Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 405: Dieting Differences Between Men and Women

June 24, 202416 min read

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:21:13


Another possible reason to explain why women are better at maintaining muscle. While dieting could relate to higher growth hormone levels compared to men, this growth hormone by itself is not very anabolic in nature. It can induce lipolysis fat burning. But if you just say growth hormone with no other help with it as a man, at least you're not going to see a ton of muscle gain as woman.

00:00:21:13 - 00:00:30:15


You'll see more, but it's not going to be like the make or break difference of you going from bikini to women's physique because of growth hormone.

00:00:30:15 - 00:00:58:12


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00:00:58:14 - 00:01:06:04


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00:01:06:04 - 00:01:36:12


Dieting, differences between men and women basically just comes down to the hormonal changes between the two. One really good example of this relates to iron. Iron was essential for its involvement and processes in the body, like the synthesis of carnitine, which you guys might be familiar with, as it is absolutely imperative for fat oxidation to allow triglycerides and then fatty acids once in the bloodstream to have a bridge to get into the mitochondria to be utilized as energy.

00:01:36:14 - 00:02:03:07


About 70% of the iron in the body is found in hemoglobin. So it's very important in this structure in woman. But also brains support healthy skin, nails, hair, immune response. You're typically see people who are anemic, not have healthy hair, have brittle nails and have foggy brain get sick often. And so it shows just how important this is.

00:02:03:07 - 00:02:27:04


Yet women have iron deficiency anemia because of a few reasons. Mostly blood loss or in the menstrual cycle is a big one. But also a lot of women avoid iron rich foods which like beef or canning beef bone broth coming from animal meats. Specifically, red meat is we're going to give them this iron and that's called him iron.

00:02:27:04 - 00:02:51:02


That's iiNet's bioavailable and ready to be uptake into your body right away. Vegetables have iron, too, and a lot of women rely on vegetables to get their iron. Vegans, vegetarians, they do as well. But vegetables also contain things like anti nutrients like lectins that can lock onto the iron, hinder its uptake in the body as our digestive system is not very proficient at breaking these things down.

00:02:51:07 - 00:03:23:20


Whereas men recirculate the iron they in just from food have little reluctance to consume foods like beef. Most men eat beef. If you don't eat beef, I'm not sure how much of a man you are. High iron. Not good. It's linked to a lot of neural issues like Alzheimer's dementia, which I just had there for a second. So men buying iron free supplements, assuming their animal protein intake is adequate, is going to be very beneficial.

00:03:23:20 - 00:03:50:23


But let's kind of dive into more access. And those here women have higher body fat levels in men. This is attributed to their estrogen levels because women hips upper thigh is, but they have more fat cell receptors in those areas than men do. Now, the most common type of fat cell is a beta two adrenergic receptor. Men have a higher number of these, and women, they have more alpha two adrenergic fat cells.

00:03:51:01 - 00:04:13:13


Those dominate. And that's a reason why it's so difficult for women to lose fat in those areas. Beta two is much more prone to release in the triglyceride from the fat cell to be utilized, whereas Alpha two really likes holding on to the fat stored in those areas. There is your body does. This is just evolutionary based. It takes about 80,000 calories to produce a human fetus.

00:04:13:13 - 00:04:42:17


So maintaining fat in those specific areas is kind of nature's way to ensuring there's going to be sufficient calories to get pregnant and bear a child. Now, during a fat loss phase, this makes yohimbine even more useful in women than men. Now, in men it's very, very useful. But you'll typically see a greater response from something like Clenbuterol in men than you will yohimbine, because Clenbuterol acts on beta two, Yohimbine acts on Alpha two.

00:04:42:18 - 00:05:04:02


But the synergistic effect of them both realistically is going to be better than just one or the other. But that being said, Yohimbine is definitely the first line of fat loss supplement that I'm going to bring in in a fat loss phase or a prep where a dose at about 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. I teach about all of this in my mentorship.

00:05:04:04 - 00:05:28:09


I'm also going to be writing some articles on Substack about this, so make sure to hop in both those. If you really want to learn the deep rooted utilizations behind these things. But estrogen in women plays a major role in regulating fat metabolism. I've seen much more so than men. When I take a guy's estrogen down quite low through using aromatase inhibitors, I never quite see that much more fat loss.

00:05:28:13 - 00:05:57:11


To be frank, I typically see less subcutaneous water, but we can pull that off by using Epsom salt baths. Me with a sauna adequate hydration, sodium and potassium levels. I don't love ice. That doesn't mean I won't use them. I just don't love them. For women typically dim, which helps the liver detox, estrogen and no redux, which just kind of attaches to the estrogen receptor and doesn't really compete very hard like and a remedy will.

00:05:57:13 - 00:06:21:08


I don't see a need for eyes and a well time prepped for most women. Again, nothing is going to be 100%. And that's not to say I have uses in the past very much so. I have I've overusing ice in the past and that's why I can share this information with you to not make the same mistake as I did because I had the female's body in such a recovery deficit that we had to overcompensate for it with the drugs.

00:06:21:10 - 00:06:43:23


This is what most people are doing. It's not an appropriate way to diet somebody. Estrogen releases and women all make an ebb and flow fashion. It's really based around menstruation. A typical menstrual cycle has about 20 days. This can vary between 21 to 45 days, so you might have a 28 day cycle, a 28 day cycle, and then 22 day cycle and offers you, my gosh, 86 days early.

00:06:44:01 - 00:07:09:17


If it's between 21 to 45 days, it's still kind of considered normal to not get too worried about that. Now, if we're hop around like 28 and 26, 21, 4231 21, I want to find some consistency there. And we're going to look into progesterone, estrogen, what's going on throughout the cycle. It's typically going to be caused by some sort of progesterone or stress insufficiency, which is really easy to fix.

00:07:09:19 - 00:07:34:23


Now, at the start of the Flickr phase or about the 14th day, the cycle that's when menstruation occurs is where the lowest levels of hormone occur in women. Now the end of the flicker of phase days 1113 In the monthly cycle, luteinizing hormone level spike induce ovulation action levels rise and then fall following ovulation. So the primary function of luteinizing hormone to women.

00:07:34:23 - 00:07:56:13


So in men luteinizing hormone, we look at this for the synthesis of testosterone. And when you're point a man off of androgens, we really pay close attention to that luteinizing hormone to see how quickly we can reboot it. So it starts calling on the late egg cells of the testes to great Susser back, back to where the next phase of the cycle is going to be.

00:07:56:13 - 00:08:18:00


The luteal phase that begins on the 14 day mark excuse me, after ovulation. That's for the other hormones, luteinizing hormone, fiber stimulating hormone. They decline return to baseline levels in this phase, but actually progesterone levels peak around the 20th to the 24th day of the cycle. This is why we love getting blood worked on a day 21 of a female cycle.

00:08:18:00 - 00:08:45:10


That's the middle luteal phase and the peak there to prepare for pregnancy. But if pregnancy doesn't occur, hormones return to baseline. Menstruation is induced, which starts the cycle again. During the follicle phase, you're going to see decreased fat oxidation, protein oxidation, increased carbohydrate oxidation, decreased glycogen storage, increased ability to store muscle glycogen. To be honest with you, I don't really cycle diets based on this.

00:08:45:12 - 00:09:13:20


I like keeping a diet sufficient enough in micronutrients and protein toward this doesn't matter a ton in terms of the actual outcomes of the cycle, the water retention, how woman is feeling. But then the luteal phase fall oxidation increases protein, oxidation increase carbohydrate, oxidation declines, resting energy expenditure goes up, glycine storage increases, efficiency of glycogen stores declines the X's and O's of the diet.

00:09:13:22 - 00:09:34:05


I've noticed over the years that women seem to react more efficiently to lower carbohydrate dies for fat loss purposes. I don't know if there's any literature on this. I have a theory that it could just be the natural diuretic effect of a low type, low carbohydrate diet because women tend to get bloated at certain points in the cycle and there's excess water retention.

00:09:34:05 - 00:09:58:02


So if you have a low carbohydrate supply, going to have lower water retention. But women are more resilient and lose more fat compared to muscle when dieting. My guess here would just be because women's higher energy levels since estrogen has been shown to affect muscle preservation in a number of ways, I think one way might be through activation of satellite cells, muscle stem cells involved in muscle repair and growth.

00:09:58:05 - 00:10:24:08


Again, I'm not 100% certain on that. It's just something I've thought of and put together. Another possible reason to explain why women are better at maintaining muscle. While dieting could relate to higher growth hormone levels compared to men, this growth hormone by itself is not very anabolic in nature. It can induce lipolysis fat burning. But if you just say growth hormone with no other help with it as a man, at least you're not going to see a ton of muscle gain as woman.

00:10:24:08 - 00:10:54:11


You'll see more, but it's not going to be like the make or break difference of you going from bikini to women's physique because of growth hormone. I view growth hormone in women as a fat oxidizer. Really healthy for collagen synthesis and just overall anti-aging, which has amazing benefit for everything inside of our body, including your external appearance. Now women are more prone to osteoporosis after 30, but it doesn't fully manifest until age 40.

00:10:54:11 - 00:11:19:11


So if you are over the age of 30, I think taking calcium citrate, which doesn't have to be consumed with meals as other type of calcium supplements do, about 1000 milligrams a day can really inhibit you from getting to that osteoporosis. This metric of losing bone density, you don't want to do that. It's very uncomfortable. And I highly recommend for women over 30 to do this.

00:11:19:13 - 00:11:46:08


Sufficient vitamin D is important for literally every human being on the planet. I feel like I've talked about that a ton, but it does also help with calcium metabolism. So if I'm in de K2 plus calcium citrate, very beneficial dietary fat women need to consume dietary fat for the same reasons men do sex hormone synthesis. But also you need to help absorb fat soluble nutrients.

00:11:46:08 - 00:12:11:00


Vitamin A head K most women are progesterone deficient. If you're progesterone deficient, you're going to be vitamin D deficient. Those who go hand in hand as vibrant is a precursor to progesterone synthesis and a female's body, and also a male body. Fat intake is very important because it helps maintain normal monthly cycles. Suggested intake I have for women is really I like 35% of the daily caloric intake.

00:12:11:01 - 00:12:35:10


Being from fat. Obviously in a prep can get down lower in someone who's not enhanced. I don't think I'd really go below 25%. Women who are not enhanced need to prep much longer, women who are enhanced. But I like long preps anyways. If there's just a fat loss phase the first month of a fat loss, Vegas kind of getting into it and kind of getting the wheels turning forward for a female for a male says about the first two weeks.

00:12:35:11 - 00:12:58:17


And then after that we really start getting after it. For men, few ingest less than 20% of fat. Your testosterone production is going to be pretty much blunted. And there's really a discrepancy between omega six and a mega three fats, polyunsaturated fats, mostly omega six fats. We need to have a healthy ratio between the three and the sex.

00:12:58:19 - 00:13:25:05


As if the sex is too high. There's going to be negative repercussions, such as high inflammatory markers. Now, omega three, the type is listed as essential is offline ala of linoleic acid, but it's not the most active form of omega three. DHEA and EPA like what's found in krill oil. I love krill oil over fish oil because there's also great choline effects from krill oil.

00:13:25:05 - 00:13:49:12


And also I find it to be a little bit better quality, show better changes in biomarkers with my clients. But regardless, women are more efficient than men in converting ALA into DHEA. Again, not 100% sure. The reason why I think this is just an evolutionary process that is an essential brain component is 40% of the fat in the brain is DHEA.

00:13:49:14 - 00:14:22:14


So for women to be able to probably produce a fetus DHEA for brain formation, that's probably why females body better converts ala into DHEA. The men do Now many women suffer from painful menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is what this is called primary cause of painful cramps, an imbalance between anti-inflammatory and mega three and inflammatory omega six fatty acids. So if we increase intake of omega three, then we can displace the omega six and we can relieve this problem for most people.

00:14:22:14 - 00:15:04:11


Again, krill oil is nearly an essential supplement, in my opinion. For women who experience Dysmenorrhea omega three can improve fertility in women at age childbirth because it promotes increased blood flow within the uterus. But get this a woman who supplements omega three during pregnancy lowers the risk of premature birth by altering the balance of DHEA. I'm sorry Omega six is producer in labor and can promote fetal growth by improving placental blood flow, having helpful amounts of omega three to Mega six literally as a pregnant woman will increase the chance that the fetus is healthy.

00:15:04:13 - 00:15:32:20


You have an ACL because of how females bodies oxidize fat much greater than men, so can be a great supplement pre training as opposed to are men. I don't think there's that much of a difference in the pre training but it regardless I find the fat disposition utilization between women and men to be fascinating to me. Protein intake despite the progesterone during the luteal phase is associated with the decreased level of amino acid circulating in the blood.

00:15:32:22 - 00:16:06:04


Progesterone promotes a thickening of the endometrial lining or the lining of the uterus and repair for pregnancy low progesterone for a long period of time. Looking at you guys, hormonal birth control advocates exponentially increases the chance of endometriosis, which is extreme thinning of the enemy's hair, aligning for the light of the uterus. But this process of thickening the lining takes up a considerable amount of protein and therefore amino acids in the process.

00:16:06:06 - 00:16:26:21


Even when women exercise, they're in the middle of the or phase their cycle. 24 They burn a great amount of protein. What this means that it would be prudent for women to increase their protein intake at that point of the cycle. I don't think we need to get in the weeds with this. Like here's a menstrual cycle diet, Here's or here's the luteal phase diet.

00:16:26:21 - 00:16:51:03


His middle luteal Phase II is a follicular phase that I don't. Can we just keep producing around 1.3, 1.5 grams per pound of lean body mass? If so, they'll be pretty good there. If you take that high, someone has digestive distress. Add in apple cider vinegar to help with the breakdown out and betaine ecl is that is hydrochloric acid in the body and that'll help with the breakdown.

00:16:51:05 - 00:17:19:08


But typically if you see a high protein intake calls problems, you'll see lower B12 in those women because they're simply not breaking down the B12 that you're consuming with the diet. I believe protein should be spread out today, 4 to 5 intakes from different animal proteins. Hydrolyzed whey is going to be really good for muscle building and recovery also so that the female's body can just simply do what it needs to do through all phases of the cycle.

00:17:19:10 - 00:17:42:21


I like hydrolyzed Whey lactose has been removed. Most women struggle with dairy breakdown and women are terrified of acne, rightfully so. It's a massive drain on your confidence as a female. So if we can stay away from the westernized A1 dairy that we have circulated America, I think we're going to be a better spot. My goal of this podcast was to give you great insight on the dieting differences between men and women.

00:17:42:21 - 00:17:50:08


I hope that was accomplished. If it was, share this with your friends. Subscribe to the Substack and I've got much more coming. I'll see you next time.

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Welcome to The Grow Or Die Podcast – your ultimate hub for fitness and entrepreneurship.

Join Justin Mihaly as we explore nutrition, training, bodybuilding, and more.

Beyond the gym, discover the realities of business ownership, mindset tips, and captivating discussions.

Hosted fearlessly, we spill the tea and push boundaries because growth is the essence of life.

Tune in for insights that elevate your fitness and entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to grow or die?

Grow or Die Podcast

EP 405: Dieting Differences Between Men and Women

June 24, 202416 min read

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:21:13


Another possible reason to explain why women are better at maintaining muscle. While dieting could relate to higher growth hormone levels compared to men, this growth hormone by itself is not very anabolic in nature. It can induce lipolysis fat burning. But if you just say growth hormone with no other help with it as a man, at least you're not going to see a ton of muscle gain as woman.

00:00:21:13 - 00:00:30:15


You'll see more, but it's not going to be like the make or break difference of you going from bikini to women's physique because of growth hormone.

00:00:30:15 - 00:00:58:12


What is happening everyone. Welcome back to your favorite podcast, the "Grow or Die" podcast. I'm your host Justin Mihaly and I am thrilled to have you back on another journey with us. Before the show begins, if you please could hit the subscribe button. Share this with your friends if you love the show and check out the sponsors in the show notes, it would help this show grow tremendously.

00:00:58:14 - 00:01:06:04


Get ready. There is a mindblowing episode coming. I'll see you inside.

00:01:06:04 - 00:01:36:12


Dieting, differences between men and women basically just comes down to the hormonal changes between the two. One really good example of this relates to iron. Iron was essential for its involvement and processes in the body, like the synthesis of carnitine, which you guys might be familiar with, as it is absolutely imperative for fat oxidation to allow triglycerides and then fatty acids once in the bloodstream to have a bridge to get into the mitochondria to be utilized as energy.

00:01:36:14 - 00:02:03:07


About 70% of the iron in the body is found in hemoglobin. So it's very important in this structure in woman. But also brains support healthy skin, nails, hair, immune response. You're typically see people who are anemic, not have healthy hair, have brittle nails and have foggy brain get sick often. And so it shows just how important this is.

00:02:03:07 - 00:02:27:04


Yet women have iron deficiency anemia because of a few reasons. Mostly blood loss or in the menstrual cycle is a big one. But also a lot of women avoid iron rich foods which like beef or canning beef bone broth coming from animal meats. Specifically, red meat is we're going to give them this iron and that's called him iron.

00:02:27:04 - 00:02:51:02


That's iiNet's bioavailable and ready to be uptake into your body right away. Vegetables have iron, too, and a lot of women rely on vegetables to get their iron. Vegans, vegetarians, they do as well. But vegetables also contain things like anti nutrients like lectins that can lock onto the iron, hinder its uptake in the body as our digestive system is not very proficient at breaking these things down.

00:02:51:07 - 00:03:23:20


Whereas men recirculate the iron they in just from food have little reluctance to consume foods like beef. Most men eat beef. If you don't eat beef, I'm not sure how much of a man you are. High iron. Not good. It's linked to a lot of neural issues like Alzheimer's dementia, which I just had there for a second. So men buying iron free supplements, assuming their animal protein intake is adequate, is going to be very beneficial.

00:03:23:20 - 00:03:50:23


But let's kind of dive into more access. And those here women have higher body fat levels in men. This is attributed to their estrogen levels because women hips upper thigh is, but they have more fat cell receptors in those areas than men do. Now, the most common type of fat cell is a beta two adrenergic receptor. Men have a higher number of these, and women, they have more alpha two adrenergic fat cells.

00:03:51:01 - 00:04:13:13


Those dominate. And that's a reason why it's so difficult for women to lose fat in those areas. Beta two is much more prone to release in the triglyceride from the fat cell to be utilized, whereas Alpha two really likes holding on to the fat stored in those areas. There is your body does. This is just evolutionary based. It takes about 80,000 calories to produce a human fetus.

00:04:13:13 - 00:04:42:17


So maintaining fat in those specific areas is kind of nature's way to ensuring there's going to be sufficient calories to get pregnant and bear a child. Now, during a fat loss phase, this makes yohimbine even more useful in women than men. Now, in men it's very, very useful. But you'll typically see a greater response from something like Clenbuterol in men than you will yohimbine, because Clenbuterol acts on beta two, Yohimbine acts on Alpha two.

00:04:42:18 - 00:05:04:02


But the synergistic effect of them both realistically is going to be better than just one or the other. But that being said, Yohimbine is definitely the first line of fat loss supplement that I'm going to bring in in a fat loss phase or a prep where a dose at about 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. I teach about all of this in my mentorship.

00:05:04:04 - 00:05:28:09


I'm also going to be writing some articles on Substack about this, so make sure to hop in both those. If you really want to learn the deep rooted utilizations behind these things. But estrogen in women plays a major role in regulating fat metabolism. I've seen much more so than men. When I take a guy's estrogen down quite low through using aromatase inhibitors, I never quite see that much more fat loss.

00:05:28:13 - 00:05:57:11


To be frank, I typically see less subcutaneous water, but we can pull that off by using Epsom salt baths. Me with a sauna adequate hydration, sodium and potassium levels. I don't love ice. That doesn't mean I won't use them. I just don't love them. For women typically dim, which helps the liver detox, estrogen and no redux, which just kind of attaches to the estrogen receptor and doesn't really compete very hard like and a remedy will.

00:05:57:13 - 00:06:21:08


I don't see a need for eyes and a well time prepped for most women. Again, nothing is going to be 100%. And that's not to say I have uses in the past very much so. I have I've overusing ice in the past and that's why I can share this information with you to not make the same mistake as I did because I had the female's body in such a recovery deficit that we had to overcompensate for it with the drugs.

00:06:21:10 - 00:06:43:23


This is what most people are doing. It's not an appropriate way to diet somebody. Estrogen releases and women all make an ebb and flow fashion. It's really based around menstruation. A typical menstrual cycle has about 20 days. This can vary between 21 to 45 days, so you might have a 28 day cycle, a 28 day cycle, and then 22 day cycle and offers you, my gosh, 86 days early.

00:06:44:01 - 00:07:09:17


If it's between 21 to 45 days, it's still kind of considered normal to not get too worried about that. Now, if we're hop around like 28 and 26, 21, 4231 21, I want to find some consistency there. And we're going to look into progesterone, estrogen, what's going on throughout the cycle. It's typically going to be caused by some sort of progesterone or stress insufficiency, which is really easy to fix.

00:07:09:19 - 00:07:34:23


Now, at the start of the Flickr phase or about the 14th day, the cycle that's when menstruation occurs is where the lowest levels of hormone occur in women. Now the end of the flicker of phase days 1113 In the monthly cycle, luteinizing hormone level spike induce ovulation action levels rise and then fall following ovulation. So the primary function of luteinizing hormone to women.

00:07:34:23 - 00:07:56:13


So in men luteinizing hormone, we look at this for the synthesis of testosterone. And when you're point a man off of androgens, we really pay close attention to that luteinizing hormone to see how quickly we can reboot it. So it starts calling on the late egg cells of the testes to great Susser back, back to where the next phase of the cycle is going to be.

00:07:56:13 - 00:08:18:00


The luteal phase that begins on the 14 day mark excuse me, after ovulation. That's for the other hormones, luteinizing hormone, fiber stimulating hormone. They decline return to baseline levels in this phase, but actually progesterone levels peak around the 20th to the 24th day of the cycle. This is why we love getting blood worked on a day 21 of a female cycle.

00:08:18:00 - 00:08:45:10


That's the middle luteal phase and the peak there to prepare for pregnancy. But if pregnancy doesn't occur, hormones return to baseline. Menstruation is induced, which starts the cycle again. During the follicle phase, you're going to see decreased fat oxidation, protein oxidation, increased carbohydrate oxidation, decreased glycogen storage, increased ability to store muscle glycogen. To be honest with you, I don't really cycle diets based on this.

00:08:45:12 - 00:09:13:20


I like keeping a diet sufficient enough in micronutrients and protein toward this doesn't matter a ton in terms of the actual outcomes of the cycle, the water retention, how woman is feeling. But then the luteal phase fall oxidation increases protein, oxidation increase carbohydrate, oxidation declines, resting energy expenditure goes up, glycine storage increases, efficiency of glycogen stores declines the X's and O's of the diet.

00:09:13:22 - 00:09:34:05


I've noticed over the years that women seem to react more efficiently to lower carbohydrate dies for fat loss purposes. I don't know if there's any literature on this. I have a theory that it could just be the natural diuretic effect of a low type, low carbohydrate diet because women tend to get bloated at certain points in the cycle and there's excess water retention.

00:09:34:05 - 00:09:58:02


So if you have a low carbohydrate supply, going to have lower water retention. But women are more resilient and lose more fat compared to muscle when dieting. My guess here would just be because women's higher energy levels since estrogen has been shown to affect muscle preservation in a number of ways, I think one way might be through activation of satellite cells, muscle stem cells involved in muscle repair and growth.

00:09:58:05 - 00:10:24:08


Again, I'm not 100% certain on that. It's just something I've thought of and put together. Another possible reason to explain why women are better at maintaining muscle. While dieting could relate to higher growth hormone levels compared to men, this growth hormone by itself is not very anabolic in nature. It can induce lipolysis fat burning. But if you just say growth hormone with no other help with it as a man, at least you're not going to see a ton of muscle gain as woman.

00:10:24:08 - 00:10:54:11


You'll see more, but it's not going to be like the make or break difference of you going from bikini to women's physique because of growth hormone. I view growth hormone in women as a fat oxidizer. Really healthy for collagen synthesis and just overall anti-aging, which has amazing benefit for everything inside of our body, including your external appearance. Now women are more prone to osteoporosis after 30, but it doesn't fully manifest until age 40.

00:10:54:11 - 00:11:19:11


So if you are over the age of 30, I think taking calcium citrate, which doesn't have to be consumed with meals as other type of calcium supplements do, about 1000 milligrams a day can really inhibit you from getting to that osteoporosis. This metric of losing bone density, you don't want to do that. It's very uncomfortable. And I highly recommend for women over 30 to do this.

00:11:19:13 - 00:11:46:08


Sufficient vitamin D is important for literally every human being on the planet. I feel like I've talked about that a ton, but it does also help with calcium metabolism. So if I'm in de K2 plus calcium citrate, very beneficial dietary fat women need to consume dietary fat for the same reasons men do sex hormone synthesis. But also you need to help absorb fat soluble nutrients.

00:11:46:08 - 00:12:11:00


Vitamin A head K most women are progesterone deficient. If you're progesterone deficient, you're going to be vitamin D deficient. Those who go hand in hand as vibrant is a precursor to progesterone synthesis and a female's body, and also a male body. Fat intake is very important because it helps maintain normal monthly cycles. Suggested intake I have for women is really I like 35% of the daily caloric intake.

00:12:11:01 - 00:12:35:10


Being from fat. Obviously in a prep can get down lower in someone who's not enhanced. I don't think I'd really go below 25%. Women who are not enhanced need to prep much longer, women who are enhanced. But I like long preps anyways. If there's just a fat loss phase the first month of a fat loss, Vegas kind of getting into it and kind of getting the wheels turning forward for a female for a male says about the first two weeks.

00:12:35:11 - 00:12:58:17


And then after that we really start getting after it. For men, few ingest less than 20% of fat. Your testosterone production is going to be pretty much blunted. And there's really a discrepancy between omega six and a mega three fats, polyunsaturated fats, mostly omega six fats. We need to have a healthy ratio between the three and the sex.

00:12:58:19 - 00:13:25:05


As if the sex is too high. There's going to be negative repercussions, such as high inflammatory markers. Now, omega three, the type is listed as essential is offline ala of linoleic acid, but it's not the most active form of omega three. DHEA and EPA like what's found in krill oil. I love krill oil over fish oil because there's also great choline effects from krill oil.

00:13:25:05 - 00:13:49:12


And also I find it to be a little bit better quality, show better changes in biomarkers with my clients. But regardless, women are more efficient than men in converting ALA into DHEA. Again, not 100% sure. The reason why I think this is just an evolutionary process that is an essential brain component is 40% of the fat in the brain is DHEA.

00:13:49:14 - 00:14:22:14


So for women to be able to probably produce a fetus DHEA for brain formation, that's probably why females body better converts ala into DHEA. The men do Now many women suffer from painful menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is what this is called primary cause of painful cramps, an imbalance between anti-inflammatory and mega three and inflammatory omega six fatty acids. So if we increase intake of omega three, then we can displace the omega six and we can relieve this problem for most people.

00:14:22:14 - 00:15:04:11


Again, krill oil is nearly an essential supplement, in my opinion. For women who experience Dysmenorrhea omega three can improve fertility in women at age childbirth because it promotes increased blood flow within the uterus. But get this a woman who supplements omega three during pregnancy lowers the risk of premature birth by altering the balance of DHEA. I'm sorry Omega six is producer in labor and can promote fetal growth by improving placental blood flow, having helpful amounts of omega three to Mega six literally as a pregnant woman will increase the chance that the fetus is healthy.

00:15:04:13 - 00:15:32:20


You have an ACL because of how females bodies oxidize fat much greater than men, so can be a great supplement pre training as opposed to are men. I don't think there's that much of a difference in the pre training but it regardless I find the fat disposition utilization between women and men to be fascinating to me. Protein intake despite the progesterone during the luteal phase is associated with the decreased level of amino acid circulating in the blood.

00:15:32:22 - 00:16:06:04


Progesterone promotes a thickening of the endometrial lining or the lining of the uterus and repair for pregnancy low progesterone for a long period of time. Looking at you guys, hormonal birth control advocates exponentially increases the chance of endometriosis, which is extreme thinning of the enemy's hair, aligning for the light of the uterus. But this process of thickening the lining takes up a considerable amount of protein and therefore amino acids in the process.

00:16:06:06 - 00:16:26:21


Even when women exercise, they're in the middle of the or phase their cycle. 24 They burn a great amount of protein. What this means that it would be prudent for women to increase their protein intake at that point of the cycle. I don't think we need to get in the weeds with this. Like here's a menstrual cycle diet, Here's or here's the luteal phase diet.

00:16:26:21 - 00:16:51:03


His middle luteal Phase II is a follicular phase that I don't. Can we just keep producing around 1.3, 1.5 grams per pound of lean body mass? If so, they'll be pretty good there. If you take that high, someone has digestive distress. Add in apple cider vinegar to help with the breakdown out and betaine ecl is that is hydrochloric acid in the body and that'll help with the breakdown.

00:16:51:05 - 00:17:19:08


But typically if you see a high protein intake calls problems, you'll see lower B12 in those women because they're simply not breaking down the B12 that you're consuming with the diet. I believe protein should be spread out today, 4 to 5 intakes from different animal proteins. Hydrolyzed whey is going to be really good for muscle building and recovery also so that the female's body can just simply do what it needs to do through all phases of the cycle.

00:17:19:10 - 00:17:42:21


I like hydrolyzed Whey lactose has been removed. Most women struggle with dairy breakdown and women are terrified of acne, rightfully so. It's a massive drain on your confidence as a female. So if we can stay away from the westernized A1 dairy that we have circulated America, I think we're going to be a better spot. My goal of this podcast was to give you great insight on the dieting differences between men and women.

00:17:42:21 - 00:17:50:08


I hope that was accomplished. If it was, share this with your friends. Subscribe to the Substack and I've got much more coming. I'll see you next time.

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