Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 409: How To Approach The Post-Show Phase

July 19, 202416 min read

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;25;06


The most important thing here do not pull burners post show until the body is stabilized. Sometimes you can't pull T3 until six weeks after the show when food is high cardio, so there's no edema waste not moving much as we pulled T3 clenbuterol we can you pull it if it was in contests show day like let's say you achieved the perfect look and peak week before Clenbuterol was pulled out you didn't pull it out and you were in always showed it because you had the perfect look, which I think is a great thing

00;00;25;06 - 00;00;39;25


to do. Keep that in the following days after the show until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday to allow the body to stabilize the removing T3 immediately Post show is a calls for recipe of disaster. I mean, it's going to be just really bad.

00;00;39;25 - 00;01;07;24


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00;01;07;26 - 00;01;15;14


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00;01;15;14 - 00;01;46;29


Coming off of a contest preparation diet. One of the most crucial times in the entire bodybuilding phase throughout the year is the post show phase. We diet, we get super lean, we're super insulin sensitive. We sacrifice. We we made it happen. Yet then we get post show and we blow living the Pillsbury Doughboy seven days after. I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've seen competitors this blast on social media about what they're going to consume after the show.

00;01;47;01 - 00;02;12;13


And to be honest, I don't I don't do this. I don't know how this I've had two competitors ever in my ten years go wildly off plan out for the show. Both of them did not make it much further than that post-show period phase with me as clients, to say the absolute least. Like you mean. Tell me you dieted all the way shredded just to binge on trash post-show.

00;02;12;16 - 00;02;45;11


Here's a little bit of a newsflash you are not actually craving that. As bad as that might hurt to hear an attack your confirmation bias. You are not craving trash post-show your body is craving micronutrients. Your body is craving foods that are going to feel it to get it back to a healthy baseline where it feels like all of its internal happenings are being well-fed and they have high nutrition at once fruits and vegetables and protein and at once carbohydrates in once healthy fats.

00;02;45;14 - 00;03;17;02


You're psychology because you've restricted from so long from things like sugar and whatever else that we're addicted to due to our food chain might be craving those things because you felt like you couldn't have them while you were in prep. And while that may be true and maybe you couldn't have them binging on these things after a show and following the seafood diet is going to lead to full body Adeyemo say you're going to be waterlogged everywhere and that is really difficult, really difficult to get to clear out.

00;03;17;04 - 00;03;36;27


Hardening your kidneys harder, your liver, heart of your brain, heart on every single vessel in your entire body, extremely hard in your heart. You're going to be extremely tired. You're going to lack motivation. Glutamate is going to get real high. Serotonin is going to get real high. You're not going to have dopamine to be able to counterbalance that because you're dopamine is going to be completely reliant on these hyper palatable foods to continue to come in.

00;03;37;03 - 00;03;58;28


And that's why you can't stop bingeing after the show, because you put the dopamine response of food so high in a state where your body and your mind were so malleable then. Now that's the only thing you can consume to keep your body trending forward. So you keep feeding it more hyper palatable foods because it raises the dopamine and offsets the discrepancy between the serotonin and dopamine.

00;03;58;28 - 00;04;17;13


It makes you feel happier, but in the end, you just start feeling worse and worse because you're feeding this negative cycle of depression, because in your look at yourself and you're going to be waterlogged, you're going to be extremely tired, your face is going to be puffy, and you're I feel like trash. I did all this work for nothing.

00;04;17;13 - 00;04;44;06


And these are typically the people that go on in trash talk. Their coach are trash, all this poor because they failed in the post show phase and now they feel absolutely terrible. So people lie to themselves and blame on the sport rather than taking ownership and being able to say, Hey, I fucked up because I didn't have the discipline in the willpower because I did this sport just for social media clicks, because I did this sport just to prove somebody wrong rather than prove myself right.

00;04;44;08 - 00;05;11;22


And the post show actions always show us who the real competitors are versus who the people who are just doing it for clout is. I want none of these clout people. I want all of these real people. And then actions speak louder than words. Losing habits equates to losing outcomes. These foods are going to cause and electrolyte imbalance here, either muscle cramping, muscle tightness, not going to be able to train, sleep, recover.

00;05;11;25 - 00;05;31;00


So here's what I do. During the last 2 to 4 weeks, I design a plan of attack post contests. I have very real conversations with my athletes about what I expect with their upcoming showing example. I'm an athlete competing this weekend in her pro debut and I think we can get first call out, but I'm not sure we can win.

00;05;31;03 - 00;05;54;28


So had that conversation with her and we talked about a plan of attack moving forward after the show to get better for the next show's upcoming. We're going to have a post contest nutrition plan or to have a supplement regimen All season training protocol is going to ease your minds. You're not just winging it. We are going to be very well prepared and we are going to know exactly what to do post-show, have a plan and prepare for the plan.

00;05;55;00 - 00;06;21;16


So when we're curating this plan, there's some questions. Ask how fat and carved depleted were we going into our contest? To be honest, if you follow the body's impulse rate checks throughout the tests, if you got the prep, if you keep cheat meals in the prep, if you understand how diet somebody pretty well because you took my mentorship, then they're probably not going to be too overly depleted and too low calorie.

00;06;21;19 - 00;06;45;17


So this already greatly helps the dopamine gaba. The glutamate ratio greatly helps their digestion, their overall mood, their recovery, everything. If someone were insanely low on food, there has to be very careful in that post-show phase. How much water depletion do you want to go? What I'm going to do is I'm going to take water back out for the show in the same way that I took into the show.

00;06;45;19 - 00;07;08;01


Therefore, let's say we cut water two gallons down to one gallon and a half that I do by leader. So we're just going to make this really simple for I know a half gallon two days out, sips the day before that equal about 32 ounces or something on the day and then day of the show just sips where needed the day after the show.

00;07;08;01 - 00;07;23;26


This is going to be really freaking hard, but we're going to try to keep water between 32 and 48 ounces, but we're going to have higher electrolytes as we're going to have a meal for breakfast and a meal for dinner, but then diet meals in between. And this is one of the most challenging days of the entire prep because you're showing you're really thirsty.

00;07;23;26 - 00;07;37;25


But if we over log ourselves with water while electrolytes go up, we are going to have a lot of water retention. The next day we're going to go to a half gallon as we did two days, our duties post-show. Now we're just following the two days out. The following day, we're going to go back to the three day out.

00;07;37;25 - 00;07;51;10


The following day we're going to go back to the four day on the Then after that, that's when we started the water cuts. So we're just back to normal baseline from there. And you took the time, the discipline paid off. You were able to stay within your water requirements and you don't have any out of my you're well recovered.

00;07;51;10 - 00;08;14;04


You're ready to train or have good pumps in the gym. You're cardiovascolari healthy. So let's say we're three days out from the contests. Let's say we reduce carbohydrates of fewer than 50 grams per day from maybe a 200 gram allotment. We've now began to reduce sodium levels to attempt to get rid of the so cutaneous tissue of water retention going into peak week.

00;08;14;04 - 00;08;46;15


I do cover this in my mentorship within the peak week module, but going into the big week, we're stabilize salt and and potassium to about a quarter of a teaspoon per meal of each a quarter teaspoon table salt that has iodine, a quarter teaspoon of new salt is obviously potassium is a sodium substitute. So we're going to reduce sodium beyond that to get more subcutaneous water, but keep potassium high exactly where it was to promote intracellular water.

00;08;46;15 - 00;09;14;15


Potassium, intracellular sodium is actually very much like water consumption is going to say, let's say it's two gallons per day when they were on 200 grams and now we're down to a gallon. And then as I literally just sips one day out from the contest. So carbs are low water, slow, Let's say we bring in diuretics. So on top of the water, sodium carbohydrate restriction, we're going to further increase diaries is via diuretics.

00;09;14;15 - 00;09;35;08


And the goal here is to be shrinking out of the morning of the contests. I will not bring diuretics in before I see a full physique. If you bring diuretics in before the physique is filled out, then you are going to end up flat on stage. Get it for I even like spilling over a bit and then let the diuretic come in and do its job.

00;09;35;10 - 00;09;54;20


Let's say you did all of this. You had really low carbs and you had diuretic in and you had really low water. If you go hog wild after the show, you you are going to be unhealthy. You are going to have a lot to undo. You are not going to be in a good spot. You need to really control and hone things in and not overeat.

00;09;54;20 - 00;10;17;25


After the show, you are setting yourself up for a very dangerous position to be in a rebound phase. When your health is in doubt, its all time best assuming you got in contest shape for the show. So some physiological effects. Depleted glycogen levels increase glut for transporter proteins and muscle cells, increase glycogen enzymes which will cause super sation of glucose storage.

00;10;17;27 - 00;10;50;14


So decreased sodium levels will increase adolescent in the body. In the body will go into fight or flight mode. This will actually preserve more water in extra cellular tissues. So that's why we have to read that out. Tapered water over a few days will increase vasopressin. Thus the anti diuretic hormone is your body trying to stop losing water and hold on to everything that it has is why potassium being added into the day is so important because then the vasopressin is going to kick in and it's just going to pull water from anywhere.

00;10;50;16 - 00;11;20;07


And at this point, these ready cut sodium, there's already extracellular water going out of the body. So if we don't raise potassium, then now it's going to favor the vasopressin is going to favor water, stay in the cell and continue removing from outside of the cell so we can leverage this vasopressin to actually have a pro shrink wrap look and go simply because we raise the potassium levels and we lowered the sodium levels.

00;11;20;09 - 00;11;45;24


Now we should never cut sodium out. And I do believe after we find the desired level of of dry, that we want to be slowly adding sodium back in to be able to hold certain pumps, to be able to hold that look is very, very important. But I would raise potassium as sodium goes up. So let's say sodium goes down to an eighth of a teaspoon per meal, while potassium was a half of a teaspoon per meal.

00;11;45;26 - 00;12;06;03


If I move that sodium back up to a quarter teaspoon, I'm going to add another eighth or a quarter teaspoon to each meal of potassium just to make things really easy, kind of keep it in a one sliding scale direction to deplete electrolytes and cause mineral imbalances. This is why we have the multi mineral in play. The final ten days.

00;12;06;03 - 00;12;34;18


They need to show cirrhosis many factors as possible before the manipulations start to occur. Now, the post contest phase, we come out of the contest, you're into your satiated that night. No alcohol next morning, breakfast of choice. Get back on playing with diet meals until dinner time that day there have a dinner of choice. The diet meals are typically going to be consist of something around the 2 to 3 day out diet plan that we had in effect.

00;12;34;20 - 00;12;57;15


So we're just we're not add anything new. And yet here we're just going back to what we know works right before the show until the body stabilizes Monday. We're on site training, putting in work, doing cardio or be at our to day out. Water amounts to day pre contest diet to ease out sodium and potassium intake. So today's post show we are running the exact same plan that we ran two days pre-show.

00;12;57;17 - 00;13;29;11


This might sound like a lot of willpower and discipline, but you are going to be so grateful that you did this. The most important thing here do not pull burners post show until the body is stabilized. Sometimes you can't pull T3 until six weeks after the show when food is high cardio, so there's no Adama waste not moving much as we pulled T3 clenbuterol we can you pull it if it was in contests show day like let's say you achieved the perfect look and peak week before Clenbuterol was pulled out you didn't pull it out and you were in always showed it because you had the perfect look, which I think is a great thing

00;13;29;11 - 00;13;49;14


to do. Keep that in the following days after the show until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday to allow the body to stabilize the removing T3 immediately Post show is a calls for recipe of disaster. I mean, it's going to be just really bad. No a lot of them rebound or creep up on you Monday mornings is starting to see more water.

00;13;49;21 - 00;14;09;15


You're going to bloat more dramatically since how or Dawson evasive press and are trying to normalize and regulate fluid balance his wife following this exact set up show is so so so helpful our Dawson evasive press and are not going to respond as quickly as you like them to. They're not typically called on and they were just called on a very extreme measures.

00;14;09;17 - 00;14;32;27


You gave it three or four days, I think, say by Wednesday, like we're going to run this planet. So Wednesday and Wednesday, usually you're good to go now by the following week and you'll be bounced out and slowly ready to dive into your all season and nutrition plan for the off season growth phase. So the damage control week is the following week and now we can start to really increase carbs, feed the muscle and thyroid, taper down cardio.

00;14;33;03 - 00;14;47;25


We just want to make sure that the scale of waist measurements aren't drastically going up. We're going to keep that waist measurements and a half inch of where it was the day before the show or on show day for an entire month post show. I find that to be very, very, very beneficial. I like it similar to on the weekends.

00;14;47;25 - 00;15;09;10


Keep the digestive stock and make sure to continue getting movement around that meal. The cycle is going to be pretty stable and so a full seven days per show. We want to have as many variables as controlled as possible. That body's starting to stabilize. After this, I'm going to keep an ADHD or like maybe an and a draw and a testosterone loaded for the initial offseason phase.

00;15;09;13 - 00;15;24;25


Some people might think that's really harsh. So we're going to be running 2000 milligrams. That's hardcore. And we had a pretty healthy prep, not one that completely assured everybody because they hired together more fit and did things the right way. So if you did not have a drastic change in your plan leading to show, then your posture plan is very simple.

00;15;24;28 - 00;15;43;03


Continue the same diet Cardio PED supplements, have post-show dinner, Sunday breakfast, Sunday dinner, check in Tuesday or Wednesday, and then we'll be able to increase from there. But the faster the better that you nail coming out of the contest prep diet, the far further you're going to go as an athlete.

00;15;43;03 - 00;15;45;16

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Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 409: How To Approach The Post-Show Phase

July 19, 202416 min read

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;25;06


The most important thing here do not pull burners post show until the body is stabilized. Sometimes you can't pull T3 until six weeks after the show when food is high cardio, so there's no edema waste not moving much as we pulled T3 clenbuterol we can you pull it if it was in contests show day like let's say you achieved the perfect look and peak week before Clenbuterol was pulled out you didn't pull it out and you were in always showed it because you had the perfect look, which I think is a great thing

00;00;25;06 - 00;00;39;25


to do. Keep that in the following days after the show until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday to allow the body to stabilize the removing T3 immediately Post show is a calls for recipe of disaster. I mean, it's going to be just really bad.

00;00;39;25 - 00;01;07;24


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00;01;07;26 - 00;01;15;14


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00;01;15;14 - 00;01;46;29


Coming off of a contest preparation diet. One of the most crucial times in the entire bodybuilding phase throughout the year is the post show phase. We diet, we get super lean, we're super insulin sensitive. We sacrifice. We we made it happen. Yet then we get post show and we blow living the Pillsbury Doughboy seven days after. I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've seen competitors this blast on social media about what they're going to consume after the show.

00;01;47;01 - 00;02;12;13


And to be honest, I don't I don't do this. I don't know how this I've had two competitors ever in my ten years go wildly off plan out for the show. Both of them did not make it much further than that post-show period phase with me as clients, to say the absolute least. Like you mean. Tell me you dieted all the way shredded just to binge on trash post-show.

00;02;12;16 - 00;02;45;11


Here's a little bit of a newsflash you are not actually craving that. As bad as that might hurt to hear an attack your confirmation bias. You are not craving trash post-show your body is craving micronutrients. Your body is craving foods that are going to feel it to get it back to a healthy baseline where it feels like all of its internal happenings are being well-fed and they have high nutrition at once fruits and vegetables and protein and at once carbohydrates in once healthy fats.

00;02;45;14 - 00;03;17;02


You're psychology because you've restricted from so long from things like sugar and whatever else that we're addicted to due to our food chain might be craving those things because you felt like you couldn't have them while you were in prep. And while that may be true and maybe you couldn't have them binging on these things after a show and following the seafood diet is going to lead to full body Adeyemo say you're going to be waterlogged everywhere and that is really difficult, really difficult to get to clear out.

00;03;17;04 - 00;03;36;27


Hardening your kidneys harder, your liver, heart of your brain, heart on every single vessel in your entire body, extremely hard in your heart. You're going to be extremely tired. You're going to lack motivation. Glutamate is going to get real high. Serotonin is going to get real high. You're not going to have dopamine to be able to counterbalance that because you're dopamine is going to be completely reliant on these hyper palatable foods to continue to come in.

00;03;37;03 - 00;03;58;28


And that's why you can't stop bingeing after the show, because you put the dopamine response of food so high in a state where your body and your mind were so malleable then. Now that's the only thing you can consume to keep your body trending forward. So you keep feeding it more hyper palatable foods because it raises the dopamine and offsets the discrepancy between the serotonin and dopamine.

00;03;58;28 - 00;04;17;13


It makes you feel happier, but in the end, you just start feeling worse and worse because you're feeding this negative cycle of depression, because in your look at yourself and you're going to be waterlogged, you're going to be extremely tired, your face is going to be puffy, and you're I feel like trash. I did all this work for nothing.

00;04;17;13 - 00;04;44;06


And these are typically the people that go on in trash talk. Their coach are trash, all this poor because they failed in the post show phase and now they feel absolutely terrible. So people lie to themselves and blame on the sport rather than taking ownership and being able to say, Hey, I fucked up because I didn't have the discipline in the willpower because I did this sport just for social media clicks, because I did this sport just to prove somebody wrong rather than prove myself right.

00;04;44;08 - 00;05;11;22


And the post show actions always show us who the real competitors are versus who the people who are just doing it for clout is. I want none of these clout people. I want all of these real people. And then actions speak louder than words. Losing habits equates to losing outcomes. These foods are going to cause and electrolyte imbalance here, either muscle cramping, muscle tightness, not going to be able to train, sleep, recover.

00;05;11;25 - 00;05;31;00


So here's what I do. During the last 2 to 4 weeks, I design a plan of attack post contests. I have very real conversations with my athletes about what I expect with their upcoming showing example. I'm an athlete competing this weekend in her pro debut and I think we can get first call out, but I'm not sure we can win.

00;05;31;03 - 00;05;54;28


So had that conversation with her and we talked about a plan of attack moving forward after the show to get better for the next show's upcoming. We're going to have a post contest nutrition plan or to have a supplement regimen All season training protocol is going to ease your minds. You're not just winging it. We are going to be very well prepared and we are going to know exactly what to do post-show, have a plan and prepare for the plan.

00;05;55;00 - 00;06;21;16


So when we're curating this plan, there's some questions. Ask how fat and carved depleted were we going into our contest? To be honest, if you follow the body's impulse rate checks throughout the tests, if you got the prep, if you keep cheat meals in the prep, if you understand how diet somebody pretty well because you took my mentorship, then they're probably not going to be too overly depleted and too low calorie.

00;06;21;19 - 00;06;45;17


So this already greatly helps the dopamine gaba. The glutamate ratio greatly helps their digestion, their overall mood, their recovery, everything. If someone were insanely low on food, there has to be very careful in that post-show phase. How much water depletion do you want to go? What I'm going to do is I'm going to take water back out for the show in the same way that I took into the show.

00;06;45;19 - 00;07;08;01


Therefore, let's say we cut water two gallons down to one gallon and a half that I do by leader. So we're just going to make this really simple for I know a half gallon two days out, sips the day before that equal about 32 ounces or something on the day and then day of the show just sips where needed the day after the show.

00;07;08;01 - 00;07;23;26


This is going to be really freaking hard, but we're going to try to keep water between 32 and 48 ounces, but we're going to have higher electrolytes as we're going to have a meal for breakfast and a meal for dinner, but then diet meals in between. And this is one of the most challenging days of the entire prep because you're showing you're really thirsty.

00;07;23;26 - 00;07;37;25


But if we over log ourselves with water while electrolytes go up, we are going to have a lot of water retention. The next day we're going to go to a half gallon as we did two days, our duties post-show. Now we're just following the two days out. The following day, we're going to go back to the three day out.

00;07;37;25 - 00;07;51;10


The following day we're going to go back to the four day on the Then after that, that's when we started the water cuts. So we're just back to normal baseline from there. And you took the time, the discipline paid off. You were able to stay within your water requirements and you don't have any out of my you're well recovered.

00;07;51;10 - 00;08;14;04


You're ready to train or have good pumps in the gym. You're cardiovascolari healthy. So let's say we're three days out from the contests. Let's say we reduce carbohydrates of fewer than 50 grams per day from maybe a 200 gram allotment. We've now began to reduce sodium levels to attempt to get rid of the so cutaneous tissue of water retention going into peak week.

00;08;14;04 - 00;08;46;15


I do cover this in my mentorship within the peak week module, but going into the big week, we're stabilize salt and and potassium to about a quarter of a teaspoon per meal of each a quarter teaspoon table salt that has iodine, a quarter teaspoon of new salt is obviously potassium is a sodium substitute. So we're going to reduce sodium beyond that to get more subcutaneous water, but keep potassium high exactly where it was to promote intracellular water.

00;08;46;15 - 00;09;14;15


Potassium, intracellular sodium is actually very much like water consumption is going to say, let's say it's two gallons per day when they were on 200 grams and now we're down to a gallon. And then as I literally just sips one day out from the contest. So carbs are low water, slow, Let's say we bring in diuretics. So on top of the water, sodium carbohydrate restriction, we're going to further increase diaries is via diuretics.

00;09;14;15 - 00;09;35;08


And the goal here is to be shrinking out of the morning of the contests. I will not bring diuretics in before I see a full physique. If you bring diuretics in before the physique is filled out, then you are going to end up flat on stage. Get it for I even like spilling over a bit and then let the diuretic come in and do its job.

00;09;35;10 - 00;09;54;20


Let's say you did all of this. You had really low carbs and you had diuretic in and you had really low water. If you go hog wild after the show, you you are going to be unhealthy. You are going to have a lot to undo. You are not going to be in a good spot. You need to really control and hone things in and not overeat.

00;09;54;20 - 00;10;17;25


After the show, you are setting yourself up for a very dangerous position to be in a rebound phase. When your health is in doubt, its all time best assuming you got in contest shape for the show. So some physiological effects. Depleted glycogen levels increase glut for transporter proteins and muscle cells, increase glycogen enzymes which will cause super sation of glucose storage.

00;10;17;27 - 00;10;50;14


So decreased sodium levels will increase adolescent in the body. In the body will go into fight or flight mode. This will actually preserve more water in extra cellular tissues. So that's why we have to read that out. Tapered water over a few days will increase vasopressin. Thus the anti diuretic hormone is your body trying to stop losing water and hold on to everything that it has is why potassium being added into the day is so important because then the vasopressin is going to kick in and it's just going to pull water from anywhere.

00;10;50;16 - 00;11;20;07


And at this point, these ready cut sodium, there's already extracellular water going out of the body. So if we don't raise potassium, then now it's going to favor the vasopressin is going to favor water, stay in the cell and continue removing from outside of the cell so we can leverage this vasopressin to actually have a pro shrink wrap look and go simply because we raise the potassium levels and we lowered the sodium levels.

00;11;20;09 - 00;11;45;24


Now we should never cut sodium out. And I do believe after we find the desired level of of dry, that we want to be slowly adding sodium back in to be able to hold certain pumps, to be able to hold that look is very, very important. But I would raise potassium as sodium goes up. So let's say sodium goes down to an eighth of a teaspoon per meal, while potassium was a half of a teaspoon per meal.

00;11;45;26 - 00;12;06;03


If I move that sodium back up to a quarter teaspoon, I'm going to add another eighth or a quarter teaspoon to each meal of potassium just to make things really easy, kind of keep it in a one sliding scale direction to deplete electrolytes and cause mineral imbalances. This is why we have the multi mineral in play. The final ten days.

00;12;06;03 - 00;12;34;18


They need to show cirrhosis many factors as possible before the manipulations start to occur. Now, the post contest phase, we come out of the contest, you're into your satiated that night. No alcohol next morning, breakfast of choice. Get back on playing with diet meals until dinner time that day there have a dinner of choice. The diet meals are typically going to be consist of something around the 2 to 3 day out diet plan that we had in effect.

00;12;34;20 - 00;12;57;15


So we're just we're not add anything new. And yet here we're just going back to what we know works right before the show until the body stabilizes Monday. We're on site training, putting in work, doing cardio or be at our to day out. Water amounts to day pre contest diet to ease out sodium and potassium intake. So today's post show we are running the exact same plan that we ran two days pre-show.

00;12;57;17 - 00;13;29;11


This might sound like a lot of willpower and discipline, but you are going to be so grateful that you did this. The most important thing here do not pull burners post show until the body is stabilized. Sometimes you can't pull T3 until six weeks after the show when food is high cardio, so there's no Adama waste not moving much as we pulled T3 clenbuterol we can you pull it if it was in contests show day like let's say you achieved the perfect look and peak week before Clenbuterol was pulled out you didn't pull it out and you were in always showed it because you had the perfect look, which I think is a great thing

00;13;29;11 - 00;13;49;14


to do. Keep that in the following days after the show until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday to allow the body to stabilize the removing T3 immediately Post show is a calls for recipe of disaster. I mean, it's going to be just really bad. No a lot of them rebound or creep up on you Monday mornings is starting to see more water.

00;13;49;21 - 00;14;09;15


You're going to bloat more dramatically since how or Dawson evasive press and are trying to normalize and regulate fluid balance his wife following this exact set up show is so so so helpful our Dawson evasive press and are not going to respond as quickly as you like them to. They're not typically called on and they were just called on a very extreme measures.

00;14;09;17 - 00;14;32;27


You gave it three or four days, I think, say by Wednesday, like we're going to run this planet. So Wednesday and Wednesday, usually you're good to go now by the following week and you'll be bounced out and slowly ready to dive into your all season and nutrition plan for the off season growth phase. So the damage control week is the following week and now we can start to really increase carbs, feed the muscle and thyroid, taper down cardio.

00;14;33;03 - 00;14;47;25


We just want to make sure that the scale of waist measurements aren't drastically going up. We're going to keep that waist measurements and a half inch of where it was the day before the show or on show day for an entire month post show. I find that to be very, very, very beneficial. I like it similar to on the weekends.

00;14;47;25 - 00;15;09;10


Keep the digestive stock and make sure to continue getting movement around that meal. The cycle is going to be pretty stable and so a full seven days per show. We want to have as many variables as controlled as possible. That body's starting to stabilize. After this, I'm going to keep an ADHD or like maybe an and a draw and a testosterone loaded for the initial offseason phase.

00;15;09;13 - 00;15;24;25


Some people might think that's really harsh. So we're going to be running 2000 milligrams. That's hardcore. And we had a pretty healthy prep, not one that completely assured everybody because they hired together more fit and did things the right way. So if you did not have a drastic change in your plan leading to show, then your posture plan is very simple.

00;15;24;28 - 00;15;43;03


Continue the same diet Cardio PED supplements, have post-show dinner, Sunday breakfast, Sunday dinner, check in Tuesday or Wednesday, and then we'll be able to increase from there. But the faster the better that you nail coming out of the contest prep diet, the far further you're going to go as an athlete.

00;15;43;03 - 00;15;45;16

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