fertility and also testosterone production. So best to use exactly what you're doing, cotton or bamboo, These are the best materials to utilize and make sure that they're not super tight fitting as well. So I think the same for bed sheets. I use bamboo bed sheets.

00:35:43:07 - 00:36:06:22


They're so comfortable. But I think that's probably mover is. I mean you spend what, eight or 9 hours a day in bed and if you're rubbing up against the polyester or whatever, the cheaper stuff is made out of, a lot of people might be lazy. And this gets me like this all like really worth it. And I'm going to tell I'm about two years deep into this whole more holistic biohacking wellness journey.

00:36:06:22 - 00:36:29:23


And I mean, I'm a way different dude now than I was two years ago. I mean, obviously you find it to be worth it as well. But what do you say to somebody who's like, I just I just can't all that. Yeah. So I'd say to them is like, these are these are macro changes that you make to your daily lifestyle that shouldn't be too difficult to sort implement that.

00:36:29:23 - 00:36:52:00


The whole point is like biggest bang for buck, you know, smallest input for the greatest output. Yeah. And a lot of these things, like for high performers like yourself or for people who are like wanting to be at the top of their game, you know, hyper productive, hyper focused. These are those little sort of tips and tricks. Second, just add 1 to 2% to your daily performance.

00:36:52:00 - 00:37:16:10


And if you keep stacking these on top of one another, then like if you were to look back, you know, look at look back at how you were to 2 to 3 years ago now understanding all of this biological hacking, which is just basically just optimizing your biology like, you know, if you look back at that, that guy that you were three years ago to how you are now, I'm sure you you're much happier with where you're at today.

00:37:16:12 - 00:37:39:19


God, way out here. You know, crazy too. I talk I alluded this for on the podcast, too. If I look at my facial structure over the past two or three years, it has changed. So significantly. I mean, you can see the drop in like quite literally inflammation. Like you can see a I look way different, like almost like a completely different human being.

00:37:39:21 - 00:38:05:14


And I would attribute a lot of that is stuff like this. A lot of it is alleviating emotional baggage and working through emotional stressors and trauma things and like which groundedness helps me tremendously with ketamine. Therapy has helped me tremendously with as well. I've said those are two things that I don't talk about the ketamine stuff so much on the show because I definitely know people who misuse it, you know, quite poorly.

00:38:05:16 - 00:38:31:20


You know, I have strict limitations on things like nicotine, which I think is an amazing brain enhancement drug. Ketamine, I think can be an amazing brain enhancement drug. I have switched my view rather recently. I think we're going to disagree on this. I almost hope that we do. I think alcohol does have a time and a place. It does not have a single positive effect on your body.

00:38:31:20 - 00:39:01:05


I understand that there's something about sometimes just having a whiskey with the boys that just seems to have a positive stress. Emotional effect on me, and I'm not sure. I mean, what do you think about that? A red wine with my girl, a whiskey with the boys. I can't really be all that bad. Look, I think there's definitely a time and place.

00:39:01:05 - 00:39:25:19


I mean, you hear about different health educators saying there's no no amount of alcohol is safe for human consumption. If we look at the the actual way in which alcohol is metabolized, first of all, I think we need to define the alcohol source. Like if you're having a good quality red wine versus like really, really high estrogenic beer, like there's going to be a different biological effects.

00:39:25:19 - 00:39:59:05


Like not all coffee is created equal. That's different types of coffee, different types tea. But funnily enough, there is a study that I think gets swept under the rug and it's actually that really, really small amounts of alcohol, like a really, really small, small amount, can actually acutely increase testosterone levels in men, whereas obviously very high quantities. So it has like a bit of a U-shaped sort of U-shaped curve to that, which is pretty interesting sort of looking at that.

00:39:59:05 - 00:40:22:09


But I guess looking at the other benefits associated with like if you're drinking, you know, good quality, what red wine, you are going to get some some flavonoids, not just resveratrol. You know, obviously there's there's other there's other polyphenols that are present in that. But, you know, if you're healthy, if you're a guy that's like training frequently, you're doing a lot of the right things 80 to 80% of the time.

00:40:22:12 - 00:40:44:13


And then you have a little bit of alcohol every now and then, like maybe once a month or something. And I'm talking like two glasses of wine. I don't foresee that as like it's going to completely strip away your longevity, Like it's not going to destroy you. If you got good liver function as well, then I don't think it's a huge issue.

00:40:44:15 - 00:41:00:09


Yeah, I like that. I think that's a really good point to make. If everything is good so your gut is good. Let's say your thyroid is good. Let's say your sex hormones are going to say your liver is good, which honestly, most of people are going to listen to you and I talk probably do fall into that category.

00:41:00:11 - 00:41:35:02


Unfortunately, our message probably isn't going to get picked up by a million people who really need to hear it. Maybe it will, let's hope. Planted a seed. It'll still sprout one day. So yeah, I like that a lot. Do you have any thoughts on ketamine Microdosing and ketamine therapy? Have you done any work in that field? So I actually interviewed Dr. Michael Milicic on my podcast to talk about, you know, ketamine therapy and sort of psychedelic assisted therapy.

00:41:35:04 - 00:42:05:04


I do think that this is going to be a booming industry. I guess like more and more people are going to be more like open minded to these modalities. I've personally had some pretty profound perspective alterations through some of these compounds and they just need to be used with care because obviously if they're put into the wrong hands and they're they're abused, then they're definitely going to be actually very detrimental.

00:42:05:04 - 00:42:44:13


For example, like if you look at some of the rat studies, they literally give rats ketamine to cause schizophrenia. Like they'll literally give it to a rat to make it schizophrenic. So obviously, like dosages come into play here. Genetic predisposition is important to factor in. Certain underlying health conditions also play a role. But I think what's going to happen is like even like today in 2024, if you search ketamine, brain PubMed 2024, like you'll see new articles learning that ketamine.

00:42:44:15 - 00:43:17:19


Ah, it also activates the opioid pathway. It also interferes with like glutamate or it also interferes with like. So we're just learning more and more about these compounds. And I think what's going to happen is for understanding these research molecules and understanding their mechanisms, we can then also start to build like or develop compounds that either mimic the effects, which is what I'm interested in, like how can we sort of activate the five page key to a receptor without needing LSD, for example?

00:43:17:19 - 00:43:55:01


And there's a way to do that through an AI presented in Amsterdam talking about this, which was there's a particular constituent that's found in copper, you've heard of the copper money area, which is like a never it's a breakup is used in like lots of nootropic formulas for brain health and it's from robotic medicine, like really, really well known that there's a constituent that's found in copper that actually can activate that 582 receptor without causing hallucinations or disruptions in sort of processing and things like that.

00:43:55:01 - 00:44:22:16


So it's a damn interesting space to look at, man. Like, I think there's there's going to be some really exciting research popping up in that space. Let me ask you, how much of this is your personal thoughts rather than maybe what's accepted by medical indoctrination, how much ketamine utilization would be too much ketamine utilization through your lens. I say three or four days a week in like a micros manner.

00:44:22:16 - 00:45:00:21


Over a couple hours can be okay. What do you think? I I'd say I actually would advise to sort of work closely with a I mean, I personally don't prescribe it, obviously, you know, and so it's like not something that I can work with. But so you're saying like 3 to 4 days a week, you democratize. What's the market for small micro this I mean, like if you're taking it like an a bump form, like a little tiny little bump, but there's a lot of sprays going around and like one sprays, consider micros.

00:45:00:23 - 00:45:24:17


So one spray, the seal lasts what you can get the effects lasting like 30, 45. It's like literally like two sprays three or four times a day, three or four times a week, because then you're not really reliant on it. I feel like the issue becomes the dosage can be whatever, but is this something that like, are you doing this every day?

00:45:24:19 - 00:45:46:09


You like feeding without it? Then they were probably going too much where we probably need to just take time off and detoxify for lack of better words. But I've seen it literally change people's personal. I've seen it like change who they are on a visceral level, not in a positive way. But I've also seen it change people in a positive way too.

00:45:46:11 - 00:46:09:09


So it's like, where is that line? And I guess I guess I just think that the line for anything, I mean, it's the same as caffeine is the same as working out, it's the same as dieting. Like if you get to a place where your identity gets warped into, when can I get this and I have to have this today, then I think that's a huge issue.

00:46:09:11 - 00:46:55:09


And I think that we need to kind of chill out at that point. I guess that's what I would consider to be abuse. Yeah, there's definitely there's another molecule that's similar to ketamine, but it's actually like over the counter that has like pretty powerful NMDA antagonist effects. If you take a pretty high dose and that's actually activating. yeah, ag ag maintaining high doses for some of the clients that I've worked with, what I've done is I prescribe if they want to like reduce their, their dosage on like Ritalin or Adderall of like, well, while the E-tron or any of the any of the like powerful dopaminergic drugs, if you take two out of 2

00:46:55:09 - 00:47:18:10


to 3 grams of AG Mateen before bed. What that does is it actually can help to raise sensitized sensitivity to stimulants. So then the next day when you actually take the stimulant, you're actually hypersensitive to that. So you don't need to keep like bumping up the dosage to receive the same effect. That is absolutely fascinating. It's sad that that's not more well known.

00:47:18:10 - 00:47:45:18


I didn't know that either. That's. Yeah, that's fast. That's great information. I want to run through a mental health supplement stock that I have and I want to hear your thoughts on it. And then we're going to go back into the brain performance a little bit more. The methylated b-complex, maybe everyone's B vitamin deficient light. People come in, they're like, well, you know, I can't they they come for this fix.

00:47:45:18 - 00:48:00:10


I talk about the fire at a time or whatever. Well, I can't eat large carbohydrate meals like they made me feel terrible and as there you're probably vitamin B one deficient, then you put in vitamin B one, all the sudden it's like, wow, I feel great on carbohydrates. You're like, you're for fat people who to feel terrible on fat.

00:48:00:10 - 00:48:20:20


So you're probably be five deficient people who have really low mental health or who have been on things like SSRI or hormonal birth control, probably B12 deficient. And anyone has this gut dysbiosis where you're going to have low stomach acid. If you have low thyroid output, you have got this versus you have something going on in your liver, you have low stomach acid.

00:48:20:22 - 00:48:47:06


So you're probably not even breaking down the B vitamins that you're bringing in with food to be able to use anyways. And especially not B12 is I mean, B12 just takes a host of tear down effects to actually break down and use in your body. Sabrina Methylated B-complex. I feel like it's just a really, really good thing for anyone to use new Papped I love selling krill oil.

00:48:47:07 - 00:49:25:03


I think krill oil is just I think it's a severe form of like omega three oils, fish, oils, big methylene, blue guy. I really love methylene blue and dye and l-theanine. What do you think about that? Yeah, it's a pretty, pretty powerful nootropic stock. I mean new, but itself is it's considered to be like a thousand times stronger than parasitism in terms like the OG Nootropic back in the day and then also some of the other compounds you've got in there would be really, really ramping up like neurogenesis.

00:49:25:03 - 00:49:56:00


So you're probably getting like a like a as powerful effect on that neurogenesis as what people who use psychedelics probably elicit. But without like the major hallucination effect, the methylated B vitamins is an important one because again, like most products on the market, particularly like it different Whole Foods and different, you know, sort of supplement stores they don't actually understand how to dose the the vitamins.

00:49:56:00 - 00:50:27:22


The only one that I'm usually really conscious of is high doses of vitamin B6 that's got pretty well-established like toxicity that can occur pretty easily at like dosages of around 100 milligrams per day. But what I like to say to to people looking to get into nootropics and I'm sure you've been an avid experiment and you know, I said you're using methylene blue man, these compounds, they're they're really, really powerful if you know how to use them correctly.

00:50:27:22 - 00:50:49:21


And I think one thing for people who are like just on the verge of like maybe they want to sort of dabble or experiment is keep a running log. Like just actually just do a basic tracker in your notes app on your phone and just analyze how you're responding to things like is methylene blue for me at least.

00:50:49:21 - 00:51:12:11


Like whenever I use methylene blue, my comprehension speed in my working memory is definitely enhanced. Like that is without a doubt. Luckily, I'm, you know, I finished my university degree, so I don't need to keep taking that. But it helped me achieve, you know, dux of my level. So I pretty much got the highest scores of my assessments.

00:51:12:13 - 00:51:35:05


But yeah, and look, I'm not going to not going to be shy and, you know, sort of deny the fact that I was leveraging all of these compounds, man. Like I needed things that would help me sort of enhance working memory, improve confidence, you know, help with reducing anxiety. And obviously you've got heaps of other modalities that can help with that.

00:51:35:05 - 00:52:04:19


But if you understand how to use these compounds correctly, like taurine magnesium, then first of all, they're very, very safe so like you're actually probably going to extend your life by using these compounds because, you know, taurine has great protective anti-aging properties. Magnesium just happens to, you know, quench anxiety but also replenish a deficiency. So yeah, not definitely.

00:52:04:21 - 00:52:33:12


I think an important message for those that are listening would be like if you want to experiment with these compounds, go ahead. Just sort of like keep a running log to sort of track and monitor how you're responding. Yeah, I love the idea of running long because it does take a while to get very in sync and in tune with what you are actually experiencing and feeling as you're going through any sort of protocol really.

00:52:33:14 - 00:53:01:08


You know, if you're if you're taking a sleep sack, then you know it's working. And if you wake up in the morning feeling a little bit more refreshed for taking a brain stack, if you can solve problems faster and kind of keep up with the speed of life a little bit better, then it's probably doing okay. But I think a lot of people just blindly take things because someone like you or I tell them to and they don't really pay a lot of attention to it, necessarily mean that it's working.

00:53:01:10 - 00:53:28:02


I also think there's great education, empowerment. I mean, if you know what you are going to get when let's say you bring in methylene blue and you were told that it could increase working memory and it can maybe problem solve a little better. Now you kind of know what to look out for as well. But along with that, you're probably going to be searching for confirmation bias to make yourself think that it's actually working and you are problem solving better.

00:53:28:02 - 00:53:53:07


You are doing these things. Lucas, a question for you that I saw on your YouTube that I really want to work through your Mr. Happy stock. I would love for you to run through your Mr. Happy Sack with us. Mr. Happy Stock is, is one that's performed very, very well for people who have like a low baseline mood or they just feel like they're struggling with like motivation.

00:53:53:09 - 00:54:28:20


So the premise behind the stock man is pretty is pretty simple. I'd say they will go through the three core pillars of the formula of the of the stock itself. So number one is an ingredient called your dean. So you're at a monophosphate, which is a really, really powerful and effective ingredient to upregulate dopamine D2 receptors. So that's like most people are just like deficient in dopamine because they're just taking it through social media pornography.

00:54:28:21 - 00:55:09:06


You've probably covered that many, many times on podcasts. And then if you stocked that with omega threes, so very, very high dose of DHEA, EPA, and then you also adding B vitamins that synergistic combination there with the you're they they it threes and the B vitamins if you're a complete like noob or like a complete beginner to nootropics if you just try that stock I can almost guarantee you that you'll notice you feel like your brain has like woken up and you feel like you're the lights are just switched on in your head and you just want to get shit done.

00:55:09:08 - 00:55:40:02


Like that is the most noticeable effect is like your feeling on and it would be a waste to not leverage that mental capacity like we you actually feel like you can, you know, take on tasks and just crush it. Like when I was using that stuff back at university, what would happen is like every time I'd finish a task, I would just be super hungry to like, tackle the next one and just like, go, go and just just tick off.

00:55:40:02 - 00:56:06:22


And that feeling of like ticking off a task felt so good. And that's probably because it's sort of increasing neurogenesis, increasing domain data receptors and it can also potentiate the effects of caffeine as well. So if you're adding like coffee to the mix or any sort of caffeine source, you are going to get an amazing effect on like motivation drive and, you know, focus.

00:56:07:00 - 00:56:31:19


I love that stack. There's something I want to add to it that I learned about on your Instagram. It's this new form of creatine that also has like a creatine precursor or something of the like going on with it. I had never heard of that before. You talked about that. Would that be something suitable to bring in for a mental health performance boosting sort of modality?

00:56:31:21 - 00:57:13:11


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that post, you know, completely went viral because I guess there's obviously a lot of people who are defensive and saying, you know, creatine monohydrate is the one and only form of creating and that's I am advocating that. But I'm also saying if we add Gaya, so guano adenoma, acetic acid, which is the precursor of creatine in the body, if we start creating monohydrate with this Gia, then what happens is we're actually enhancing muscle creatine saturation and also penetration across the blood brain barrier more effectively than creatine monohydrate by itself.

00:57:13:12 - 00:57:37:03


So it's like, hang on a sec, If you do some research on this DEA, a research, a creatine on PubMed, again, you'll see heaps of different studies outlining the benefits of J and a lot of that research was back in the 1980s, 1990s, and then all of a sudden it just sort of dropped off and like all the focus was just on creatine monohydrate.

00:57:37:05 - 00:58:12:12


But this new form of creatine is definitely worthwhile considering if you if you respond well to creating monohydrate, then there's a pretty good chance you'll love this new form of crazy. So is this going to be kind of the same effects that creatine monohydrate already has? But just amplified? Yeah, yeah. That's based upon the the mechanisms and looking at how it saturates, you know, different cell types, it's just probably going to yield more favorable effects for individuals.

00:58:12:14 - 00:58:41:19


Lucas As I'm talking to you, I'm well, there's always a million things going on in my brain. Some of them are good, some of them are completely knockout. But that's okay. I'm thinking the more you can combine the precursor with the actual outcome, like the J in the creatine or I'm thinking even like the citrulline in the arginine, like I if I take certainly arginine for the gym, my pump is so far superior than just arginine itself.

00:58:41:19 - 00:59:10:14


Right? See if you can stack these precursors together. It just seems there's probably going to be a more desirable outcome. Would would you say that's likely true in most cases it's a good it's a really, really smart question. This is a good example of like like you just said, arginine and citrulline together give you a wicked pump. But if you do a if you do them separately, you probably don't notice the same effect.

00:59:10:16 - 00:59:33:15


And this is like because it's what's going to happen is like it's probably going to override one of the enzymes that, you know, acts like a precursor. So then if you stack it together, you're sort of overriding a particular enzyme and then all of a sudden your instead of getting 150% increase in nitric oxide, you're getting like a 250% sort of effect.

00:59:33:17 - 01:00:02:18


And this is where it goes back to like, you know, look at the research, understanding the mechanism. That's why I am the mechanism of action guy because I like to bring forward, like explaining how these things work and understand because let's be honest, like a lot of guys have that like engineer brain where they just want to like, they want to understand mechanism, they want to understand pathway and that's how they and that's how they comprehend pretty difficult subject matter.

01:00:02:20 - 01:00:37:06


But how you make a really good point, it's it's important to look at these like precursors as well in my little sex health stacks that I have for people, I actually have citrulline and arginine as a bigger mover in there than even something like Cialis was I. I find it to be very potent in terms of for full body pumps, full body nitric oxide improvement if you will, for all three legs.

01:00:37:06 - 01:01:16:17


Yeah. Well very low. All three legs I have a thought that I want to run by you. I'm coming off your Mr. Happy Sack menthol on anxiety. So glutamate would in simple terms, glutamate to me equals anxiety or as gaba to me equals more relaxation. So whenever we have anxiety going on, like when someone has a panic attack, there's extremely high levels of glutamate, energy drinks that aren't equipped with the same vitamins and minerals that normal caffeine is going to be can elevate.

01:01:16:17 - 01:01:44:15


Glutamate levels in the body. May feel anxious. If you're someone who's really anxious, can we not can we not just bring in some p5p, which is the obviously the active form of vitamin B6, which you touched on earlier. Can we not just bring in some p5p and hope some of that conversion, Can we not just bring in a high dose of DHEA EPA to help with some of that?

01:01:44:17 - 01:02:03:02


Can just bring in CNN to kind of help the brain calm down, magnesium three and hold the brain calm down. Can't we just go attack the root cause of what's making the anxiety happen and then like alleviate it? And then I say that out loud, Lucas, And it's like, I don't want that to come off insensitive to people with anxiety.

01:02:03:04 - 01:02:33:11


I'm trying to find an answer. What do you think about that? No, you're definitely spot on. I mean, if you're if you're addressing those pathways and you're literally providing the the body with the raw materials to, like, gently encourage the brain. Okay, let's accelerate the conversion of glutamate to GABA using things like B6 or some other maybe taurine or glycine or glutamate and things like that.

01:02:33:13 - 01:02:58:20


Then yeah, you're fair enough. It's insane that yeah, it may actually have a therapeutic effect in an individual where they're actually like all of a sudden now they're not ruminating as much or maybe they're just like less tense socially. And this is like, I have literally tested this out myself. I've played around with compounds that increase glutamate activity.

01:02:58:22 - 01:03:24:03


One of them is actually cordyceps, and I've noticed that my behavior when I am like high on Google, high on glutamate, you know, even if you've even if you like, you know, play around with like MSG and things like that, what I've notice is that I'm more stiff in conversation. And I mean, what I mean by that is like, I'm just I can't frickin relax, man.

01:03:24:04 - 01:03:49:02


Like, I'm just I'm too intense, and I just it actually hinders my ability to connect with people because I'm just too, like, to just calm down. Wow. Yeah, that's fascinating, So, like, someone who maybe has some social anxiety could really benefit from that before they're in a situation where their social skills are going to get tested. The public speaking hack.

01:03:49:04 - 01:04:14:17


This could be the public speaking Knack. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Came up with it live on the Go and I podcast how fast they look Guess what something that you're excited about right now that you're kind of playing around with in your own personal research, maybe on yourself or something that you've been researching. Ah, so definitely one that I'm absolutely loving and I'm really excited to share it and I haven't shared it on any other podcast at all.

01:04:14:19 - 01:05:02:23


And this is going to hopefully hit the heat, the yoga pretty hard. Yeah. Is actually a compound that is basically what I would call hyperbaric chamber in a pill and we're talking serious like ox hyper oxygenating the body and it's a compound called Myo Inositol trust Pyrophosphate it's a bit of a mouthful, but the shorthand is I tape to any athlete that is interested in boosting their VO2 max, like I'm talking serious increases in VO2 max endurance stamina, even for bodybuilders that are trying to recover between sets like not feeling out of breath.

01:05:03:01 - 01:05:30:17


ITP is some seriously powerful. Like it's very, very effective at increasing oxygenation in the body. And I've, I literally had some before this podcast I just put in 100 milligrams under my tongue and I was feeling pretty I was feeling initially a little bit tired before we started the interview. I had a little bit on my tongue and I'm like about 15 minutes after it, sort of let it that, let it sit subliminally.

01:05:30:17 - 01:05:52:13


Like I'm I feel like I've had like three cups of coffee in terms of like alertness and wakefulness, but with zero anxiety, zero like tension or anything like that. And to sort of explain it to your audience, what happens in the body is like normally everyone knows what a red blood cell is. Red blood cells carry oxygen, right?

01:05:52:14 - 01:06:23:07


And normally what happens is when when red blood cells go around their body, they usually release about 25% of their stored oxygen during each circuit around the body. What's unique about if you take it up, it increases that figure by about 35%. So you're basically accelerating the oxygen releasing capacity of red blood cells. So what does that mean for an individual?

01:06:23:07 - 01:06:54:10


It means that they're if you're doing a four kilometer time trial or like a beta test or a VO2 max test, you can you can catch your breath quicker. And I've literally been doing some tests on the the assault back, which is like, it's frickin brutal, man. You know, you know how difficult the assault boxes my time on that has been cut by about 15 seconds, which is very dramatic for the four mile time.

01:06:54:12 - 01:07:32:08


So I've been able to hit 9 minutes and 6 seconds for a four mile time trial on the assault block, using it up. Wow. That's very intense. What would be a potential downside of that if there's been any identified? The only major downside is I wouldn't say it's really a side effect because they're using it in literature, in clinical studies, they're literally using it to treat tumors like because it you've heard of, you know, Gary Brooke, he sort of says the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease.

01:07:32:08 - 01:07:54:19


Right. So it's like I'm going to sec where utilizing a compound that hyper oxygenates the body and what sort of side effects would we get. Some people might experience a little bit of like dizziness when they first dose up. When I first tried it, I did feel a bit of like a head pressure, like a little bit of head pressure.

01:07:54:19 - 01:08:27:22


But that's that went away after a couple of days. But it's it is powerful. It is worthwhile experimenting. And I'm interested in anything that's like sustainable, like in terms of like, can we take it regularly without it being problematic? And it turns out it doesn't really seem to be. They literally use this compound to treat patients post heart failure, so they give it to patients that have had like coronary blockages and things like that.

01:08:28:00 - 01:09:00:08


Because in the in the math studies in the in the in the mice that had heart failure versus normal mice, the mice that received ITP actually outperformed the, the masa had normal heart's insane. That's insane. Wow. So would this be like is that the same effect of blood? It's pretty much the the, the closest we can get to EPO.

01:09:00:08 - 01:09:22:01


That's not actually EPO. So for those not familiar with blood doping, that's what a lot of cyclists marathon runners have done to prepare for competition. That describes competition might have seen. They take a lot of red blood cells out and then your body creates a ton more red blood cells. So that's one more opportunity to be able to.

01:09:22:06 - 01:09:43:15


So they can continue delivering oxygen like what Lucas is explaining. But then they put all those red blood cells they took out and they put them back in the body. And so you have like one point, whatever ties more red blood cells in there for one point, whatever, times more availability to deliver oxygen to the muscles while you are performing the event.

01:09:43:17 - 01:10:13:19


Did I explain that right? Yeah. Yeah. No, that's correct. And then obviously your athletic performance is just going to be insane. Apparently, like this is huge in the cycling community. I'm assuming Lance Armstrong, during his unbelievable run, was probably doing this, but it's not cheating if everyone else is doing that. So, yeah, that's fascinating. I'm going to ask you off air if I can try some i.t p or ITP from some itp.

01:10:13:21 - 01:10:38:09


So it's really, really difficult to to source at the moment. I'm trying to tell some massive suppliers in the US to like hurry up and make compound before I put part of my supplement. Like eventually I'll be releasing all of these really powerful formulas in my own supplement range eventually because these are like this shit is cutting edge that no one knows about.

01:10:38:11 - 01:11:03:01


It's only like the really small percentage of like underground, like performance doping in hand, like enthusiasts or like underground bodybuilding forums where, like people talk about this stuff, but most people have no idea these even exist. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's fascinating to hear about Lucas. You have a ridiculous amount of information going through your brain. I've learned a lot from your channel, so I was really fired up.

01:11:03:02 - 01:11:22:00


We were able to get you on the podcast. I really, really encourage people using this to go give Lucas a follow and just watch some of his work. I think, you know, some of it will resonate deeply with you. It's just like anyone who's doing biohacking work, some of it's going to resonate with you. Some of it'll just be fun little seeds of information for you to have.

01:11:22:01 - 01:11:47:12


But What I always appreciate respect out of someone is curiosity and continuing to let curiosity kind of lead the way that we live. And that's where true innovation comes from. Obviously, you're very innovative person and Lucas also, I'm not sure if you know this, but you probably do. But curiosity and someone's curiosity actually has a pretty strong link to their thyroid health.

01:11:47:14 - 01:12:06:14


And so people who have poor thyroid health generally lack a lot of curiosity. When you look around the world and everyone is just like hiding behind these fucking blinders and you wonder why, it's like, well, go figure. So I'm going to give you an from the podcast that you just had your thyroid tests done, but your thyroid is really healthy.

01:12:06:14 - 01:12:29:19


Man Yeah. Did you know that? That's, you know, that's a great marker of thyroid health. That is so cool. Yeah. It's like, what is it? Thyroid hormone opens up curiosity and opens up like it opens up perception. It's it makes sense. Yeah, it actually makes sense in the wild. Yeah. It's so cool. Like, everything's really tied together. Yeah.

01:12:29:20 - 01:12:56:06


Look, it's absolutely fascinating. Before We leave. Tell us where we can support you outside. Just Instagram chat about your podcast and then people who are interested in kind of maybe further furthering, connecting and working with you, what would you recommend for them? Yeah, awesome. Now I appreciate the opportunity to chat. Justin I knew was going to be a lot of fun, but if people want to out a lot of my work, go to boost your biology on YouTube.

01:12:56:08 - 01:13:20:05


Just leave that link to the podcast show notes of. I spend a lot of time creating content for YouTube and I'm yeah, my goal is to to hit a million subs there so whatever help I could get there and there's just an enormous amount of free content for people to dive into so they can check that out. I boost your biology dude, you're the man I look forward to being able to connect again.

01:13:20:07 - 01:13:41:06


It'd be really cool to have you and Sean both on the podcast. That'd be dope. So yeah, amazing connecting. I know next year, in the following years, big years of travel for my, my, my girlfriend and I. So I know that all shows on our list So I know Melbourne specifically so I would love to connect with you went out there but yeah Lucas, you're the man.

01:13:41:06 - 01:13:50:01


Thank you so much for taking the time. Absolutely. Justin, It was a pleasure chatting. Awesome. Until next time "Grow or Die" fam, peace.

01:13:50:01 - 01:13:52:11

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